Nervous system Flashcards
what are the two parts/regions of the nervous system
central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system
brain and spinal cord
all body nerves
three layers of protective membrane surrounding the brian and spinal cord
cerebrail fluid
- circulates between the menings of the brain and through the spinal cords
- acts as a shock absorber and transport medium for nutrients
spinal cord
extension of the brain
- carries sensory nerve messages from receptors to the brian and relays motor nerve messages from the brain to muscles, organs, and glands
where does the spinal cord connect to the brain
through a hole at the bottom of the skull called the foramen magnum this region is also know as the brain stem
number of hemispheres in the brain
what seperates to hemispheres of the brain
sagittal crest
what is the right side of the brain responsible for
visual patterns, spacial awarness, and artistic skills
what is the left side of the brain responsible for
verbal skills, deductive reasoning, logic and mathmatics
number of lobes found within the brain
- 4 lobes in each hemisphere
- one of each type of lobe in both halfs of the brain
frontal lobe
movement, speech, personality, reasoning, planning, decision making
temproal lobe
hearing, language, memory
occipital lobe
visual interpretation
parietal lobe
pain, touch, temp, position, emotions
what are the 4 types of lobes found within the brain
frontol, temprol, occipital and parietal lobe
three regions of the brain
forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
olfactory, cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus
- front, top and middle of the brain
- occupies around 75% of the brain
eye and ear reflexes
cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata
fine motor movement and balance
pelay station that passes information
medulla oblengata
controls key muscle functions (breathing)
corpus callosum
connects the two hemispheres which allows information to be passed back and forth
coordinates and interprets sensory information and directs it to the cerebrum
regualtes emotions and memory of emotions
responsible for our emotional response to everyday life
- can be effected by genetics (autism)
nerves assosiated with PNS
somatic and auronomic nerves
somatic nerves
controls skeletal muscles, bones and skin
autonomic nerves
controls internal organs
autonomic nervous system
Made up of two distinct units: sympathetic and parasympathetic
- Sympathetic system prepares the body for stress
Increase heart rate, release glucose, dilated pupils, increase blood flow - Parasympathetic system restore the bodies normal balance (negative feedback loop)
Decreased heart rate, stores glucose, constricts pupils, decreases blood flow