Neck and Facial muscles Flashcards
Suprahyoid muscles
Origin: mylohyoid line of mandible
Insertion : mylohyoid raphe and body of hyoid
Innervation: nerve to mylohyoid, branch of inferior alveolar nerve (from mandibular nerve, CN V3)
Action : elevates hyoid, floor of mouth, and tongue during swallowing
Origin : inferior mental spine of mandible
Insertion : body of hyoid
Innervation: C1 via hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Action: pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly; shortens floor of mouth; widens pharynx
Origin : styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion : body of hyoid
Innervation: stylohyoid branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
Action : elevates and retracts hyoid, elongating floor of mouth
Origin : anterior belly- digastric fossa of mandible
posterior belly - mastoid notch of temporal bone
Insertion : intermediate tendon to body and greater horn of hyoid
Innervation : anterior belly : nerve to mylohyoid, branch of inferior alveolar nerve
posterior belly : digastric branch of facial nerve (7)
Origin : manubrium of sternum and medial end of clavicle
Insertion : body of hyoid
Innervation : C1-C3 by branch of ansa cervicalis
Action: depresses hyoid after elevation during swallowing
Origin : superior border of scapula near suprascapular notch
Insertion : inferior border of hyoid
Innervation : C1-C3 by branch of ansa cervicalis
Action : depresses, retracts, and steadies hyoid
Origin : posterior surface of manubrium of sternum
Insertion : oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Innervation : C2 and C3 by branch of ansa cervicalis
Action : dieresis hyoid and larynx
Origin : oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Insertion : inferior border of body and greater horn of hyoid
Innervation : C1 via hypoglossal nerve
Action : depresses hyoid and elevates larynx
Origin : nuchal ligaments, external occipital protuberance, medial third of superior nuchal line, spinous process of C1-C7
Insertion - spine of scapula, acromion, lateral third of clavicle
Innervation - spinal accessory nerve
- C3 & C4 spinal nerves
Action - ascending fibers - depress scapula
- descending fibers - elevates scapula
- middle - retract fibers
- ascending and descending work together to rotate glenoid cavity superiorly
Origin : inferior border of mandible, skin, and subcutaneous tissue of lower face
Insertion : fasciae covering superior parts of pectoralis major and deltoid
Innervation : cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
Action : draws corners of mouth inferiorly and widens it as in expression of sadness and fright; draws skin of neck superiorly when teeth are clenched, indicating tension
Origin : lateral surface of mastoid process of temporal bone and lateral half of superior nuchal line
Insertion : sternal head - anterior surface of manubrium of sternum
Clavicular head - superior surface of medial third of clavicle
Innervation : spinal accessory nerve; motor
C2 and C3 nerves (pain and proprioception)
Action - unilateral - lateral flexion and contralateral rotation of neck
- bilateral - extends neck at atlanto-occipital joints
- flexes cervical vertebrae so that chin approaches
- extends superior cervical vertebrae while
flexing inferior so that chin is thrust forward and head
is kept level
Origin : mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygomandibule raphe
Insertion: angle of mouth (modiolus); orbicularis oris
Innervation: facial nerve
Action : presses cheek against molar teeth; works with tongue to keep food between occlusal surfaces and out of oral vestibule; resists distension (when blowing)
Orbicularis oculi (orbital sphincter)
Origin : medial orbital margin; medial palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone
Insertion : skin around margin of orbit; superior and inferior tarsi (tarsal plates)
Innervation : facial nerve
Action : closes eyelids; palpebral part does so gently; orbital part tightly (winking)