Nephrology Flashcards
What are 7 characteristics of nephritic syndrome?
Azotaemia (elevated blood nitrogen levels)
Red blood cell casts
Anti-streptolysin O titres (ASOT) if post-streptococcal infection
Oliguria (output
What are the characterisitics of nephrotic syndrome?
Proteinuria >3.5g/d Edema Hypoabluminemia (edema, ascites, pleural effusions) Hyperlipidemia Hypercoagulability (DVT/PE)
What are 4 risk factors for contrast induced nephropathy?
Age >60 Preexisting renal insufficiency Diabetes mellitus Multiple myeloma Volume depletion Higher doses of contrast material
What are 3 potential strategies to reduce CIN? (contrast induced nephropathy)
- Volume rehydration (Best bet)
- N-acetylcysteine (Not clear if works)
- Sodium bicarbonate (No benefit over NS)
List management options directed at the qualitative platelet defect of uremia/acute renal failure causing prolonged bleeding time.
- Cryopercipitate 10U IV
- 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP)
What are 5 indications for emergency dialysis?
Acidosis not ameanable to medical therapy
Electrolyte disturbances, life threatening and not correctable
Intoxicants (Salicylates MeOH, EG, Lithium, Theophylline, VPA)
Overloaded - volume
Uremia (Pericarditis / Pericardial effusion)
HTN emergency