NEGLIGENCE -judicial creativity essay Flashcards
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what may be questioned?
the creativity of judges when interpreting and developing common law and stat law may be questioned
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what may firstly be asked?
firstly it may be asked whether judges actually make the law
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is according to the declaratory theory?
the judiciary do not invent or make the law only declare it
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is the dec the supported by?
william blackstone
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what did william blackstone state?
“that judges do not make but merely discover and declare law that has been”
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what can be seen with blackstone?
that blackstone disproves of any suggestion that the precedent offers a choice of two of two or more interpretations
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what did blackstone stat with disproves?
“where a bad decision is made the new one that reverses or overrules it is not new law but declaration that previous law was not law “ in other words it was the wrong answer
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what can be argued with blackstones view?
that it is out of touch with reality bc there are plenty f where judges have created new law where one did not previously exist - also some decis = reversed not cause wrong but bc society changes overtime
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-who also agrees with the declaratory theory?
Ronald Dwokin
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what did Ronald Dwokin say?
“judges have no real discretion in making case law”
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is another theory and also constrats declaratory theory?
creativity theory
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is the creativity theory?
judges do infact create law via precedant and stat interp
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what do they argue?
that there is a large amount of discretion by judiciary to be creative and develop law.
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is there a suspicion with?
such creative power allows judiciary to impose their political, moral, social and economic will on the majority.
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is lord reid a supporter of?
creative theory declaring that “ we must accept fact that for better or worse judges do make law”
DO JUDGES MAKE LAW-who is another supporter of the creative theory?
kairys (legal philospher) he argued “that judicary enjoys considerable freedom within the doctrine of the precedent and therefore have great scope to be creative”
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW-in order to establish whether judges are creative what must be asked?
should judges make the law
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW-what might judges deny?
judges might deny that they make law could be due to the fact that they dont want to risk confrontation with parl that might make their creative power limited
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW- what is very critical?
that parl authority can be undermined by individ judges who choose to apply law in way parl dont
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW- what is further argued?
judges are able to be creative by hiding behind public interest claiming that dec is for general public good
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW- what do the above factors raise the issue of?
why is there such a strong opp of judical law making- some if not most of dec they give are valuable ones that have aided the law to move with ever changing times for e.g r v r
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW- what also has to be accepted?
english system could not work without creative help of judge as parl just dont have time to create law for every single event
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW-what may the opposition come from?
the fact that judiciary are in minority in terms of class,views and age
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW-what could be considered?
matters of principle and policy when looking at extent to which judges can be creative
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is matters of principle and policy?
said that matters of policy should be and are left to parl to decide and incorporate into statute
SHOULD JUDGES MAKE LAW-what did dworkin argue?
that parl deals with matters of legal pol whilst judicary deal with applying principles hw no doubt that judges do get involved with matters of policy
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-what are examples of judges being involved with matters of policy?
hill v chief const of west yorks - lost case on decision of policy the court said it would be undesirable to place such a burden on police
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW- what may the way in which judges create law also include?
creative elements
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-what might judiciary creativity occur by?
system of precedent, precedents are orginal when court addresses a point of law for first time e.g re a -court established a new precdent when it declared that an operation to seperate co joined twins was lawful even though result of death in babies- so sometimes judges forced to make through through necessity and in this case = urgent where no specific statute to rely on
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-what can overruling also allow?
creativity to the system of precedent e.g r v r h.o.l overruled their own 250 yr old ruling in hales statement. this allows judges to modify law in light of changes to social conditions
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW- what is distinighuising?
another method which involves creativity in law making
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-the legal rule in hales statement of 1736 said?
that a man cannot be guilty of rape of his wife because by being married she consents to sexual int would have been unpopular decision back then by 20th = controversial and out of place of modern society
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW- what did judges do in response to hales statement?
finding ways around precdent to do justice e.g r v clarke -husband charged of rape
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW- what is another area where great deal for judicial creativity?
stat interp
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is good with stat interp?
one of roles of judge is to interp stat of what parl intended. do rules and approaches e.g lit role = x judiciary creativity could be true but depends on judge interp of words of the act in itself
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-what is another rule with stat interp?
golden rule where judges = discretion which may help to keep in line with public policy or certain develops e.g r v national insurance commissioner ex.parte connor
HOW JUDGES MAKE LAW-what could judicial creativity also be used for?
mischief rule judges that are deemed to use = more flexible with interpreting and with most discretion. e.g smith v hughes
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what may commentators argue?
that there is justification for judges making law whereas others may disagree
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what is it with the hieracal system?
where more senior courts can over rule dec the lower courts = only more senior judges make judges and ensures this
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what does precedent ensure?
that urgently needed law is created that would take to long to wait for parl . courts can quickly lay down new principles or extend old to meet novel circumstances
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what do many disadvantages also arise from?
judges making law through prec. precedent may produce justice in the individ case but injustice in generality of cases. it would be undesirable to treat a no. of claimants unjust simply cause of one binding case laid unjust rule
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what are some judicial dec made?
hastily such as Re S (1996)
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what could be said with the literal rule?
that it limits their power to be creative. Often preferred as parl are supposed to be offical law making body.
EVAL OF JUDGES MAKING LAW- what is in opp of the literal rule?
golden rule - will give a degree of creativity to the judicary as it allows them to go beyond the strict application of the act and apply their own interp and in some cases opinion in order for justice to be done