neoplasia Flashcards
how can neoplasias be surgically be treated?
-can be curative
- may be used for palitive care uses
- incomplete removal van leve invasive cells leading to neoplasia reoccurqance
what is oncology
study of tumours
what is the development of neoplasia
- DNA rearangement
-promting agents effect genes
-tumour may progess in groth rate, invassiveness, spreaed and change in biochem cahrecteristics
How is neoplasia a greater risk?
How can neoplasias be diagnosed?
- cytology
-histology - biopsys
what types of biopsies are ther?
-punch biopsy
How are neoplasias graded?
- degree of cellular differentation
- mitoyic index
- invassiveness#
-ammount of necrosis - dereeb of celular and nucluar change
How are neoplasias explained in stages?
-primary tumour (T) -maligment / invasive / infiltrating tissues
- lymph nodes (N) -physical examination/lymphnode asprates
- distant metastasis - thoratic and abdominal radiographs
How can noplasias be complicated?
– direct effects of tumour growth eg. icreased pressure0
- heamotological compliczations (e.g. oestrogen producing tumours)
-metaboloc/ endocrine complications (e.g relation to endocrine glands)
What is the most common cause of hypercalcimia in doigs?
what are the clinical sitgns of hypercalcimia?
- pu/pd
-vauge signs of illness
If untreated what can hypercalcimia cause?
-effects renal tubes
- renal damage
-affects of renal disfunction eg. dehydration
How can hypercalcimia be treated?
-fluids and diuretics
-lymphoid neoplasia - glutocorticids
-identify and treat underlying cause
What is the treatment for neoplasia -
- surgical