Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Action Flashcards
orbicularis occuli
O: lacrimal, frontal and maxilla
I: eyelids
A: close eye, wink
orbicularis oris
I: lips
A: pucker lips
O: clavicle and sternum
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
A: flex neck, bend, and turn head
latissimus dorsi
O: thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, ribs 8-12
I: humerus
A: extension of shoulder, adduction of arm
O: clavicle and scapula
I: humerus (deltoid tuberosity)
A: abduction of shoulder, flexion and extension of shoulder
pectoralis major
O: ribs 2-6
I: humerus
A: flexion of shoulder, adduction of arm
rectus abdominis
O: pubic bone
I: ribs 5-7, xiphoid process
A: flexion of spine
triceps brachii
O: humerus
I: ulna (olecranon)
A: extension of elbow
biceps brachii
O: scapula
I: radius
A: flexion of elbow
O: humerus
I: radius
A: flexion of elbow
rectus femoris (quadriceps)
O: ilium
I: tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A: extension of knee, flexion of hip
vastus medialis (quadriceps)
O: femur
I: tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A: extension knee
vastus lateralis (quadriceps)
O: greater trochanter of femur
I: tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A: extension of knee
biceps femoris (hamstrings)
O: ischial tuberosity, femur
I: fibula, tibia
A: flexion of knee, extension of hip
semitendiosus (hamstrings)
O: ischial tuberosity
I: tibia
A: flexion of knee, extension of hip
semimembranosus (hamstrings)
O: ischial tuberosity
I: tibia
A: flexion fo knee, extension of hip
O: femoral condyles, femur (distal)
I: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
A: plantar flexion of foot at ankle
O: fibula, tibia
I: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
A: plantar flexion of foot at ankle
tibialis anterior
O: tibia
I: 1st metatarsal and cuneiform
A: dorsiflexion of foot at ankle