Neoliberalism and New right persp Flashcards
Neoliberal argument
-Economic doctrine-major influence on edu policy
-State shouldn’t provide services eg edu, health and welfare
-Have influenced all governments since 1979
-Gov shouldn’t dictate how ppl dispose of property or try to regulate free -market economy
-Encourage competition, privatise state-run business & deregulate markets
-value of education depends on ability to compete in global markets- schl should be like businesses(competition to drive standards)
New right arguments
-Conservative political view, incorporates neolib economic ideas
-The state cannot meet ppls needs, ppl best left to meet own through free market (favour marketisation)
-Don’t believe edu system is meeting goals-run by state. They take a ‘one size fits all’ approach, uniformity & disregards local needs.
-Leads to lower standards of achievement, less qualified workforce, less prosperous economy
-Solution: MARKETISATION of education, greater diversity, choice and efficiency
Similarities between Functionalism and New right
-Some people are naturally more talented
-favour edu system run on meritocratic principles & preparing workforce
-edu should socialise pupils into shared values eg competition
Chubb & Moe
-NR, state run edu in US has failed due to
-lack of equal opportunities, failed disadvantaged groups
-inefficient: fails to produce skills needed for economy
-private schls deliver higher quality edu as answerable to consumer (parents) unlike state school.
Chubb & Moe study of wc families
-found low income families consistently do 5% better in private schls
-Argue for intro of a market system- allows consumers to shape schools to meet needs & improve efficiency/ quality
-METHOD: system that gives family’s a voucher to spend on a state schl of their choice, forcing schls to be more responsive (for income)
2 important roles of the state (NR)
-State imposes a framework on schls within which they have to compete. Eg publishing OFSTED inspections and league tables. Parents make a choice
-Ensures that schools transmit a shared culture, imposing a shared curriculum-socialises pupils into a sunglasses cultural heritage
-NR beleive edu should affirm national identity. Eg british culture (oppose multicultural education)
Gerwirtz and Ball
Argue competition between schools benefits the mc who have cultural & economic capital to access most desirable schools
Marxists critique
-edu doesn’t impose a shared national culture, as they claim, but impose the culture of dominant rc and devalues the culture of wc and ethnic minorities
Other critique
-Argue real cause of low educational standard is social inequality & inadequate funding of state schools not states control
-Contradiction between the NR support for parental control and the state imposing a compulsory national curriculum