Nervous System Flashcards
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
occurs when the brain is damaged by disruption in the flow of blood to a part of the brain (embolic) or by bleeding inside the head (hemorrhagic)
severe headache, aphasia, dysphagia, weakness/numbness of the face, confusion, loss of balance
usually result from atherosclerosis and hypertension
treatment = anticoagulants, surgery, antiarrhythmic drug
Transient ischemic attach
temporary episodes of impaired neurologic function caused by inadequate blood flow
weakness and numbness down one side of the body, generally conscious, recurrent episodes
most common cause is atherosclerosis, however does not cause permanent damage to brain tissue
treatment = anticoagulants, aspirin, surgery
Epidural and subdural hematomas
collection or mass of blood that forms between the skull and the dura mater, or between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane
sudden headache, dilated pupils, drowsiness, unconscious, coma, death
results when blood from ruptured vessels seeps into layer, generally due to head trauma
treatment = craniotomy, cranial trephination
Cerebral concussion
possible bruising of cerebral tissue caused by back and forth movement of the head
loss of consciousness, amnesia, shallow respirations, headache, decreased levels of concentration
results from injury with a blunt object
treatment = quiet bed rest
Cerebral contusion
injury to the brain involving tissue along or beneath surface of the brain
range from temporary loss of consciousness to coma, severe headache, permanent damage to the brain from hematomas
caused by a blow to the head, often associated with skull fracture, physical abuse
treatment = hospitalization
Depressed skull fracture
fractured skull occurs with a break in the bones of the cranium, bones pushed below normal surface of the skull
bone fragments may cause hemiplegia, epilepsy, bleeding, change in pupils, bruising behind ears
due to impact on the skull, abuse
treatment = craniotomy, head protection
Paraplegia and quadriplegia
affects the innervation any spinal cords distal to the point of insult
paraplegia = loss of nerve function below waist
quadriplegia = loss of nerve function at the cervical region
leads to loss of motor control, bowel, bladder function, hypertension, paralysis
due to vertebral fractures/dislocations from trauma
treatment = restoration of normal alignment, surgery
Degenerative disk disease
degeneration/deterioration of disk is a natural part of aging
results in pain radiating down nerve path, some numbness and tingling
as a person ages, water in the disk decreases, constant wearing of the disk
treatment = activity, analgesics, oral steroids, physical therapy
Herniated and bulging disk
ruptured/slipped disk, rupture of the nucleus pulposus through the annular wall of the disk (shock-absorbing cushions)
the protrusion affects the spinal cord, causing severe back pain, muscle weakness
treatment = hot or cold packs, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, surgery
Sciatic nerve injury
narrowing of the spinal canal or root foramen, compression on the spinal cord
pain continuous or intermittent, severe disability, numbness, reflexes are asymmetric
results from fall, poor body mechanics, gunshot or stab wounds, aging process
treatment = physical therapy, massage, exercise program, drug therapy
pain in the head not confined to any one specific nerve area
acute or chronic, in the frontal, temporal or occipital regions
brain tissues do not contain sensory nerves, but meninges do
cluster headaches = specific disease, develop around eye, generally occurs at night and in males
factors = stress, too little or too much sleep, noisy environment, strain on facial muscles, edema within blood vessels
treatment = analgesics, muscle relaxants, relaxation
periodic severe headaches that can be completely incapacitating
accompanied with nausea, vomiting, anorexia, have visual auras
become less frequent with age, more often in women
treatment = bed rest, drug therapy
Epilepsy/a seizure disorder
chronic brain disorder, sudden episodes of abnormal electrical activity
partial seizures = localized area, amnesia, twitching
petit mal = absence seizures
grand mal = loss of consciousness, muscle spasms
associated with TIA and CVAs, birth trauma, drug toxicity
treatment = anticonvulsant medications
Parkinson’s disease
common, progressive, neurological disorder
tremor of thumb and forefinger, muscular rigidity, slowness of movement, changes in behaviour and mental activity
due to deficiency of dopamine
treatment = drugs, antidepressants, physical therapy, deep brain stimulation
Huntington’s chorea
hereditary degenerative disease of the cerebral cortex, atrophy of the brain
loss of musculoskeletal control, difficulty in swallowing, personality changes
autosomal dominant
treatment = physical, occupational, speech therapy
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
progressive motor neuron disease resulting in muscular atrophy
fasciculations and atrophy and weakness noted in forearms and hands
autosomal inherited, more common in men after 50-60 years of age
treatment = supportive measures, drug therapy
Restless legs syndrome
neurologic condition with urge to move legs due to itching/burning/crawling sensations
usually occur at night, or during long period of sitting
increases with age, related to anemia
treatment = drug therapy, regular exercise, cold applications
Transient global amnesia
temporary total recent memory loss, confusion
usually encompasses preceding 3-5 years and specific events
factors = stress, swimming in cold water, migraine headaches
treatment = supportive therapy
Peripheral neuritis/neuropathy
degeneration of the peripheral nerves, affecting distal muscles of the extremities
clumsiness, loss of sensation, reflexes become diminished
factors = alcohol intoxication, toxic substances, infectious diseases
treatment = remove toxic substances, supportive measures
Trigeminal neuralgia
pain in the area innervated by the trigeminal nerve
excruciating pain in eye and forehead, pain is unilateral, poor sleep
cause is unknown
treatment = analgesics, anticonvulsants
Bell’s palsy
disorder of the facial nerve causing sudden onset of weakness or paralysis of facial muscles
variety in severity, pain behind ear, inability to pen/close eye, drooping of mouth
cause = blockage of impulses from facial nerve, some percentage of people with Lyme disease
treatment = warm/moist heat, massage, facial exercises
inflammation of meninges, membranous coverings of brain and spinal cord
vomiting, headache, seizures, drowsiness, nuchal rigidity
can be bacterial or viral, can originate from brain or sinuses, or during open head injuries
treatment = IV antibiotics, anticonvulsants
inflammation of brain tissue
headache, elevated temperature, stiffness in neck and back, mental confusion
leads to cerebral edema, caused by viruses from chicken pox/measles/mumps
due to bite from infected mosquito
treatment = antiviral agents, analgesics
Guillain-Barré syndrome
acute, progressive disease of the spinal nerves
numbness and tingling of feet, increasing pain and tenderness, ascending paralysis
treatment = hospitalization, supportive treatment
Brain abscess
collection of pus occurring anywhere in the brain tissue
headache, increased intracranial pressure, visual disturbances
may be result of infection or secondary to infections elsewhere
treatment = IV antibiotics, surgical drainage
Poliomyelitis and postpolio syndrome
viral infection of the anterior horn cells of gray matter of the spinal cord, causes destruction of motor neurons
low grade fever, discharge from nose, atrophy of muscles, decreased reflexes
occurrance is rare due to vaccines, enters through nose and throat
treatment = analgesics, bed rest, physical therapy
Brain tumors
primary tumors, neoplasms, secondary tumors
progressive neurologic deficits, herniation, headache, seizures, cognitive dysfunction
classified according to predominant cell type, greater in industrialized countries
treatment = surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy