Neck Flashcards
Findings of neck inspection ?
Structure and shape of neck, alignment relative to torso, symmetry and atrophy :
- trachea : alignment relative to median line, Adam’s apple should be discernible
Skin : color, scars, defect, swelling, venous, pigmentation
- swellings : near lymph node, in parotid/thyroid gland normally not visible
- thyroid swelling : ask patient to shallow note if swelling move upward
Look at visible blood vessel
Palpation of the trachea and larynx :
Place thumb, index and middle finger around thyroid.
- central fissure should be palpable
Hyoid is above thyroid, horseshoes shape
- stick tongue out => it move upward
Cricothyroid ligament : between thyroid and cricoid.
What should you not do during lymph node palpation ?
Palpate with both hands. Can lead to carotid massage which will cause decrease in heart rate due to vagus nerve stimulation.
Palpate with one hand while holding the head with the other.
Description of lymph node swellings ?
Location, size, shape, surface, characteristics, consistency, pain, fullness, mobility, delineation from surrounding tissue.
Palpation of lymph node in the neck :
Finger flat, extended, parallel to the skin, move that in circular motion.
- submental node then move upward on the chin until parotid gland
- ask patient to turn their head to see the sternocleidomastoid muscle, palpate the front
- palpate supraclavicular region from medial to lateral
- palpate infraclavicular region from lateral to medial
- palpate posterior edge of sternocleidomastoid until behind the ear
- palpate towards occipital region
Normal lymph node findings :
Usually fusiform, smooth, sharply demarcated, elastic in consistency, not fused with skin not painful.
- barely palpable should be able to slide around.
Palpation of submandibular gland ?
Finger against mandible body and wrap terminal phalanges around it
- normal palpable smooth mobile
If indicated : perform bimanual palpation, use other hand to press down from floor of the mouth
Palpate parotid gland ?
Place hand on the cheek in font of ear, use finger in circular motion.
- usually not palpable
Examination of parotid duct : clench jaw, palpate anterior area to parotid gland
=> palpable as horizontal cylindrical structure
Palpation of the sublingual gland ?
Palpation from within the oral cavity beneath the tongue.
Palpation of the thyroid gland ?
Symmetrical method : stand behind sitting patient use both hands. Palpate beneath thyroid and above manubrium. Make circular movement.
Asymmetrical method : stand behind patient. Palpate one side of trachea with small circulating movement. Place other hand on contralateral side of sternocleidomastoid muscle and push larynx and trachea towards palpating hand.
Ask patient to shallow => thyroid rise
Result of the palpation of thyroid gland ?
Normal : soft, jelly like with bumpy surface but often non palpable.
Look out for : nodules, swellings (size, shape, location, temperature, delineation, painfulness)
What are the supplementary investigation possible for lymph gland ?
CT & MRI : glandular size, position and growth
Ultrasound guided FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) : nature, enlargement
What are the supplementary investigation possible for salivary gland ?
Radiology : if chronic inflammation or stone formation is suspected
Ultrasound guided FNAC
What are the supplementary investigation possible for thyroid gland ?
Scintigraphie : inject small quantity of radioactive iodine
MRI : determine boundaries and spatial relationships
Ultrasound guided FNAC : investigate solitary thyroid nodule.
Clinical significant findings in lymph node ?
Enlargement as a response to infection but the size isn’t a guide to the seriousness of disease.
Pain : active infection with red and warm skin
- fluctuation indicible => abscesses tissue
Fusion : enlarged lymph node that fuse with each other or the skin => active infection of malignancy.
Consistency & Location
Clinical significance of lymph node consistency ?
Soft : benign enlargement
Extreme solidity : metastasis, Hodgkin’s disease, granulomatous infection
Rubbery : malignancy lymphoma, chronic leukaemia
Clinical significance of lymph node enlargement location ?
Virchow’s node enlargement : metastasis in an organ that drains into the thoracic duct
Lung and breast cancer metastasis develop on the same side as the source.
Causes of lateral deviation of trachea ?
Enlarged hyoid
Space occupying process in the mediastinum : tumor metastasis, atelectatic lung, pneumothorax
Clinical significant findings in salivary gland examination ?
Unilateral enlargement of parotid : malignancy, infection, secondary stone related problem
Salivary stone : painful swellings in front of ear, develop quickly and disappear spontaneously , duct opening will be swollen and red with pus blood
Tumor of parotid gland : gradual, painless permanent swelling in front of ear. Solid/elastic with irregular boundaries. Fusion with skin may be detectable.
Parotitis : enlarged salivary gland, sensitive.
- epidermis parotitis = mumps : bilateral swelling clearly visible
Enlargement of parotid : metastasis of primary skin carcinoma in the head/neck region
Common concerning symptoms of the neck :
Neck mass or lump :
- >40 y old + persistent neck mass => malignancy
- enlarged tender lymph node => pharyngitis
Thyroid mass, nodule, goiter
- hypothyroidism : intolerance to cold, weight gain, dry skin, slowed heart rate
- hyperthyroidism : in tolerance to heat, weight loss, moist velvety skin, palpitation
Neck pain