Neoplasia & its genetics, naming and grading tumors and CA Tx Flashcards
abnormal cell growth and differentiation
whats a neoplasm
a tumor aka irreversible growth or abnormal mass
__ gene causes apoptosis when Dna is damaged
when would this occur?
what percentage of cancers have a defect in this gene
occurs when:
-the cell has lived to a certain age
- cell has divided a certain number of times
-cell or its organelles are damages
50% of cancers have defect in this gene
Dna repair genes =
they repair altered genes
like spell checkers for the sequence of nitrogenous bases
What are the go genes and the stop genes called?
go=proto oncogenes
stop=tumor suppressor genes
how do proto oncogenes affct cells
they inc cell division
by producing growth proteins and enhancing cell division
how does a tumor suppressor gene work?
what would happen if it mutated?
it dec cell division
-if mutated it would lead to the cell having uninhibited division and inc growth
naming tumors:
benign suffix =
if malignant and epithelial in origin=
if malignant and mesenchymal in origin=
carcinomas may arise from what tye of tissue? examples
if it is squamous columnar or cuboidal in origin
exmples of mesenchymal tumors
what types of tissue or organs are mesenchymal
what is mesenchyme?
cancellous bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, vascular, or hematopoietic tissues
mesenchyme is embryonic tissue?
benign tumor
does it stop
diff or undifferentiated cells
invasive or no
- uncontrolle slow growth (thsts faster than normal cells)
- may stop or regress
- differentiated cells
- non-invasive. they take up space but arent invasive compared to malignant tumor
malignant tumor
- disorderly, rapid growth
- poorly differentiated cells
- invasive and damaging (grow continuously)
cancer arises due to_____
mutated genes
eg smoking alters gene that regulates growth
how many malignant tumors does a cancer pt have
at least one
mode of growth of malignant neoplasm
grows by invasion
send out processes that infiltrate surrounding tissue
cell characteristics of malignant neoplasm
- undifferentiated
- anaplasia
- atypical structure often very different from tissue of origin
mode of growth for benign neplasm
grows by expansion without invasion
-usually encapsulated
how does a malignant neoplasm spread
it gains access to blood and lymph to metastasize
benign bone tumor=
malignant “”=
benign glandular epithelium tumor=
malignant nerve cell=
benign striated muscle=
malignant smooth musce tumor=
how often do tumors double in size?
every 100 days
when can a tumor be clinically palpated
how many cells are present at this time
once 1cm
1000000000 cells
3 methods of spread of tumors (malignant probabl?
-extension and invasion (still local)
-seeding in body cavities (no longer in site of origin)
metastasis via blood or lymph (distant spread)
what is metastasis
spread of malignant cancer cells from primary to secondary site
what are the most common sites of malignant tumor growth
in order
lymphatic tissue, then liver, lungs, bones, brain
what are the routes of spread of malignant tumors
blood and lymph
what are the requirements to become a preferred secondary site for malignant tumor growth
1=large size
2=richly perfused
how many stages are there in metastasis
-brief summary of each
Stage I
-invades loacl tissue
stage II
-emboli enter blood or lymph vessel and attach to suitable site
Stage III
-angiogenesis and cell growth at secondary site
how is stage I of metastasis accomplished
the invasion of local tissues is made possible by enzymes that break up the cementing material between cells
whats an emboli
small group of cells travelig in circulation that is unattached
stage II of metastasis
-emboli enter either blood or lmph (most will be killed by defenses but likely not all of them)
-when an area of resistance eg capillary bed is met the emboli will attach to the suitable site (tested with mediators to det suitability)
(it moves into interstitial space to grow usually it looks like?)
-the emboli produces cytokines and growth factors in order to grow
do normal cells at a secondary site become malignant
no, theyre killed off
how many tumors will the primary site have vs secondary site
Stage III of metastasis
angiogenesis and cell growth occurs at the secondary site
do all tumor cells make it to secondary site
no, some are destroyed by lymphocytes
other than traveling exposed through blood and lymph what might happen?
antitumor host cells like platelets this forms tumor emboli
whats more subjective? grading or staging?
how are tumors staged
using imaging tests
using the global tumor node metastasis (scale??what?)
is global TNM subjective?
T0-4. T0=no tumor
Tx=(not reatment)
tumor cant be assessed
tumor in situ-in its original position
regional lymph nodes
indicates extent of involvemnt NOT number of nodes
two secondary metastasis sites
M0 is probably no secondary site and M1 must be one secondary site
Tumor grading
what do some of the grades mean
scale of 1-IV
its subjective
IV=extensive spread within primary site
6 types of cancer treatment
surgery hormone therapy immunotherapy radiation chemotherapy Combination therapy =SHIRCCt shirk=to avoid or neglect try to avoid the cancer
CA Tx: how does radiation work
necrosis via:
1-free radical production
2-disruption of DNA bonds (popular method
(its diff to direct the radiation)
how does cehmotherapy work as cancer treatment
it targets cell division (also damagin normal cells eg hair and skin)
it prevents and slows the growth of cells
considerations for surgery to excise a malignant tumor
not easy to know the bounds of the tumor. Generally remove more than nec ad the lab looks at the tissue surrounding the tumor to see if tis cancer
(this is imp because pieces could brek ff and form emboli and spread or rapidly divide and cause more cancer)
immunotherapy as cancer Tx
uses cytokines and Abs
-stimulates immune response to destroy cancer cells
hormone therapy as cancer tx
for hormone responsive tumors
where are hormone responsve tumors often
in reproductive system
in hormone treatment do they give above or below normal amounts of hormones?
below. they deprive the cancer cells of the hormonal signals that otherwise would stimulate them to divide
look in boo for hormones that might be examples of hormone hterapy
if duirng cancer tx you ae using surgery then radiation this s an example of_____
combinationt herapy
problems associated with cancer treatment or therapy
normal cells