Immunology II Flashcards
An immunodeficiency is an impaired ability to mount effective immune responses to infectious agents.
Impaired immunity may be primary (e.g. primary antibody deficiencies) or secondary (to disease, drugs, infection). The majority are secondary to other condi- tions.
Immunodeficiency results in differing types of infections (bacterial, viral, fungal) depending on the defence mechanisms affected
Secondary immunodeficiency
There are multiple causes of secondary immunodeficiency. It is well recognised that lympho- proliferative disease, including chronic lymphatic leukaemia (CLL) and myeloma, result in impairment of specific adaptive immunity in later stages of disease progression, and increased susceptibility to bacterial infection. Non-neoplastic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA show an inherently increased susceptibility to infections, although the direct cause of the impairment is unknown.
Drug therapy is an important cause of immunosuppression affecting both specific and innate mechanisms. Infections can cause immunosuppression either directly (e.g. HIV-induced T cell destruction) or indirectly (EBV, CMV).
Inflammation can cause transient impairment of immune response – e.g. after surgery, trauma, burns (where there is also loss of serum proteins) – and increased susceptibility to infection, although abnor- malities of functional assays are usually more pro- nounced than clinical problems (depressed CMI skin tests, depressed in-vitro lymphocyte proliferations, alterations in granulocyte and NK functions), reflecting the plasticity of the immune response as a whole. Postoperative infections in patients given periopera- tive blood transfusions appear to be increased due to an ill-defined immunosuppressive effect of some com- ponent of the blood given (RBC or WBC).
Secondary immunodeficiency as a result
of surgery
The most common way a surgical procedure pre- disposes to infection is by breaching a mucosal barrier. In addition, barriers may be compromised by haemorrhage, gut immobility, ischaemia, burns or mal- nutrition. This would result in increased penetration of pathogens across the mucosa and skin with subsequent defective killing of organisms by phagocytes. The presence of drains or other foreign bodies also provides both routes of entry and niduses of infection.
Surgery results in severe metabolic alterations with an initial hypometabolic phase followed by a hypermetabolic phase. In the first three days after major gut surgery 6–7% of body weight may be lost. There is a potential for infection from endogenous or exogenous sources. A similar impairment of specific and innate defence mechanisms operates in trauma and generalised infla- mmatory responses due to disease or infection, but in elective surgery careful attempts to maintain homeo- stasis during the period of anaesthesia may reduce this impairment.
The precise causes of immunosuppression are unknown but may involve circulating cytokines, loss of blood or plasma (depleting immunoglobulins or complement), hypercatabolic states, or renal and hepatic failure. These effects make it important to perform functional studies on lymphocytes and neutrophils at times when a patient is well. These multiple effects are sometimes referred to as surgical stress.
Cellular effects of surgical stress
Lymphocyte numbers are not consistently altered by surgical stress. CD4 T cell numbers only fall in major trauma (by day 2–4). This may be reflected in the total lymphocyte count. This phenomenon may result from redistribution of cells to peripheral organs or lymph- oid tissue rather than a decline in numbers. CD4/ CD8 ratios are not useful, since they reflect a dynamic ratio of two populations and take no account of abso- lute numbers. NK cell numbers appear stable. B cell numbers may remain stable or transiently decline. Some of the observed changes may be due to the pharma- cological effects of anaesthetic drugs, which can reduce proliferation of B cells. There is no clinically useful correlation between these observations and out- come of surgery.
There is anergy to delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin tests in postsurgical patients, and impair- ment is more frequent in those with a worse out- come, although it is not clear if this is cause or effect. Patients with burns, viral infections and sarcoidosis all have variable and transient depression of DTH to unrelated antigens, but have other reasons to be sus- ceptible to infections. Likewise, in vitro T cell IL-2 pro- duction and antigen specific proliferation are inversely related to the severity of injury. T cells are activated (increased CD25 (IL-2R) expression), but prolif- eration (specific antigen, allogeneic cells and mitogens) is generally impaired, perhaps due to soluble factors (complement fragments or cytokines), which can sup- press neutrophil chemotaxis and NK cell activity.
Cytokine effects of surgical stress
Failure to produce cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-2 is associated with fatal outcomes. There also appears to be decreased production of IFNγ in trauma, which may impair phagocyte activation and B cell prolifer- ation and increase immunosuppressive PGE2 produc- tion. Many other cytokines are produced, including PAF and TNFα which induces production of IL-1, IL-6 and PGE2.
Complement activation by surgical stress
Both classical and alternative pathways are activated by trauma, the alternative pathway (AP) in burns. This leads to complement consumption in the early stages, with the production of complement fragments which affect phagocyte function. Complement can also be directly activated by drugs, methylmethacrylate resins in orthopaedic surgery and dialysis or cardiopul- monary bypass pump membranes but the effect is often subclinical or results in an adverse reaction rather than immunosuppression.
Antibody production in surgical stress
Any fall in total immunoglobulin levels is due to haemodilution by i.v. fluid replacement or exudative loss of plasma (in severe burns). Defects in specific antibody production to vaccination following major injury have been demonstrated. Thermal injury and trauma reduces vaccine responses to tetanus but not to polysaccharide antigens, suggesting that some of these defects may reflect T cell dysfunction.
Phagocyte dysfunction in surgical stress
A neutrophil leucocytosis is usual and proportional to the degree of inflammation/trauma. This may be due to mobilisation of marginalised neutrophils from pul- monary vasculature or new emigrants from the bone marrow under cytokine control. Neutrophil activation is seen with transiently decreased adhesiveness followed by an increase which parallels changes of adhesion mol- ecule expression on damaged vascular endothelium. This enables homing of neutrophils, activation and extravasation at the site of injury. However, neutrophil chemiluminescence, NBT reduction, and superoxide production are suppressed and antibacterial lysosyme and B12 binding protein are reduced. In vitro chemo- taxis is decreased for up to nine days even after minor trauma, and longer in major trauma. Reduced chemo- taxis correlates with poor outcome in burns patients. Depletion of complement or immunoglobulins due to hypercatabolism, consumption and loss may second- arily impair neutrophil opsonisation and chemotaxis. In severe trauma, acute phase protein production may be depressed.
APC function in surgical stress
Although there is often an initial monocytosis after surgery, with a transient increase in phagocytosis, enzyme content and cytochrome oxidase activity, this is transient and often becomes impaired subsequently. MHC Class II expression may be reduced after surgery or haemorrhage. Impairment of APC function has not been formally demonstrated in humans.
Endothelial effects of surgical stress
Endothelial injury with subsequent coagulation, platelet activation, increased vascular permeability, endothelial cell and platelet production of cytokines or prostaglandins/leukotrienes and upregulation of adhesion molecules are central events in surgical and traumatic injury. Subsequent cytokine-mediated effects on distant organs produce the classical systemic signs of fever (IL-1 and IL-6 are the ‘endogenous pyrogen’ acting on the hypothalamic axis; IL-1 produces leu- kocytosis and activates phagocytes, IL-6 upregulates production of complement and other acute phase pro- teins from mononuclear phagocytes and the liver).
Neuroendocrine effects of surgical stress
The role of the neuroendocrine system is of increasing interest but poorly understood. There are increases in circulating hormones and cytokines, including colony- stimulating factors, corticosteroids and catecholamines, which result in increased neutrophil emigration and production in the marrow as well as pro-inflamma- tory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-2 and IFNγ. Beta- endorphins can increase T cell cytotoxicity in vitro, but the clinical relevance of these changes is unknown.
Immunological impairment after splenectomy I
Severe immunological impairment is caused by splenectomy. Splenic preservation should be attempted whenever possible. Splenectomy removes both sec- ondary lymphoid tissue in the white pulp and a major phagocytic site for the removal of senescent erythro- cytes, opsonised bacteria and intracellular parasites. The spleen is a major site of antibody production, particularily IgM, and is a reservoir of lymphocytes. Splenectomy, therefore, results in a T cell lymphocytosis and an impaired antibody response to the polysaccharide antigens of bacterial capsules.
The result is an increased susceptibility to overwhelming bacterial sep- sis, especially in children. Estimates of risk vary, but the risk is especially high in children less than four-years- old, and in the first few years after splenectomy. It is likely that the underlying disease influences progno- sis, because the risk is greater after splenectomy for pathology, e.g. thalassaemia, than for trauma.
Immunological impairment after splenectomy II
Infections may present insidiously, then rapidly deteriorate. Encapsulated bacteria such as Streptococ- cus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis predominate, because antibodies to bacter- ial polysaccharide capsules are important in defence. Mortality from infection is up to 50–70%. Most children receive prophylactic penicillin for five years postsplenectomy, but practice varies in adults, and compliance with long-term therapy may be a prob- lem. Many patients carry prophylactic antibiotics for self-medication, and all need education on the risks and importance of rapid presentation of symptoms to a doctor.
All splenectomised individuals should be immunised with polysaccharide vaccines against Pneumococcus, Neisseria meningitidis (A & C) and Haemophilus influenzae B. These are best given ten days before splenectomy (when a functional spleen is present) or, if pre-immunisation is not possible, two weeks after surgery. They should carry a warning card. If they are traveling abroad they will require additional meningococcal vaccination to cover ACWY strains of Neisseria and appropriate prophylaxis for malaria.
Controlling immunosuppression in the surgical patient
Attempts can be made to reduce immunosuppression after surgery. Homeostasis and pain control reduces any potential neuroendocrine effects. Avoiding ischae- mia improves entry and function of immune effector cells and reduces the likelihood of bacterial infection.
Early wound closure and removal of drains reduces potential portals of bacterial entry. Blood transfusion should be minimised where possible (to reduce possi- bility of blood-borne transmission of infection and the putative immunosuppressive effects of transfusion). It is also helpful, wherever possible, to avoid use of broad spectrum antibiotics which alter normal flora in the gut and increase translocation of pathogens. Nutritional support may be important in some procedures.
Nutritional support in surgery
Nutritional support (calories and protein) to meet the increased metabolic needs following surgery may reduce immunosuppression, particularly in gastro- intestinal procedures. Parenteral nutrition does not appear to have any clinical benefit despite correction of nitrogen balance, perhaps due to mucosal atrophy in the gut, and the invasive procedure itself increases the risk of iatrogenic sepsis. Enteral arginine supplements produce improvements of in vitro tests of lymphocyte function in burns patients which may be of clinical benefit, as may omega-3 fatty acids.
Enteral feeding does not produce the mucosal atrophy associated with parenteral nutrition and thereby may reduce the translocation of pathogens across the gut mucosa and maintain local mucosal IgA secretion. Enteral, but not parenteral, glutamine supplementation may improve mucosal integrity and aid macrophage and lymphocyte function. These interventions have yet to be subjected to double-blind clinical trials of efficacy.
Immunodeficiency in uraemia
Both uraemia and haemodialysis lead to an immuno- compromised state. Infections are a major cause of mortality in renal failure. Vascular access and cuta- neous staphylococcal carriage result in increased risk of infection. Haemodialysis membranes may acti- vate the alternative pathway of complement, leading to C5a generation which affects neutrophil function and causes transient peripheral pooling in the lungs. Metabolic derangement impairs cellular function, and dryness and ulceration of mucosal barriers increases translocation of bacteria. T cell lymphopaenia occurs with impaired proliferation, depressed DTH skin test responses, and some impairment of antibody responses to vaccination.
Imunodeficiency in nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic patients have a peculiar susceptibility to pneumococcal sepsis. Loss of IgG (180kD) may be relevant in some patients. IgM is generally retained due to its larger size. Complement factor B may also be lost in the urine. Raised complement C3 and C4 levels are usually seen in the nephrotic syndrome due to compensatory hepatic and mononuclear phagocyte production. There is no such feedback regulation of IgG, and low IgG levels persist. There is a demon- strable defect of opsonisation and phagocytosis in vitro, reflecting impairment of antibody, complement and neutrophil function.
Immunodeficiency in connective tissue diseases
Primary immunodeficiencies predispose to auto- immunity, but patients with autoimmune diseases are often immuno-compromised as a consequence of the disease itself, as well as immunosuppressive drug ther-apies. Patients with SLE have acquired abnormalities of complement due to consumption by immune com- plexes and may have dysregulated polyclonal antibody production. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have secondary abnormalities of neutrophil function which may predispose to staphylococcal infection, possibly by immune complex formation altering neu- trophil function. Despite these observations, the use of potent immunosuppressive drugs is the major modality of treatment in patients with CTD.
Immunodeficiency in malnutrition
Malnutrition is the most common cause of immu- nodeficiency worldwide, increasing childhood and perinatal mortality from infectious diseases, such as measles. The metabolic demands of established infec- tion (negative nitrogen balance) further compromise the infected host. Impaired DTH, decreased cytokine production, reduced T cell numbers and proliferation to antigen or mitogens is seen. Vaccine responses and total IgG levels are often normal in mild malnutrition, but impaired in severe cases; however, IgA levels often fall. C3 levels fall due to reduced hepatic synthesis and consumption. Neutrophil chemotaxis and opsonisa- tion may be normal but bacterial killing is impaired.
Immunodeficiency as a result of infection
Some impairment of immune responses is common after viral infections where transiently reduced T cell function and DTH anergy are often found (measles, Hep B, EBV, CMV, rubella). The clinical relevance of these functional alterations is not clear, although clearly some viruses gain a survival advantage by sup- pressing host antiviral responses. Herpes viruses (EBV, CMV) appear to directly suppress T cell cytokine pro- duction (IFNγ) and proliferation. Specific antibody production is unimpaired, yet autoantibody produc- tion may be increased.
HIV infection is a special case which causes T cell depletion (and thus causes secondary B cell malfunc- tion) by a combination of direct cytotoxicity and immune-mediated CD8 positive cytotoxic attack on infected T cells and APC. This may eventually lead to clonal exhaustion of T cell precursors (possibly by direct infection of T cell progenitor cells) and eventual loss of antigen specific T cells, leading to total immu- noparesis. Full discussion of the possible pathogenesis of immunodeficiency in HIV infection is beyond the scope of this chapter. Some bacterial infections (TB, leprosy) and fungal infections (Aspergillus) can also cause reduced T cell and macrophage function.
Immunodeficiency as a result of malignancy
An immunocompromised state is often found in dis- seminated lymphoid and non-lymphoid malignancy. Leukaemias and lymphomas cause reduced DTH and mitogen T cell responses, sometimes with impairment of antibody production. CLL can cause hypogamma- globulinaemia and infections, and may require intra- venous immunoglobulin (IVIG) replacement. The host is immunocompromised by radiotherapy, chemo- therapy or splenectomy. Hodgkin’s disease suppresses T cell function and specific antibody responses to carbohydrate antigens by an unknown mechanism, but IgG levels are normal. Myeloma impairs T and B cell function by an unknown mechanism, thus despite normal or elevated IgG levels (which may be predom- inantly monoclonal paraprotein) specific antibody responses to pathogens and vaccines are impaired. Bacterial pneumonia is common.
Age-related immunodeficiency
Premature children have insufficient maternal IgG transfer (predominantly occurs in the last few weeks of pregnancy) and may have transient hypogammaglob- ulinaemia until endogenous production of immuno- globulins restores normal IgG levels at 6–9 months of age. Phagocytosis, T and B cell function, chemo- taxis and complement levels are also impaired in com- parison with normal neonates. IgA production may not reach adult levels until five years of age in many otherwise normal children. Responses to polysacchar- ide antigens are generally poor in normal children before two years of age.
In old age some impairment of immunity is sug- gested by the increased incidence of infections, mono- clonal paraproteins, autoantibodies, DTH anergy, and reduced antibody responses to vaccines and lympho- proliferative disorders. This is reflected in decreased T cell numbers, decreased T cell proliferation and cytokine production. Macrophages are also impaired, with decreased cytokine production or responsiveness. B cell numbers tend to increase with age, while IgE production reduces and many allergies remit.
Immunodeficiency as a result of metabolic disturbances
Diabetes (susceptible to staphylococci and fungi) and cirrhosis (Escherichia coli peritonitis) result in ill- defined defects in cell-mediated and humoral immun- ity. The susceptibility is probably multifactorial and would include tissue ischaemia, increased glucose levels, altered glycosolation of immunoglobulins, cytokines, and other proteins.
Drug-induced immunosuppression
This is probably the most common iatrogenic immuno- compromised state. Some drugs have immunosuppres- sive properties which are incidental to their primary
usage (e.g. hydroxychloroquine, dapsone, some antibi- otics and phenytoin).