NEGLIGENCE- law & morality essay Flashcards
DEFINE-def for law?
set of rules and principles created and enforced by the state
DEFINE-what is law also
a form of social control to establish and maintain social order
DEFINE-what are the two theories to consider in law?
legal positivism & natural law
DEFINE-what is legal positivism done by?
legal positivits
DEFINE-what do legal positivits believe with legal positivism?
believe law is a legal rule which if made correctly is valid and irrespective of its content
DEFINE-what does positivism emphasise on?
seperation of law and morality also enhancing on the fact that law is man made, and made regardless of the morality of its content which society follows
DEFINE- what would this be opposed to?
This would be opposed by natural law, however, positivists remain that we should follow rules (law) until changed itself.
DEFINE-who is a positivisit and what did he suggest?
Jeremy Bentham (positivist) suggested that law is created for the greater good
DEFINE-what were views by his pupil?
Views by his pupil John Austin stated that law is for obeying and is backed by threat of punishment
DEFINE-what was han kelsens version of legal pos?
Hans Kelsens version of legal positivism was on the basis that law needs no moral validation to be legitimate
DEFINE-what was the most sophisticated version of legal pos done by?
The most sophisticated version came from H.L.A Hart who argued that there were 2 categories of rules (primary and secondary).
DEFINE- what do legal pos in all do?
In all, legal positivists do not accept or require for law to be based on morality showing the separation of the two.
DEFINE- what is natural law?
Natural law on the other hand believe that law and morality are connected. Therefore if law is not moral it will not be classed as law hence having no authority.
DEFINE- what did thomas aquinas say with natural law?
Thomas Aquinas called law without moral content a “perversion of law”. “Unjust law is not true law” He also refers to law based on the 10 commandments. For example in case Donogue v Stevenson “ love thy neighbour” when creating the “neighbour principle” in negligence
DEFINE-what did thomas more say?
There is also a higher law (God’s law) which Thomas More refered to and stated.
DEFINE-what is morality?
Morality is “a religious code of conduct”. Matters that may involve moral issues; alcohol, suicide, discrimination, prostitution and so forth.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL- what has moral been incorprated into ?
Morality has been incorporated into law by statute or common law in many ways such as the moral code contained within the ten commandments that many abide by.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL- what is the example of the incorpration?
For example “thou shall not kill”- common law crime of murder or “thou shall not steal” - Theft under the Theft Act 1968. On the other hand some law has no moral code behind it such as parking restrictions in category of strict liab
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL- what do some moral rules dont have?
some moral rules however have no legal enforcement such as adultery, not illegal but yet would have some level of moral critiscm. Pornography also seen as immoral yet no legal enforcement unless your a minor.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL- what is sometimes law created for
Sometimes law is created for moral issues or making sure existing law is applied to cases involving moral issues.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL-what are the cases involving moral issues?
R v Gibson and another
Hales statement of 1736
R v Clarke
R v R
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL-what was said in r v gibson and another?
the defendant exhibited at and exhibition in commercial art gallery where on a models head, earrings were made out of freeze dried human foetuses (hence being entitled “humans earrings”). Due to the general publics visitation of this exhibition, the defendant was convicted o
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL-what also developed law?
Change in moral values can also lead to developments in law.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL-what is example of this developed law?
For example Hales statement of 1736 suggested that man cannot be guilty of rape if married and that the wife automatically ‘consents’. However by the 20th century this statement was controversial and outdated with modern society. Therefore judges who did not agree with this immorality would find ways for justice. For example R v Clarke.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL-what is euthanasia?
Euthanasia is where a terminally ill person who suffers great pain asks for another to assist him to die in a pain free manner e.g. lethal injection.
RELS BTW LAW AND MORAL-what are the moral arguments for and against euth?
There are moral arguments for and against legalizing euthanasia which had resurfaced with the case of Dianne Pretty. Overtime DPP issued guidelines on when cases with assisted suicide should or should not be done.
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY- what is still questionable?
It is still questionable on whether law should enforce morality and many philosophers have argued what role of criminal law is in respect of enforcing moral standards.
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY- what is the debate you should consider?
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY- what did lord devlin argue?
argued that is justified by use of moral ity as it is the cement in society -society should tolerate what the reasonable man would and that if immoral then society should ban activity
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY-what did devlin also believe?
law should be concerned with minimum not maximum standards
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY-what law excercises devlins theory?
defence of consent in non fatal- only allws to consent law and battery
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY- what did hart suggest?
dangers of populaism- most peoples views are by supersition or prejudice
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY-what is harts focus on compared to devlins?
harts focus is on the individual whereas devlins is on society
SHOULD LAW ENFORCE MORALITY- examples for these applications
r v wilson v r v brown-moral and immoral