Infectious diseases in cats Flashcards
What is the aitology and transmission method for feline leukemia virus?
-oncornovirus causing neoplasia development
- 2-4 week incubation period
- oronasal contact with saliva/ urine
what is the mortality rate of feLV
50% in two years
80% in three years
hat are the clinical signs of Felv
- stomatitis/ gingivitis (swollen mouth)
-lymphadenopathy (swollen lymphnodes)
-oncogenisis - other typical signs of necrosis
Hoe is felv clinically diagnosed?
- eliza
-ifa (antibody check
How is felv prevented and controlled?
- shedders are a majour source of infection
- screening
- breeding queens can transmit virus to kittens
-isolating infected cats
What is the aeitology and transmission of feline immunodeficency virus?
- incubates for months
-transmitted via saliva passed in bite wonds
-infection is perminant - most die within a year
Pathogenis of fiv
- accute (4-6 weeks) = fevre, neurotrpaenia, lymphandenopathy
- asymptomatic latent =
- chronic terminal phase= final stage, cell immunity compromised, dysfunction of the immune system
what are the clinical signs of fivs
- neurological signs
lymphopaenia - chromic mouth infection
-concurrent felv
-respitory infections
-skin changes - other disease atrributes eg. pyrexia
How are fivs diagnosed?
how are fivs controlled?
- no vaccine
-keep cats indoors
What is the aietology and transmission rate of feline panleucopaenia
- feline parvovirus
-2-14 days incubation - highly contagious
- 50-90% mormidityu in untreated kittens
what is the pathogenis of fpv?
- viral replication occurs enitialy in lympoid tissue
- illnesws is subsiquent from haematogonous dissenination
-destrys rapidly deviding cells of the small intesine, lyphatic tissue and bone marrow - virus shed in feaces 4-5 days of infection
Clinical signs FPV
- abdominal pain
other disease notifies
How do yopu diagnose for fpv
- heamotology
- eliza of feacal matter
- serology
what is the treatment for fpv?
-no specific treatment
- isolation
-treatment is supportive
-antibiotics for secondary infection prevention