Ester Perel Podcast Flashcards
Zdroj nespokojnosti
Source of discontent
Neschopny/nekompetentny a arogantny zaroven
Incompetent and arrogant at the same time
Je to jedno alebo druhe
It’s either one or the other
Identifikacne charakteristiky
Identifying characteristics
Podpora pochadza od…
Support comes from…
Zdravotny plan
Health plan
Preskocit tieto prekazky/tazkosti
Jump over those hurdles
Objednat sa k lekarovi
Book appointment with doctor
Aplikacia ta prevedie vsetkymi moznostami
Application will Guide you through all the options
Dat dokopy/ zhromazdit si zakladne info
Gather the basics
…aby sme mohli zacat
In order to begin
Tu je to co som vybrala
This is what I picked up
Kariera na vzostupe
Raising career
Partner(ka) v zmysle manzel Manzelka
Spouse (spaus)
Rusive myslienky
Intrusive thoughts
Vnutorne hlasy v mojej hlave
Internal voice in my head
Mala by som ho podviest
I should cheat on him
Nikdy som podla toho nekonala/ nerobila
I never acted on this
Co ta primelo k tomu Aby si poslala svoju otazku
What let you to sending the question?
Sexualna vychova
Sexual upbringing
Nachylnejsi na neveru
More prone to infidelity
Pochybnost spociva v tom, Ze si nikdy nemala ineho tak ako Mozes vediet
The doubt about this is because you never had another so how could you know
Definicie inych ludi
Others people definitions
Neskrotne srdce
Untamed heart
Scarcity (skersidy)
Ucet na sporenie
Savings account
Najvzacnejsi dar
The most valuable gift
Husia koza
Byt otvoreni kritike, nematiu ziadnych istot
To open yourself up to criticism, to not having any guarantees
Carving up
Cas davkovania
Batching time
Pravidelne rutiny
Habitual routines
Zauzivane rutiny/navyky
Habitual (habičjual) routines
Moje klby su pruzne
my joints are supple
Otter (odr)
Aky zivot chces ?
What kind of life you want?
Vyskusat nieco
Give it a go
Riesit velke vyzvy
Tackle the big challenges
Moja prace je velmi pestra
Job is super varied
Nadobudnute vedomosti
acquired knowledge
Zasadit semiacka ( aj prenesene- zapocat nejaky novy proces)
Plant a seeds
Messy person
Robustnist, pevnost
Sucit a uznanie
Empathy and validation
Hranice su nieco co my robime a od toho druheho vyzaduje robit nic
Boundaries are something that we do and requires other do nothing
Keď máš rád kvet, odtrhneš si ho
When you like a flower you pluck it
Tuzime po laske
We long for love
Príťažlivosť nakoniec vyhasne (vyprcha)
Attraction eventually withers
Dame kvetine slnecne svetlo,, podu a vodu
We give the flower sunlight, soil and water.
Naplno zazit jeho krasu- ceratvost, farbu, vonu, kvety
Fully experience its beauty -freshness, the color, the scent, the bloom
Jemný detail na každom okvetnom lístku
Delicate detail on each petal
Reaguje na rocne obdobia
It responds to the season
Udrzat nazive pomocou konzistentnej opatery a pozornosti
To keep it alive through consistent care and attention
Najma si zmysel ludskeho zivota je milovat a byt milovany
The greatest pursuit of human life is to love and to be loved