NB3 development of the brain, functional localisaiton, functional org. of cerebral cortex Flashcards
Describe the formation of the neural tube?
1)neural plate froms in ectoderm layer, 2) it fold together forming the neural groove and folds. 2) The neural folds meet in midline and fuse beiginning in the cervical region then heading cephalic ( head ) and caudally (tail) 3) The leaves an internal cavity called the neural tube
How does the neural tube communicate with the amniotic cavity?
cranial neuropore closes first (18-20 somite stage or 25th day, and 2 days later the caudal neuropores close
1) What happens if the neuropores fail to close in the 3rd week of preganancy? 2) what can indicate that this is going to happen? 3) What can prevent this from happening? 4) How can they be detected?
1) Neural tube defects ( spina bifida occulta ( missing bone), meningocele ( missing bone + empty pocket), myelomeningocele ( missing bone + pocket filled with nerves), anencyphale (death missing part of brain) 2) high concentrations of maternal alpha-fetaprotein 3) folic acid supplements 4) ultrasound
What are the 3 primmary vesicles of brain development in utero:
prosencephalon, mesencephalon rhobencephalon
What are the 5 seconfary vesicles of brain development in utero: What do they become
- telencephalon (cerebral hemispheres and lateral ventricles 2.diencephalon (thalamus,3rd ventricle) 3.mesencephalon (midbrain aqueduct) 4. metencephalon (pons, cerebellum, upper part of 4th vesicle) 5. myelencepahlon ( medulla + lower part of 4th vesicle)
What is the cortex found in the precentral gyrus responsible for?
primmary motor cortex-voluntary movement
Where is the primmary samatosensory cortex found?
post-central gyrus
Damadge to the prefrontal cortex is likely to result in :
changes in personality
Damadge to the occipital lobe is likely to result in?
loss of vision, blurred vision, vision impairment
A patient presenting with difficultie in understanding likely has damadge to which area of her brain…
Wernicke’s are and broche’s area
Name and function

Broca’s area
concerned with the production of speech
Name and function:

Wernicke’s area
contains motor neurons involved in the comprehension of speech.
1) What cell type is produced from haematopoetic stem cells?
2) What cell types are produced from glial cells?
3) What cell types are produced from neuronal progenitor?
1) microglia
2) astrocyte and oligodendrocyte
3) nerve cell