Nervous III (3-D Brain Model) Flashcards
Somatomotor Cortex
precentral gryrus-motor function
Somatosensory Cortex
postcentral gyrus-sensory function
Frontal Lobe
higher order functions (thinking), motor function
Temporal Lobe
learning and memory, limbic system (emotion), auditory
Parietal Lobe
sensory integration
Occipital Lobe
motor function
Central Sulcus
between precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus
Lateral Cerebral Sulcus
Sylvian fissure
Cingulate Gyrus
limbic system (emotions)
Body of Corpus Callosum
connection between right and left cerebral hemispheres
Genu of Corpus Callosum
connection between right and left cerebral hemispheres
Splenium of Corpus Callosum
connection between right and left cerebral hemispheres
Septum Pellucidum
medial wall of lateral ventricle
Body of Fornix
connection between hippocampus and many limbic structures
Anterior Commissure (think of bridge)
connection between right and left cerebral hemispheres
Massa Intermedia
connects left and right thalamus
sensory input to cerebrum (except smell)
autonomic nervous system, neuroendocrine
Optic Chiasma
crossing of optic nerves
Pineal Gland
circadian rhythm, secretes the hormone melatonin
Fourth Ventricle
contains cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) produced in choroids plexus
Arbor Vitae of Cerebellum
white matter
Vermis of Cerebellum
connects cerebellar hemispheres
Medulla Oblongata
cardiovascular and respiratory regulation
links cerebellum w/ structures above the pons (mesencephalon, diencephalons, and cerebrum) and below the pons (medulla and spinal cord)
connects forebrain and hindbrain
Corpus Callosum
connection between right and left cerebral hemispheres
Lateral Ventricle (anterior horn)
choroid plexus and CSF production
Olfactory Tract (cranial nerve I)
Basal Ganglia
motor function
Longitudinal Fissure
groove that separates the cerebral hemispheres
Optic Tract and Nerve (cranial nerve II)
visual system
Cavity of Third Ventricle
CSF produced in choroid plexus
Oculomotor Nerve (cranial nerve III)
eye muscles
Pituitary Gland
neuroendocrine function
Trochlear Nerve (cranial nerve IV)
eye muscles
Trigeminal Nerve (cranial nerve V)
Abducens Nerve (cranial nerve VI)
eye muscles
Facial Nerve (cranial nerve VII)
facial muscles, taste
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (cranial nerve VIII)
hearing and equilibrium
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (cranial nerve IX)
Vagus Nerve (cranial nerve X)
Accessory Nerve (cranial nerve XI)
neck muscles
Hypoglossal Nerve (cranial nerve XII)
tongue muscles
inferior olivary nucleus, connections w/ cerebellum