Neck and oral cavity Flashcards
Oral cavity
Located inferior to the nasal cavities and is continuous with both nasa cavities superiorly and pharynx inferiorly
Outer oral vesitbule
Includes lips and cheeks
Inner oral cavity
Enclosed by teeth
Roof of oral cavity
Hard and soft palate
Arches of oral cavity
Created by muscles of soft palate
Palatoglossal arch
Palaropharyngeal arach- ulva
Floor of oral cavity
Formed by muscles (mylohyoid and geniohyoid) and tongue
Contains submandibular and sublingual galnds
Divided into anterior two thirds (oral) and posterior third (pharyngeal)
Papillae cover tongue
Undersurface contains medial fold
Muscles of the tongue
Divided into left and right halves
All muscles are paired
Intrinsic and extrinsic
Intrinsic tongue muscles
Longitudinal, transverse and ventricle create precision movements for speech, eating and swallowing
Extrinsic tongue muscles
Genioglossus- depresses and protrudes tongue
Hyoglossus- depresses tongue
Styloglossus- retract tongue
Palatoglossus- elevates back of tongue and depresses soft palate
Blood supply of tongue
Lingual arteries and drained to lingual veins
Tongue innervation: anterior 2/3
- special affereent facial CN7 via chorda tympani via lingual nerve (V3)
- general sensation lingual nerve (V3)
Tongue innervation: posterior 1/3
- special afferent glossopharyngeal (CN9)
- general sensation glossopharyngeal (CN9)
Motor innervation to whole tongue
Hypoglossal nerve (CN12) except platoglossus CN10
Cranial nerve 9
Type: sensory, special sensory, motor and visceral
Exit: jugular forament
Cranial nerve 9 innervation
Sensory: posterior 1/3 tongue, oropharynx
Taste: posterior 1/3 tongue
Motor: stylopharyngeus
Visceral to parotid gland to stimulate secretion to aid digestion