Netlix Flashcards
Kapacita pre sucit
Capacity for compassion
Maslovy puding
Butterscotch pudding
to not be interested in something because you have more important, interesting, or profitable things to do.
We have bigger fish to fry
Mala stikutka
Little hiccup (hikap)
pokiaľ si sa sem neprišiel radovať (skodoradodtne)
unless you came here to gloat
Nehnevaj sa na mna
Don’t be shitty with me
Nemam velku moralku
I do not have a moral high ground
Prekonaj sa
Get over yourself
Mas moznost zvladnut nieco inak (nez vezme zvladas)
You have a chance to handle something differently
Mrzuty sebaspravodlivy cierny kus mramoru
Sulky (salki) self righteous black block of marble
Wild boar
Nikdy nenosim kozu
I never wear pleather (pledr)
Kopem ta
I dig you