Nerves - Oral Cavity Flashcards
Cranial Nerve V:
Trigeminal nerve
Cranial Nerve VII:
Facial nerve
Cranial Nerve IX:
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Cranial Nerve XII:
Hypoglossal nerve
Trigeminal Nerve
Fifth Cranial Nerve
Afferent (sensory = “I feel, taste”) • Efferent (motor; make it “move”) • Secretory (to glands: salivary)
• Proprioceptive receptors provide sense of position as in periodontal ligaments and TMJ
Originates in the Trigeminal ganglion
• Three divisions:
3 Divisions of trigeminal nerve
Division I = ophthalmic (not to mouth)
– Division II = maxillary (to all maxillary teeth)
– Division III = mandibular (to all mandibular teeth and muscles of mastication)
Sense of position or proprioception
Proprioceptive receptors in muscles and ligaments (including the periodontal ligament) provide the brain info of position of teeth and mandible at all times) Division I and II
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V): Division I (Ophthalmic Nerve)
Exitscraniumvia superior orbital fissure (sphenoid) to upper third of face, eye ball, superior eyelid, nose, maxillary sinus forehead, and scalp
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V): Division II (Maxillary Nerve)
Exitscraniumviaforamenrotundum (sphenoid) into the pterygopalatine space
First Branch: Pterygopalatine Branch
b. Second Branch: Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA) Nerve
c. ThirdBranch:Infraorbital Nerve
d. Fourth Branch: Zygomatic Nerve
Maxillary Division II: Pterygopalatine Branches
Descending palatine- Greater palatine branch goes to mucosa of posterior two-thirds of hard palate and gingiva
• Nasopalatinebranch goes to anterior one- third of hard palate
• Middle and Posterior or Lesser palatine branch goes to tonsils and soft palate
enters palate through greater palatine foramen
enters palate through incisive foramen
MiddleandPosterior palatine
enters through lesser palatine foramina
Posterior Superior Alveolar PSA nerve
PSAseparatesfromthe maxillary nerve before its entry into the infraorbital fissure. Enters the maxillae behind and above third molars through alveolar canals
• Goestomaxillary molars: pulps, ligaments, alveolar bone, facial gingiva
• Passagewayseen behind maxillae
Infraorbital Branch
While in infraorbital canal, gives off MSA (middle superior alveolar) branches to premolar
pulps and mesiobuccal root max 1 molar as well as facial gingiva, bone and ligament and ASA (anterior superior alveolar) branches to anterior teeth, facial gingiva, part of sinus etc.
Goesthrough infraorbital canal (roof of maxillary sinus) giving off ASA, MSA
• Terminal branches out of infraorbital foramen to upper lip, nose etc.
Zygomatic Branch
Supplies skin of temporal and orbit region (not to mouth)
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V): Division III (Mandibular Nerve)
a. Auriculotemporal Nerve
b. Buccal (or Long Buccal or Buccinator) Nerve c. Lingual Nerve
d. Inferior Alveolar Nerve
Exitscraniumvia foramen ovale
Auriculotemporal Branch mand div 3
- Provides sensation to outer ear and skin of the face anterior to the ear
- ProvidesproprioceptiontoTMJ
Buccal Nerve Branch Mand div 3
Goesthrough infratemporal space (between heads of lateral pterygoid muscles) to buccal gingiva of molars and premolars (and buccal mucosa and skin of cheeks up to corner of mouth (commissure )
Goes lateral to ramus, to cheek and mucosa/gingiva next to molars
Mandibular Division II: Lingual Nerve Branch
Passesmedialtoramus but lateral to medial pterygoid muscles
• Generalsensationto anterior two-thirds of tongue and lingual gingiva in mandible
Passesmedialtoramus but lateral to medial pterygoid muscles