Neonatology Flashcards
Assessment of Fetal Maturation
New Ballard Score→ takes into account Physical Maturity Signs such as→ skin, lanugo (fine, soft hair on newborn), plantar surface, breast, eye/ear, genitals→ added up, total score should correlate to weeks of age.
Major Reason for Large Neonatal size (Infants large for gestational Age-IGA
infant of DM mother. Mother’s blood sugar is high and crosses placenta, baby releases insulin as a result→ insulin is a growth hormone= large baby
Reasons for Small gestational age (SGA)
- Asymmetrical→ placental insufficiency (maternal vascular dz—HTN), poor weight gain during pregnancy, multiple gestations
- Symmetrical→ protoplasm was effected→ drugs, alcohol, chromosomal abnormalities, infections
Apgar Score
asses condition of new born at birth, has best predictability for neurologic injury at 10 min
activity, pulse, grimace, appearance, resp
Newborn Reflexes
check to see that reflex is present and if it is asymmetrical→ sucking, rooting (head turns to focal stimulus), traction, palmar grasp, DTR, moro/startle, tonic neck
Contraindications for early newborn discharge
jaundice@ 24 hr, risk of infection, reason to believe child will withdraw, cleft lips, less than 38 wks, less than 6lb, not feeding, multiple births
Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy
• SX→ lethargy, poor feeding, irritability, arching neck, apnea, seizures
Chronic Bilirubin Encephalopathy
• Extrapyramidal movement disorder, gaze problems, hearing probs, dysplasia of enamel
<45mg/dl→ stressed infants at risk
• SX→ lethargy, poor feeding, irritability, seizures
• Mother is DM, baby’s BS rises, insulin is released→ birth, insulin still being released→ BS crashes
• Reduced fetal hyperinsulemia
• TX→ feed if 20-45 w/no sx
o If under 45 w/sx= give D10W (bolus then infusion)
o If under 20 → give D10W (bolus then infusion)
Respiratory Distress
tachypnea over 60, retractions, cyanosis
• Can be pulmonary, sepsis, cardio.
• Should get CXR, ABG/CBG
Neonatal Murmurs
if present at birth= valvular.
• Turbulent blood flow, change in vascularity, change in how fast blood goes across a valve, neonates are changing so rapidly
• After 24 hrs if murmur present→ BP in R arm and LE (looking for coarctation of aorta)
• D/C new born with F/U
• If NB isn’t feeding well and/or cyanotic→ could be CHF
Birth Trauma
difficult delivery
• Often larger birth weight, abnormal presenting position
• Soft tissue, bruising, fractures, cervical plexus palsies, intracranial hemorrhage, subglial hemorrhage, caput, cephalohematoma, subgleal
Infants of mothers who abuse drugs
- Coke & meth→IUGR, premature delivery, withdrawal (irritability)
- Opiods→hyperactivity, hypertonicity, tremors, seizures, GI probs, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, IUGR
- Tobacco→ IUGR
Birth Asphyxia
become hypoxic, become bradycardic
• D/T→ acute interruption of umbilical blood flow, maternal hypotension/hypoxia, chronic placental insufficiency
Monochorial Twins
monozygous, same sex, diamniotic/monoamniotic→ risk of twin-twin transfusion= congential abnormalities, CP. One could steal all the food and hemoglobin from the other
Dichorial Twins
can be same sacks or different sacks, same or different sex, not at risk for transfusions syndrome
Complications of multiple births
IUGR, twin-twin transfusion, CP, birth weights that are significantly different, preterm delivery, extra amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios), premature rupture of membranes, abnormal fetal presentations, prolapsed umbilical cord
Apnea of Prematurity
no breath for 20 seconds
• Could be temp related (heat, cold), vagal response to feeding tube, GERD, pulm dz, PDA, hypoglycemia, infection, intracranial hemorrhage (scan head if you can’t figure out why they are apneic), seizures, drugs
RSD Type 1
surfactant deficiency in alveoli (either didn’t produce or inactivated d/t protein leak)
• CXR→ reticulogranular pattern (ground glass)
• TX→ antenatal corticosteroids, early intubation and surfactant→ proph in infants less than 27 weeks
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn (RDS type 2)
- Often associated with c section, TX w/02 support
* On CXR will see interstitial edema, pleural effusions
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
presents on 3-7 days
• SX→ respiratory distress
• Tx→ medical ligation→ indomethacin
o Surgical
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
common in premies that required mechanical ventilation
• Pathology→ inflammation→hypercellularity→fibrosis
• Change in lung tissue from injury that occurs→ the damaged tissue is often replaced by new lung that does not have fibrosis→ as they get older so they tend to outgrow it
• On CXR→ see large cysts, not homogenous ground glass
• Tx→ surfactant use (early) glucocorticoid can help wean from ventilator, diuretics
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
often premies w/sepsis getting gastric feeds presenting w/bloody stool, distension, penumatosis intestinalis (air developing in the gut wall).
• Often in premies under 4 lbs, and full term babies w/polycythemia
• Etiology→ can be d/t infection, immunological immaturity
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) treatment
• Treatment→ NG tube, maintain ventilation/oxygenation, IV fluids (to replace third spaced fluids). Often need TPN.
o Surgery if perf, fixed dilated loop of bowel, abd wall cellulitis
o ABX→ broad spectrum