nervous system Flashcards
Central Nervous system (CNS)
Brain and Spinal Cord (protected by skull and spinal column)
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Cranial and Spinal nerves (somatic) and autonomic nervous system.
cerebral hemisphere aka forebrain
Outer gray matter (neocortex) and inner white matter. Neocortex deals with memory and consciousness. Olfactory bulb (sense of smell) is also on the forebrain.
mesencephalon aka midbrain
visual, auditory and also olfactory information. Controls hindbrain sensors.
cerebellum and mudulla oblongata
hind brain, the cerebellum coordinates and regulates motor activities. Medulla Oblongata and Pons control breathing and are linked to emotional and behavioral responses.
olafactory nerve
nerve 1, sensory only, aids in olfaction (smell)
optic nerve
nerve 2, sensory only, aids in vision
oculomotor nerve
nerve 3, sensory and motor, serves the muscles of the eye
trochlear nerve
nerve 4, sensory and motor, serves the superior oblique eye muscles
trigeminal nerve
nerve 5, sensory and motor, sensory from face and mouth, responsible for the action of mastication
abducens nerve
nerve 6, motor and sensory, serves the lateral rectus eye muscle
facial nerve
nerve 7, motor and sensory, serves the muscles of facial expression, lacrimal glands and salivary glands
vestibulocochlear nerve
nerve 8, sensory only, hearing and equilibrium
glossopharyngeal nerve
nerve 9, motor and sensory, serves the pharynx for swallowing, posterior 3rd of the tongue and parotid salivary gland
vagus nerve
nerve 10, motor and sensory, sensation of visceral organs, and parasympathetic regulation of visceral organs
accessory nerve
nerve 11, motor and sensory, serves muscles that move the head, neck and shoulder
hypoglossal nerve
nerve 12, motor and sensory, serves muscles of the tongue
spinal cord makeup
Made up of bundles of nerve fibers, carrying messages to and from the brain. Provides a link between the brain and PNS. Spinal cord also has white and gray matter, but white is on outside and gray on inside. Brain and spinal cord are encased in meninges and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which provides nutrients to CNS.
start/end of spinal cord
No clear demarcation between medulla oblongata and spinal cord. It is referred to spinal cord as starting at the foramen magnum and ending at the sacrum
nerve pathways cross
left hemisphere of brain controls movement on right hand side of body and vice versa.
3 layers of meninges
Dura mater: outermost meninx, fibrous in consistency
Arachnoid: intermediate meninx (subarachnoid space contains CSF) Pia mater: thinnest meninx, closest to brain or spinal cord.
somatic system
voluntary system, part of the PNS, sends sensory information via sensory nerves (afferent going to brain) and receives motor information via motor nerves (efferent coming from brain to muscles).
autonomic system
controls body’s involuntary activities such as heart rate, gut movements, sweating, etc. Further divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
sympathetic nervous system
involved with fear/fight/flight responses (increase heart rate,
increase blood pressure, dry mouth, sweat, dilate pupils, dilate bronchioles, slows gut
movements, contracts anal and bladder sphincter).
parasympathetic nervous system
involuntary functions (digestive, basal heart rate, basal respiratory rate, gland secretions, etc).
spinal nerves
8 cervical, 18 thoracic, 6 lumbar, 5 sacral, 5 coccygeal