NCAC .0201


(a) rules in the regulation book must be followed by all cosmetic art shops
(b) license before 03/01/2012 may choose to comply with the rules. 0202,. 0203(c), . 0204. 0301.
(c) shop licensed prior to 03/01/2012 must comply with rules .0201, .0203(a)-(b) and sections .0 400 and .0 500. Any shops that make any structural changes that change the physical layout must comply with all rules
People desiring to open a cosmetic art shop change the ownership or relocate or reopen shall make application to the North Carolina state Board of cosmetic art examiner

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NCAC .0203


(a) all C.A.S Shelby, separate and apart from any building used for any other business or purpose, separated by a solid wall of at least 7 feet and height also must have a separate outdoor entrance
(b) new established cosmetic shop shall be separate in apart from any building or room used through living dining or sleeping by a solid wall of ceiling height. Entrances to the cosmetic art shop shall be through solid, full length doors installed, and solid walls of ceiling height.
(c) home, cosmetic card shop shell furnished bathroom, facilities, separate and apart from the residence
(d) cosmetic art from a passageway, walkway, area used only for access to the shop may be open

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NCAC .0204


(1) 48 inches of space from the center to the center of each styling chair or table
(2) 24 inches from the center of the chair forward
(3) 48 inches from the back wrist behind the chair to any other styling chair or table
(4) at least 30 inches of space from the back of each styling chair or tables to the wall of the shop

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NCAC .0301


Cosmetic art shops shall have a sink with hot and cold, running water in the shop, separate from restrooms.

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NCAC .0302


(a) ventilation shall be provided at all times in the clinic areas when clients are serviced in all cosmetic art shops, and there must be a continuous exchange of air.
(b) light shall be provided in the service area of cosmetic shops
(c) all cosmetic art shops must stay here to any federal, state and local government, regulations or ordinance regarding fire, safety codes, plumbing, and electrical work

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NCAC .0303 bathroom facilities


(a) toilet and handwashing facilities, consisting of at least one commode and one handwashing sink with running water, liquid soap, and individual clean towels or hand air dryer should be accessible to each cosmetic art shop
(b) shops with initial licensure date or after 03/01/2012 shall have toilet and handwashing facilities in the bathroom as required and in paragraph of this rule

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NCAC .0304 equipment


Cosmetic art, shops shall maintain equipment supplies to safely perform any cosmetic art service offered in the shop

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NCAC .0401 licenses and students


(a) sanitation equals infection control
(b) Not with standing role. 020 one in the sub chapter, this rule applies to licenses and students and practice and cosmetic, art schools and shops.
(c) each and student shall wash his or her hands with soap and water immediately after using the restroom or use 62 to 70% alcohol base hand sanitizer immediately before and after serving each client and at any point that the student or licenses hand become contaminated
(d) each licenses and students shall wear clean garments and shoes while serving patrons
(e) licenses or students shall not use or possess in a cosmetic art school or shop any of the following:
- methyl methacrylate liquid monomer a.k.a. MMA
- Razor, shavers, hollow needles, or blades
- carbolic acid 2% strength( phenol)
- Animals, including insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds or non-human mammals to perform any service
- Variable speed, electrical nail file unless it has been designed for use on natural nail
(f) students shall not:
- Use any product, implement or piece of equipment in any manner under the products implements or equipment intended, use as described or detailed by the manufacturer
- Treat medical condition referred by physician
- provide any service unless it falls within the license definition listed in G. S. 88B/2 and unless trained prior to performing the service.
- Perform services on a client if he has reason to believe that the client has any of the following:
- fungus lice or nets
- and aimed, infected, broken, raised, or swollen skin or nail tissue in the area to be worked on
-An open wound or sore in the area to be worked on
(5) duplicate, issued by the board
(6) advertise or solicit clients in any form of communication in a manner that is false or misleading
;7) cut or remove growths of skin, including freckles, moles, warts, skin tags, corns, and calluses
(8) use any product or device that will penetrate the dermis
(9) make any statement to any of the public either verbally or in writing stating or implying any action that is required or forbid and by board rules once such action is not required or forbidden
(10) make any statement to a member of the public either verbally in writing stating or applying the licensee or student has completed training certification licenses/student does not hold or has not completed
(11) use use or possess any product banned by the FDA
(12) use or possess any machine for a cosmetic art service that is not classified by the FDA
(g) using a disinfectant, the user shall wear any personal protective equipment, such as gloves
(h) licensees may perform services specifically designated within their licensure field

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NCAC .0402 cosmetic art shops & schools


(a) no standing rule. 0201 in the sub chapter, this rule applies to all cosmetic arch schools, and shops.
(b) material be kept in receptacles with disposable liner. The area surrounding the waste receptacles shall be maintained in a sanitary manner.
(c) doors and windows shall be kept clean
(d) furniture, equipment, floors, walls, ceilings, and fixtures must be clean and in good repair
(e) works surfaces used for resting implements during any services performances must be disinfected, before, and after each service or be protected by a discardable or disinfect barrier, any barrier used for this purpose must be discarded, disinfected or laundered before and after service
(f) animals are birds shall not be a cosmetic art shopper, school, fishing and enclosure and animals trained for the purpose of disabled are exempt
(g) cosmetic art school display the name of the shopper in the suite number at the entrance by a sign or lettering
(h) the owner of a cosmetic art shop or school shall not post any signs that states or implies that some action is required or forbidden when it is not

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NCAC .0403 disinfection procedures


(a) disinfectant, as applicable in the sub chapter, is defined as disinfectant that is EPA registered as effective against:
- bacteria, including TAPHYLOCOCCUS space AUREUS, MRSA, and pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Viruses, including HIV, hepatitis B and C
- Fungi, including Trico fighting Mento growth fights
- coronavirus
(b) disinfectants that meet the requirements of sub. Paragraph A1 A2 and a three of this rule may be used if they are listed on EPA list and as affected against pathogen SRS code V – two.
(c) infection control rules that applied to towels and cloths are as follow:
- Clean, protective linens and towels shall be used for each patron
- After protective Cape has been in contact with Pat neck it shall be placed in a clean, close container, laundered with soap and hot water and dried and a heated dryer. Capes that cannot be wandered and dried and heated dryer maybe disinfected in accordance with a manufacturer directions
- After a drape linen or towel has been in contact with the patient skin and Shelby be placed in a clean container until laundered was soap and hot water and dried and heated dryer
(d) any paper or non-woven protective drape recovering shall be discarded after one use
(e) a supply of protective drapes, linens, and towels at all times. What towels used in services must be prepared fresh each day.
(f) clean drapes, Cape linens towels, and all other supplies shall be stored in a clean area
(g) facilities must be kept clean
(h) I’ll be cleaned and disinfected after each use in the following manner:
-They shall be washed with warm water and a cleaning solution and scrubbed to remove debris and dried
- They shall be disinfected with disinfectant according to manufacture directions And manufacturers contact. Rinse with hot water and dried. Stored in a clean clothes cabinet.
(3) if the implement is she a razor or non-immersible it shall be cleansed by wiping it with a clean cloth moist and sprayed with disinfectant use in accordance with a manufacturer directions
(i) disinfected nonelectrical implements shall be stored in a clean clothes cabinet or clean clothes container
(j) Include all disinfected, electrical implements, Shall be stored and clean area separate from other clean implements
(k) Disposable and porous implements and supplies must be discarded after or upon completion of the service
(l) product that comes into contact with the patron must be discarded and upon completion of the service
(.m) containers with open faces may be covered or closed with plastic wrapping disinfected implements must not be stored with any implement or items that has not been disinfected
(n) disposable razors, and other sharp objects shall be disposed in puncture resistant container
(o) creams lotions, wax, cosmetics, and other products suspense to come in contact with patient. Skin must be kept in clean clothes containers and must confirm in all respect to the requirements of the federal food, drug and cosmetic act as set forth in PO.. any product dispense center portions not dispense into another container must be used immediately and applied to payroll by means of a disinfected or disposable implement or other clean methods. No product dispensed in portions may be returned to the original container.
(p) whirlpool basin using circulating water
(q) after each patron, each whirlpool or football must be cleaned and disinfected as follows:. All water must be drained, and all debris removed from the basin two. The basin must be disinfected by filling the basin with water and circulating the surfactant or enzyme soap with disinfectant use according to manufacture instructions through the unit for 10 minutes, three. The basin must be drained and rinsed with clean water. The basin must be wiped dry with a clean towel.
(r) at the end of the day, each whirlpool or football must be cleaned and disinfected as follows: one. The screen must be removed, and all debris trapped behind the screen removed to. Screen and outlet must be washed with surfactant and soap or detergent and rinse with clean water. Before replacing the screen, it must be totally immersed and disinfectant in accordance to the manufacturers instructions. The inlet and area of a high screen must be cleaned with a brush and surfactant soap and water to remove all this debris and residue. and the spa system must be flushed with low sudsing, surfactant and somatic soap and warm water for at least 10 minutes and then rinsed and drain.
(s) record must be made of a date and time of each cleaning and disinfecting is required by the rule, including a date time reason and name of the member who performed the cleaning
(t) the water in a vaporizer machine must be empty daily in the unit disinfected daily after emptying
(u) the area where services are performed. Come in contact with the patient, including treatment, sheriff treatment tables and beds shall be disinfected between patrons
(v) a manufacturers label for all products cleaners and disinfectant. Concentrate must be available at all times if a concentrate bottle is emptied must remain available until a new bottle is available
(w) when disinfectant concentrate is placed in a secondary container, such as a spray bottle turbo jar that container must be labeled to indicate what chemicals in the container
(c) disinfectants must be stored and disposed of accordance with state and federal requirements
(Y) cabinet and supplies a towel warmer machine must be emptied daily and the unit dry daily after emptying

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NCAC .0404 first aid


(a) cosmetic art shop in school she’ll have individually packaged antibiotic ointment, gloves, or finger, seal, adhesive, advantages, and other necessary supplies available to provide first aid
(b) if the skin of the licensee or student is punctured, the life of your student shall upon knowledge of the injury, do the following in this order:
“ student blood exposure paper”
(c) the skin of the patron is punctured. The student shall on knowledge of the injury. Follow the client blood exposure pro

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NCAC .0501


(a) a newly established cosmetic art shop or a shop which is changed ownership must file an application for licensure with the board prior to opening all cosmetic shops be inspected before a lie since will be issued
(b) cosmetic must pass inspection by an agent of the board pursuant to the chapter inspections shall be conducted annually and may be conducted without notice
(c) mobile, cosmetic art shops schools are prohibited

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NCAC .0502


If an inspector is twice and able to inspect this salon, after making an appointment to inspect the salon, the board may initiate proceedings to revoke or suspend the salon license, or may refuse to renew the shop license

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NCAC .0503


(a) the sanitary rating of a beauty and establishment shall be based on a system of grading outlined in the sub chapter the boards, agent of inspector rate, all establishments based on the following greeting:
1. Establishments receiving at least 90% or more shall be awarded a grade A
2. All establishments receiving a rating of at least 80% less than 90% shall be awarded grade B.
3. Establish receiving a rating of at least 70% less than 80%. She’ll be awarded grade C.
4. Any cosmetic art shop or school with a sanitation grade of below 70% shall be awarded a failed inspection notice.
(b) every beauty establishment Shelby inspected and graded by the board agent. The cosmetic art school shall be graded no less than three times a year in a cosmetic art shop shall be graded once a year.
(c) sanitary rating or failed inspection notice given to a beauty establishment by the boards, agent or inspector shall be posted by the owner in plain sight near the front entryway at all times
(d) all establishments must be graded by the board agent or inspector and receive a rating of at least 90% before license will be issued
(e) the operation of cosmetic art school, which fails to receive a sanitary rating of at least 70% Shelby sufficient caused for revoking or suspending the license
(f) inspection of the boards, agent or inspector for the purpose of raising the sanitary rating of a beauty establishment shall not be given within 30 days of the last inspection unless the rating at the last inspection was less than 80%
(g) cosmetic art shops in schools with a failed inspection report Shelby sufficient cost for the immediate suspension of licensure. All cosmetic, our chops and schools with the field inspection report was closed until the agent or inspector has inspected, and the sanitation conditions have improved to be awarded a passing grade
(h) copy of the itemized inspection report must be provided to the operator at the time of the inspection 

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