Nervous System: PNS Flashcards
Cauda Equina
Nerve starting at lower end of SC and its spinal nerves
Spinal Nerve
- Made up of a ventral & dorsal root
Ventral Root
Contains only MOTOR neurons (from SC)
Dorsal Root
Contains only SENSORY neurons (to SC)
Spinal nerves split into what?
Rami (Ramus)
Dorsal Ramus
- Goes projects to back of body
- Collects info from muscles/skin, sends info to muscles/skin
Ventral Ramus
- Projects to front of body
- Connect to muscles & glands
Sensory neuron cell bodies
Nerve Plexus: What is it?
Group of nerves travelling to/from same direction
Nerve Plexus: Types
- Cervical Plexus
- Brachial Plexus
- Lumbar Plexus
- Sacral Plexus
Cervical Plexus
Innervate muscle/skin of neck, upper shoulders
Brachial Plexus
Innervate entire arm
Lumbar Plexus
Innervate thigh/leg via femoral nerve
Sacral Plexus
Innervate skin of leg/foot
Phrenic Nerves: R & L
- Comes from cervical plexus
- Important in controlling diaphragm
Dermatomes (skin) good to determine SC injury
- Sensory neurons (project into SC)