NBME 28 Flashcards
which organ in CNS mediates conscious v/s unconscious proprioception?
Conscious - CB ant lobe
Unconscious - DCML (along with 2-pt discrimination, vibration)
Supination v/s pronation muscles?
Pronation - pronator teres
Supination - biceps brachii and supinator muscle in forearm
New onset rash that is photosensitive + serum tryptophan is dec + Urine has inc alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. Which other substance is dec?
Vit B1
Ans: Niacin
Yes DDx is MSUD (Branched Alpha-ketoglutarate DH - uses B1) but urine shows more AAs inc - like tryptophan, phenylalanine etc so think of Hartnups (Also rash)
Since tryptophan is less - its mainly dec Niacin and SRT rmmbr pathway!
Additive effect drugs?
ASA + Acetaminophen
Permissive effect drugs?
NE + cortisol
Synergistic effect drugs?
Ampicillin + gentamicin
Tachyphylaxis development in?
A1 agonist
Fragile X synd?
Methylation issue - Trinucleotide repeat on X - chr (CGG on FMR1 gene)
Intellectual disability, elongated face, large ears, macro-orchidism + high arched palate.
Inc risk of MVP
Apparently lentogo maligna = malignant melanoma
v/s compound nevus?
Lentigo maligna:
ABCDE hota h
Compound nevus:
Proportion of newborns with CHD last yr is?
Prevalence is calculated as the ratio of the number of people with a disease divided by the total number of at-risk persons in a population at a particular point in time but incidence is over a yr and new cases so yesss
Protein C inhibits?
F-5 and 8
hypoTN in case of septic shock?
NO excess
H2O2 pdtn
Induction of endothelin adhesion molec
H202 - helps kill bact and cause tissue injury
Induction of endothelin adhesion molec - in the recruitment and migration of leukocytes to sites of infection and injury. Local role
If normal diff of endoderm in lung bud is an issue, what is affected?
A) Capillary patterns
B) Cartilage in bronchi
C) Smooth muscle onthe bronchi
D) Surfactant secretion
E) Tracheal rings
B,C,A,E - Mesoderm
D - is only endoderm
Pt is a suspected case of colon Ca. Physician suggests Colonoscopy but he wants FOBT. Issue is with?
Low sensitivity
+ve predictive value uncertain
B is true but not immediate concern - Positive predictive value is based on both test specificity and the pretest probability of disease.
How infliximumab inc risk of Tb?
Infliximumab is TNF-alpha inhibitor - this is secretd by Ms to maintain granuloma + walling off the bact
Only PTT raised and is corrected when u add plasma a from Hemophilia A pt. Dx?
Pt has hemophilia B - cuz plasma from hemophilia A that has F-9 helped correct it
Metaplasia description?
a) Intestinal metaplasia of squamous epithelium
b) Squamous metaplasia of submucosal gland
A!! obv the sq epi –> intestinal type
Normal Art PO2 but dec arterial O2 content and dec mixed venous O2 content. Cause?
True abt T3 n T4?
a) Both T5and T4 enter the nucleus
b) T3 is converted to T4in the cytosol
c) Thyroid hormone receptors preferentially bind T4 over T3
Answer is A
T4 —> T3 peripherally via 5’-iodinase and R binds to both in nucleus.
What is the significance of:
M phases
G1 - cellular contents (- chromosomes) duplicate
S - DNA synthesis
G2 - cell growth and mitotic cyclin synthesis
M - Nuclear envelope is +P and cytokinesis
HypoNa acute + wt gain. Pt in ED is semicomatose now post running. High pulse + low BP. Cause?
Fluid overload h (wt gain) + low Na + acute - has to be dilutional - Excess fluid intake
agar chronic hota toh - CHF + Liver cirrhosis
U can have cerebral edema.
Metformin effects?
A) Decrease intestinal carbohydrate digestion
B) Increase beta-cell insulin secretion
C) Increase deposition of adipocyte fat
D) increase hepatic triglyceride synthesis
E) Inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis
Inc insulin sensitivity matlab more Insulin effects
- Inc AA uptake - protein synthesis
- Inc FFA synthesis not TGs (TGs are produced by FFA breakdown)
- Inc glycogenesis
Types of opioid R?
Mu - is all effects on sketchy
Kappa - reward signalling + mu
Delta - analgesia
sigma - memory and drug dependence
Pt: HLADR3/6
Donor: HLA DR3/4
donor’s T-Ls will react with what?
DR6 obvvv
Pt has Vertigo, lightheadedness, Left UL weakness that is only present when he exercises otherwise gone. P.Ex shows?
a) Right carotid bruit
b) Supraclavicular bruit
Answer is B!
Its subclavian steal synd - atherosclerosis in subclavian proxinal to VA is the pathophysio
UL + vertebrobasilar issues
Zenker’s diverticula - contrictor muscles are innervated by?
CN 9
CN 10
The vagus nerve innervates most of the pharynx except the stylopharyngeus muscle (CN 9) and possesses fibers that join with nerve fibers from the external laryngeal nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, and sympathetic chains to form the pharyngeal plexus.
Sequencing of the B-globin gene shows a point mutation in a sequence 3’ to the coding region in which AATAAA is converted to AACAAA. Consequently the amount of mRNA for (3-globin is decreased to 10% of normal. Which of the following functions in mRNA synthesis and processing is most likely encoded by the sequence AATAAA?
a) ) Cleavage and polyadenylation
b) Splicing of the initial mRNA transcript in the nucleus
Splicing of the initial mRNA transcript in the nucleus (Choice D) is the process by which introns are removed and exons are connected. Splice sites exist at the end of an intron and the beginning of an exon. Splice sites are recognized by snRPs, which are RNA-protein complexes that combine with the pre-mRNA to form a spliceosome. Mutations in splice sites can result in the aberrant inclusion of introns or exclusion of exons.
The AATAAA sequence encodes the polyadenylation signal. Mutations here would result in failure to polyadenylate the 3’ end of the mRNA transcript and lead to early degradation within the nucleus prior to translation
Pt has high uric acid and gouty tophi. Cause:
A) Cigarette smoking
B) Drinking home-distilled liquor
B not A!!
Cigarette smoking has been linked to numerous pathologies including lung cancer osteoporosis, bladder cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has not been directly associated with gout flares and alteration of uric acid metabolism or excretion
Qn 48 block 1 look at it once plss
PAH clearance
This is often calculated as relative risk. The definition of relative risk is the incidence rate in the exposed group divided by the incidence rate of the unexposed
group. In this question, the incidence of infection in the turtle exposure group would be calculated as 60 infections divided by 30 total persons in the turtle exposure group (60/80 = 0.75). The incidence of infection in the non-turtle exposure group would be 40
infections divided by 120 total persons without turtle exposure (40/120 = 0.33). Relative risk would be calculated as the incidence of infection in the turtle exposed group divided by the incidence of infection in the non-turtle exposed group ((6G/3G)/(4Q/12G) = 2.25).
This signifies that the risk of infection in the group exposed to turtles is 2.25 times the risk of infection in the group not exposed to turtles