Neoplasia Flashcards
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are procarcinogens which require the action of hydroxylating enzymes such as aryl carbohydrate hydroxylase to become active carcinogens. These enzymes are ubiquitous, hence PAH are carcinogenic at their site of contact, but also absorbed into the blood stream and carcinogenic at distant sites e.g. kidney and bladder.
Explains why smoking tobacco is most strongly associated with carcinogenesis in tissues directly exposed such as the bronchus and larynx, smokers have a slightly increased risk of neoplasia in many other tissues.
Aromatic amines
Epidemiological studies have shown an increased risk of bladder neoplasms in workers in the rubber industry.
This has been found to be due to the aromatic amine, à-naphthylamine, which is converted into the active carcinogen 1-hydroxy-2-naphthylamine in the liver. Glucuronidation of this compound occurs in the liver, protecting the cells of the liver and other tissues from its carcinogenic effects. However, in the urinary tract, glucuronidase unconjugates the molecule, thus exposing the bladder urothelium to its carcino- genic effects.
Alkylating agents
The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can act by adding alkyl groups to DNA, hence alkylating agents such as cyclophosphamide used as chemotherapeutic agents might also be carcinogenic.
While the risk is not sufficiently strong to contraindicate their use, there is evidence that patients treated with these compounds for conditions such as Hodgkin’s disease have an increased risk of developing a different type of neoplasm later in life.
Azo dyes
These are an example of a class of compounds where recognition of their carcinogenic activity in laboratory studies has fortunately restricted their industrial use. For example, the dye dimethylaminoazobenzene causes liver cancer in rats.
Strongly carcinogenic in laboratory animals. It is not known to what extent they are carcinogenic in humans, but it is possible that generation of nitrosamines by fungi in poorly stored food could be responsible for some gastrointestinal neoplasms.
The association between asbestos and malignant mesothelioma (a neoplasm of the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal mesothelial lining) is so strong that this disease is almost unknown in individuals who have not been exposed to asbestos.
Asbestos was a widely used building material because of its fire resistance, before the health risks of asbestos exposure were known. As a result of this, the incidence of mesothelioma continues to rise despite the restrictions now placed on the use of asbestos. There is also a strong link between asbestos exposure and carcinoma of the bronchus.
The mechanism responsible for the carcinogenic effect of asbestos is not known.
Exposure to nickel is associated with an increased risk of nasal and bronchogenic carcinoma. In the setting of haemochromatosis, iron could be said to be an indirect carcinogen in the liver; however, the development of cirrhosis is required before the increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in this con- dition can be realised.
Betel nut
In some parts of Asia, betel nut chewing substitutes for tobacco smoking as the preferred local vice. It has simi- lar hazards, as it is associated with an increased risk of the development of neoplasms of the oral cavity.
H.Pylori I
Helicobacter pylori infestation is a common cause of gastritis and peptic ulceration. Chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis sometimes leads to intestinal metaplasia of the gastric mucosa. This results in the normal secretory epithelium of the gastric antrum being replaced by an epithelium with intestinal characteristics.
Sometimes this epithelium is well differentiated with a mixture of absorptive and goblet cells identical to those seen in the small intestine. In other cases the epithelium is less well differentiated, being identifiable as intestinal rather than gastric by the type of mucin that it produces. In the latter case, there is a small risk of the development of dysplasia and ultimately gastric carcinoma.
H.Pylori II
The association between Helicobacter pylori infestation and gastric carcinoma appears to be weak and presumably requires multiple cofactors. Nonetheless, this causative link has recently been confirmed in experimental animals infected with Helicobacter pylori.
There is a more direct link between Helicobacter infestation and a far less common neoplasm of the stomach, the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. It has been shown that despite having characteristics of a malignant neoplasm, such as clonality and invasiveness, MALT lymphomas sometimes regress when patients are treated with Helicobacter-eradicating antibiotics.
However, it is more likely that Helicobacter infestation represents a growth-sustaining stimulus, rather than a conventional carcinogen. These observations have led to some debate about whether MALT lymphomas are true neo- plasms or not.
Parasitic infestations
Schistosomiasis is associated with an increased risk of carcinoma of the bladder. Interestingly, Schistosomiasis-associated bladder carcinomas are squamous carcinomas, rather than transitional cell carcinomas which are the usual type of malignant neoplasm of the bladder.
Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke, is also capable of inducing neoplasia of the bile ducts in which it dwells.
Some neoplasms such as carcinomas of the breast and prostate may require the presence of hormones to maintain or promote their growth.
There are also examples of abnormal exposure to some hormones being carcinogenic. For example, anabolic and androgenic steroids can cause the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, and oestrogens are associated with hepatocellular adenomas.
Certain rare tumours of the female genital tract, such as clear cell carcinoma of the vagina, are very strongly associated with in-utero exposure to diethylstilboestrol, which was used therapeutically during pregnancy in the past.
It is likely that there are many toxins produced by fungi that are carcinogenic. To date the best-established carcinogenic effect is that of the aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus flavus. These toxins occur as dietary contaminants and are linked to the high incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in some parts of central Africa.
Malignant change in benign neoplasms
The majority of benign neoplasms do not alter in any way, but some benign neoplasms have the ability to progress to become malignant neoplasms. Probably the best-characterised example of this phenomenon is the adenoma-carcinoma sequence in the colon.
Adenomatous polyps of the colon are more numer- ous than colonic carcinomas, but all adenomatous polyps have the potential to develop into carcinomas, and many (but not all) carcinomas originate from adenomatous polyps. The polyps most likely to undergo malignant change show the greatest degree of histological dysplasia and a sequence of genetic changes that leads to the development of colorectal carcinoma from normal epithelium via adenomatous polyps has now been described
Metaplasia-dysplasia sequence
See diagram
Neoplastic transformation of cells occurs in cells undergoing proliferation, and is particularly likely to occur if the cells are also undergoing metaplasia (defined and described in the previous chapter).
Neoplastic transformation of metaplastic epithelium usually follows a predictable and histologically identifiable sequence of low grade dysplasia progressing to high grade dysplasia/in-situ malignancy to invasive malignancy as additional genetic abnormalities are acquired in the neoplastic population. This progression is very well demonstrated in the cervix.
Premalignant conditions
These are usually conditions characterised by high cell turn over a sustained period of time, usually resulting from a destructive form of chronic inflammation.
Congenital abnormalities can also be premalignant conditions: for example, maldescent of the testis is associated with an increased risk of testicular neoplasia in later life.
Carcinogenic process
The carcinogenic process is the chain of events whereby a carcinogenic stimulus leads to the formation of a neoplasm. The principal steps in this process are as follows:
- exposure of cell/tissue to carcinogen (initiation);
- alterations to genes controlling cell growth and/or
survival (promotion) - irreversible change of growth control (persistence)
- formation of neoplasm.
These four steps occur with decreasing frequency: exposure of cells to carcinogens is a very common event, and genetic alterations to growth-controlling genes probably occur quite frequently, but, because of inbuilt defense mechanisms, the latter two steps are relatively uncommon.
The division of the carcinogenic process into the stages of initiation, promotion and persistence is based upon experimental evidence from models of tumour formation in which initiating and promoting stimuli are required. However, our increasing understanding of the molecular genetics of this process indicates that the stages described above simply reflect the require- ments for more than one genetic change to occur before neoplasia becomes established.
Epithelial neoplasm
Benign epithelial neoplasms are referred to as aden- omas if they consist of glandular (exocrine or endo- crine) cells, or papillomas if they have a papillary growth pattern – these are usually derived from a surface epithelium. Malignant epithelial neoplasms are referred to as carcinomas. This term usually has a pre- fix which refers to the pattern of growth or differenti- ation of the tumour, for example adenocarcinoma is the term used to describe a malignant epithelial neoplasm showing glandular differentiation. Often, a preced- ing adjective is used to describe the growth pattern or presumed cell of origin. In these situations the prefix ‘adeno’ may be dropped in common usage. Examples are papillary and follicular carcinomas of the thyroid (growth pattern) and ductal and lobular carcinomas of the breast (presumed cell of origin when these terms were coined, although now thought to be erroneous).