Nervous System Flashcards
Organs of the central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
Main functions of the nervous system
collect, process, evaluate and respond to information
Sensory vs. motor nervous system
sensory: input, PNS (receptors) to CNS,
motor: output, CNS to PNS (muscles or glands)
Somatic vs. visceral sensory systems
somatic: voluntary; senses from skin, fascia, joints, and skeletal muscle; sense touch, temperature, pain, proprioception, pressure, vibration, special senses
visceral: involuntary; senses from blood vessels and organs; sense temperature and stretch
Somatic vs. autonomic motor systems
somatic: voluntary; innervates skeletal muscle; motor fibers are one cell
autonomic: involuntary; innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands; two divisions-sympathetic and parasympathetic; motor fibers are two cells
Three characteristics of all neurons
extreme longevity, nonmitotic, high metabolic rate
Nissl bodies
granular bodies in neurons made of rough ER and free ribosomes for protein synthesis
Five common features of neurons
soma/cell body, dendrites, axon hillock, axon, terminal boutons
Most sensory neurons are this structural “polarity”
Most uncommon neuron “polarity”, found in olfactory epithelium and the retina
bipolar - one axon and one dendrite
Afferent neurons
sensory neurons going to or “arriving” at CNS, mostly unipolar with cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
Efferent neurons
motor neurons going away from CNS to muscles/glands; all multipolar with cell bodies mostly in spinal cord
99% of all neurons
tumor of glial cells that have lost their ability to control cell division
in CNS
most abundant glial cells that support neurons by filtering nutrients and waste from capillaries
form blood-brain barrier
Ependymal cells
in CNS
epithelial cells with no BM
line ventricles of brain and central canal of spinal cord
have cilia to circulate CSF and microvilli to help produce CSF
Microglial cells
in CNS
normally small, but become phagocytic when activated to defend against foreign invaders
in CNS
myelinate axons
each can wrap around multiple axons
Neurolemmocytes/Schwann cells
in PNS
myelinated axons
Satellite cells
in PNS
flat cells around sensory cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia to protect, provide structure, regulate nutrients
Purpose of myelin
high lipid content insulates axon allowing action potential to conduct faster (AP doesn’t have to travel along entire membrane but jumps from gap in sheath to next gap
Gaps in the myelin sheat
Nodes of Ranvier
Three CT wrappings of nerves
endoneurium: around single axon/nerve fiber
perineurium: around bundle of axons/fascicles
epineurium: around bundle of fascicles and blood vessels/nerve
Gray matter
collection of nerve cell bodies, dendrites, glial cells and unmyelinated axons (mainly cell bodies and interneurons)
called ganglia in PNS and nuclei in CNS
White matter
collection of myelinated axons
called nerve in PNS and tract in CNS
Three types of synapses
axodendritic: axon terminal bouton to dendrite (most common)
axosomatic: axon terminal bouton to cell body of neuron
axoaxonic: axon terminal bouton to terminal bouton of another axon (least common)
Results of sympathetic nervous system activation
"fight or flight" pupils dilate heart rate, blood pressure increase blood to skeletal muscle thoracic/lumbar
Results of parasympathetic nervous system activation
"rest and digest" pupils constrict heart rate and blood pressure decrease blood to digestive organs cranial/sacral
Three locations of sympathetic ganglia
paravertebral chain: short pre- and long postganglionic fibers
Main parasympathetic nerves
cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X
(ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, otic ganglia)
pelvic splanchnic nerves