GI Flashcards
What is GERD
post prandial regurgitation
• 85% resolves by 12 m, mostly benign and self limiting
What are 5 disorders of the esophagus?
Gastroesophageal Reflux Eosinophilic Esophagitis Achalasia of the Esophagus Caustic Burns of the Esophagus Foreign Bodies of the Alimentary Tract
What are some complications of GERD?
apnea, aspiration, irritability, neck contortions
o sandifer syndrome→ severe form of reflux when they arch their back and turn their head to the side
o RED FLAG: bilious vomitus→ could be malrotation with volvulus, insussuception
4 Ways to diagnose GERD?
- Antacid trial→ diagnostic & therapeutic
- UGI: r/o anatomic probs, non specific
- pH probe
- Esophagoscopy: evaluate the esophagitis
Treatment for GERD?
• Smaller more frequent meals, thickened foods, H2 antagonists, hydroxylated formulas, fundoplication
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- MC in boys
- Sx similar to gerd, with dysphagia→ don’t respond to antacids
- Endoscopy→ white exudate w/eosinophils, hypertrophied mucosal ring
- Skin testing may show allerfins to foods
3 treatments for Eosinophilic Esophagitis?
o Exclusion/elimination diet
o Inhailed steroids
o Esophageal dilation for strictures
Achalasia of the Esophagus
- MC in kids over 5
* SX→ dysphagia, posprandial vomiting, retrosternal pain, early satiety, weight loss, solid food impaction,
Caustic Burns of the Esophagus symptoms?
pH12= larger volume of ingestion=liquefaction necrosis
• Sx→hoarseness, stridor, drooling, food refusal, dyspnea
Caustic Burns of the Esophagus is caused by?
• Caused by→ gels/powders (dishwashing detergent)
Caustic Burns of the Esophagus Dx and complications
- Dx→ endoscopy72 hrs could be perfed
* Complications→ full thickness necrosis , can lead to stricture
Caustic Burns of the Esophagus
• Tx→ repeated esophageal dilation, colonic interposition/gastric tube for strictures resistant to dilation
Foreign Bodies in GI Tract:
- 80-90% pass, MC are coins, things with heavier blunt ends pass w/out problem
- Removal: button batteries, open safety pins, more than one magnet, objects > 5cm. wooden tooth picks
3 disorders of the stomach and duodenum
Pyloric stenosis
Gastric & duodenal ulcer
Congenital duodenal obstruction
Pyloric Stenosis
MC males, 13% fam hx,
• Sx→2-12 weeks of posprandial nonbilious projectile vomiting, ravenous appetitie after vomiting
What are 3 findings on PE for pyloric stenosis?
o Dehydration, hypochloremic lkalosis
o RUQ/epigastric “olive”
o Gastric wave=pathognmomonic
Work up for pyloric stenosis
o UGI→ long narrow pyloric channel (dbl track sign), tightened pyloris
o U/S→ hypoechoic mass, thickness, pyloric lenghth over 15mm
Treatment for pyloric stenosis?
o Pyloromyotomy
Gastric & Duodenal Ulcer
Local erosion of gastric/duodenal mucosa, any age, MC males, often “stressed”/ICU babies
• SX→ pain, bleeding, obstructions, anemia, perforation
MC causes of gastric & duodenal ulcer
o Underlying severe illness: CAN, burns, sepsis, cirrhosis, RA
o H.pylori
o NSAIDS, ASA, alcohol
o Toxins
Diagnosis of gastric & duodenal ulcer
preferably endoscopy
o UGI may show ulcer, but non specific
o Breath test after PO radioactive-labeled urea→ for H.pylori
Treatment for gastric & duodenal ulcer
o H2 receptor agonist & proton pump inhibitors
o 7-14 day course of sucralfate
o Limit caffeine, ASA, alcohol (what the fuck?), NSAIDS
o Amoxicillim, metronidazole, clarithromycin, bismuth subsalicylate for 10-14 days (for h.pylori)
o Amox for 14 days + omeprazole for 6 wka
o Clairthro for 7 days w/PPI for 6 wks
what is Congential Diaphragmatic Hernia
→ abd contents herniate through posterolateral defect, diaphragm doesn’t fuse=lung hypoplasia (80% are L.diaphragm)
How is Congenital diaphragmatic hernia usually diagnosed?
- When newborn→ resuscitate, intubate, cant use bag+mask (bowel will inflate)
- Can be found on CXR by accident
- Kids w/it often have GERD