neonatal jaundice Flashcards
what is it
build up of bilirubin
pathological jaundice and causes
within first 24h
severe heamolysis
causes of this are
ABO incompatibility
Rh immunisation
if >15% of tot`l conjugated bilirubin increased then hepatitis
causes 24h- 14 days
Physiologic jaundice
Breast milk jaundice
Infection, including sepsis
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome
phycological jaundice causes
polycythaemic - high RBC
Red cell life span of newborns is shorter than adults
Hepatic bilirubin metabolism less efficient in first few days of life
Kernicterus- damage to basal ganglia in brain
cerebral palsy
investigations of pathological jaundice
Total bilirubin concentration (SBR)
Maternal blood group and antibody titres (if Rh negative)
Baby’s blood group, Direct Agglutination Test (detects antibodies on the baby’s red cells), and elution test to detect anti-A or anti-B antibodies on baby’s red cells
Full blood count, looking for Hb level, evidence of haemolysis, unusually-shaped red cells, or evidence of infection
Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency
pathological jaundice 24h-10 days
high unconjugated bilirubin causes bilirubin encephalopathy
features - hypotonia, arching of head, neck and back, spasticity, seizures
pathological jaundice 24h-10 days causes
Mild dehydration/insufficient milk supply
Breakdown of extravasated blood e.g. cephalohaematoma, bruising
Haemolysis -
Increased enterohepatic circulation (e.g. gut obstruction)
pathological jaundice 24h-10 days causes
Mild dehydration/insufficient milk supply
Breakdown of extravasated blood e.g. cephalohaematoma, bruising
Haemolysis -
Increased enterohepatic circulation (e.g. gut obstruction)
Pathological Jaundice“Too Long” >14 days term or 21 days preterm
persistent unconjugated high bilirubin causes
Breast milk jaundice
(diagnosis of exclusion, cessation of breast feeding is not advised)
Poor milk intake
Infection (especially urinary tract infection)
if high conjugated then always abnormal!!
causes- hepatitis, biliary atresia
phototherapy- UV light 460-490nm
exchange transfusion of RBC
IV immunoglobulin