NB18 Brainstem + cranial nerves Flashcards
describe neural tube cross-section :
dorsal part called basal laminar connected with alar lamina in ventral half, in a ring
What does the basal lamina of the neural tube form in :
1) spinal cord
2) medulla
1) ventral horn
2) motor nuclei
What does the alar lamina of the neural tube form in :
1) spinal cord
2) medulla
1) dorsal horn
2) sensory nuclei
Which cranial nerves are parasympathetic?
3,7, 9 and 10
Which cranial nerves are entirely sensory?
1,2 8
Which cranial nerves are sensory and motor?
5, 7 , 9 , 10
Which cranial nerves are entirely motor?
3, 4, 6,11, 12
List the general somatic motor nuclei + site
- nucleus of oculomotor (midbrain)
- nucleus of trochlear (midbrain)
- nucleus of abducent (pons)
- nucleus of hypoglossal (medulla)
Give the nucleus’ corresponding cranial nerve and function
- nucleus of oculomotor (midbrain)
- nucleus of trochlear (midbrain)
- nucleus of abducent (pons)
- nucleus of hypoglossal (medulla)
- CN 3, sup. inf. and medial rectus, inferior oblique and levator palpebrae superioris
- CN 4 superior oblique
- CN 6 lateral rectus
- CN 7 (All of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), except palatoglossus, which has vagal innervation (CN X).)
List the special visceral motor nuclei:
- motor nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons)
- nucleus of facial nn.(pons)
- nucleus of ambiguous (medulla)
Give the nucleus’ corresponding cranial nerve and function
- motor nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons)
- nucleus of facial nn.(pons)
- nucleus of ambiguous (medulla)
- CN 5: muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, tensor palatine, mylohyoid, ant. belly of digastric
- CN7: muscles of facial expression, post. belly of digastric, stylohyoid and stapedius
- CN 9, 10 &11: skeletal mm of pharynx, larynx and soft palate
List the general visceral motor nuclei:
- Edinger-Westphal nucleus (midbrain)
- Superior salivatory nucleus (pons)
- inferior salivatory nucleus (medulla)
- dorsal nucleus of vagus nn. (medulla)
Give the nucleus’ corresponding cranial nerve and function
- Edinger-Westphal nucleus (midbrain)
- Superior salivatory nucleus (pons)
- inferior salivatory nucleus (medulla)
- dorsal nucleus of vagus nn. (medulla)
- CN3: sphincter pupillae and ciliary mm
- CN7: submandibular, sublingual and lacrimal glands
- CN9: Parotid gland
- CN10: many cervical, thoracic and abdominal viscera
Give the visceral sensory nuclei (general +sensory ) :
nucleus of solitary tract (medulla)
Give the nucleus’ corresponding cranial nerve and function
nucleus of solitary tract (medulla)
CN 7, 9 and 10
taste and visceral sensation
List the special somatic sensory nuclei:
- mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons to midbrain)
- Chief sensory nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons)
- Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons to spinal level C3)
Give the nucleus’ corresponding cranial nerve and function:
- mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons to midbrain)
- Chief sensory nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons)
- Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nn. (pons to spinal level C3)
- 2.3. CN 5
- proprioception
- fine touch on face
- pain and temperature sensation of face