NEGLIGENCE-medical negligence Flashcards
what is the structure for medical negligence?
what is the important ingredient for medical negligence?
what is the duty part of medical neg?
always be a yes as obvious duty (briefest amount of time)
why will duty be the shortest amount of time?
obvious- doctor/surgeon to patient
is breach slightly diff to normal breach?
what is the reasonable man test in this?
compare to average doc (special skill) compare to medical practioner
case for reasonable man test?
Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee
what is Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee also known as?
when do you use BOLAM test?
use if d = doctor in order to establish breach
what is the question you ask for the bolam test?
has d shown standard of care that wuld be by a group of skilled men in that profession
what do you do after you do bolam test q?
ask 4 evidence so if fellow practitioners verify practices he will not breach- if dont approve = breach
is the bolam test difficult to satisy?
what is the modified test called?
Bolitho v City and Hackney Health authority
what is Bolitho v City and Hackney Health authority also know as?
what is in the bolitho test?
added extra requirements
what are the extra requirements based on?
opinion of other medical practioners
what are the 3 requirements?
- was d’s act reasonable- rmt
- did d weigh up risks and benefits- did d consider what may go wrong
- is it logical- following his causes harm he may not have breached providing he satisfies test (roe v minister health) & other risk factors
what happens in damage part of medical negligence?
normal rules of causation applies
factual cause- barnett
damage not too remote-type must be forseeable -the wagon mound
case for success of bolam test?
mariott v west midlands regional health authority