NB23 Ear Flashcards
How is sounds detected through the ear?
Pressure waves conducted through middle and inner ear Frequency - Hz Generates waves in fluid in cochlear Hair cells move Triggers hair cell receptor activation
What does saccule detect?
forwards and backwards movemetn
What is contained in the urticle?
hair cells that monitro movement
1) What vibrates against the tectorial membrane?
2) What does the tecotorial membrane cause to vibrate?
organ of corti
2) ?????spiral ganglion
As you age what happens to your cochlea?
1) it unravels
so you can’t detect as high a frequency
Wherein the cochlea is
1) high frequencies heard?
2) low frequecncies?
1) base
2) apex
of cochlea
Which hair cells recieve efferent from superior olive?
outer hair cells
Describe the mechanism fro sound being transduced in a inner hair cell?
1) stereocilia move (joined together to aid movement)
2) K+ channels open
3) K+ moves in= hyperopolarisiaiton
4) Ca++ channels open= vescicles exocyutosied
5) neurotransmittor, glutamate released
Why is the auditory pathway bilateral?
so we can work out where the sound is coming from,
Describe the auditory pathway:
1) from dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei to superior olivary nucleus
2) to inferior colliculus
3) to medial geniculate nucleus
What is skipped in the auditory reflex pathway?
the superior olivary nucleus
From the primmary auditory cortex descibe how speech is initiated:
- primmary auditory cortex
- association auditory cortex
- wernicke’s area
- arcuate fasciculus
- Broca’s area
- Motor cortices
How is orientation detected in the ear?
in the vestibular apparatus
What does the vestibular apparatus consist of?
3 semi-circular canals
which ends widen into 2 sac the utricle and saccule
What is contained within the utricle and saccule of the ear?
otolith organs
Describe the vestibular nerve pathway for info from
1) semi-circular canals:
1) input into vestibular nucleus
2) This info is sent to the cerebellum, spinal cord, nucleus 6 or via the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to nuclei CN 3 &4
3) Nucleus CN3 then sends axons to extraocular muscles
What detects position in the semi-circular canals?
How do they work?
ampullae which are hair cells. Whose cilia is encapsulated in a cupula in endolymph.
2) When the endolymph flows it pushes on the cupula and thus the cilia, so movement is detected in hair cells.
What inputs into the vestibular nucleus?
B) Where is the vestibular nucleus?
1.ampulae of semicircular canals
2. maculae of utricle
3. maculae of saccule
B) in the brainstem
What are the otolith organs?
2) What do the 2 otolith organs detect?
saccule and utricle
2) Saccule- vertical acceleration (such as when in an elevator).
2) Utricle- horizontal movement,
What is contained in the sacculae and utricle?
hair cells known as maculae. Within each maculae, the stereocilia are embedded in a gelatinous mass known as the otolithic membrane, which contains small stonelike calcium carbonate particles called otoconia
What is within each maculae
It is a cell whoses stereocilia are embedded in a gelatinous mass known as the otolithic membrane, which contains small stonelike calcium carbonate particles called otoconia. They move with gravity
Describe the vestibular nerve pathway for info from
2) macula
1) input into vestibular nucleus
2) This info is sent to the cerebellum and spinal cord,
Why is info sent from vestibular nucleus to cerebellum and spinal cord?
for balance