Nazi Germany 2 Flashcards
When does Hitler become chancellor of Germany
30 January 1933
What is a dictator
A ruler who has sole and complete power.
How did Hitler become Fuhrer
When he won the election in March, the Reichstag gave him the power to make laws without its consent. He quickly used his power to outlaw all other parties and organisations which might oppose him. He then put Nazis in control of every important body. Hitler thus became a dictator. Then, when President Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler made himself president as well as chancellor- Fuhrer.
Who was accused of burning down the Reichstag
Marinus Van der Lubbe.
How did Hitler use the Reichstag fire to his advantage
Hitler claimed it was the start of a communist plot against the government. He asked Hindenburg for extra powers to deal with the matter and he was issued a ‘law for the protection of the people and state.’ This emergency law suspended parts of the consitution-This allowed the Nazis to smash the communist election campaign and stormtroopers arrested 4,000 communists.
What did Hitler go on to do after the fire
The election of 1933 gave the Nazi party more seats than ever.-288 seats.
What was the enabling law
It allowed Hitler to make laws for the next four years without approval- become a dictator.
How did Hitler bring the German states into line
Every state was appointed a Nazi governor, that had the power to make state laws.
How did Hitler bring other parties into line
confiscated all the property and funds of the communist party and made a law stating that the Nazi party weas the only party allowed in Germany- forbidding the creation of any other parties.
How did Hitler bring people into line
Anyone found to be against Htiler was brought to prisons where they would be tourchered and forced to work.
What did Ernst Rohm want
He wanted to merge the SA with the regular army, with both under his control- this alarmed Hitler because Rohm could become more powerful than Hitler and also alarmed the generals of the army who saw it as a reduction in power.
REasons for the night of long knives
Hitler could not afford to lose support of the army generals and could not risk allowing Rohm to gain so much power.
Who carried out the killings in the night of the long knives
The ss
What did Hitler do to get the army on his side
Made them pledge an oath to him.
What was the national labour service
The scheme took over by Hitler. MEn were put into uniform and sent to work camps. There they received pocket money rather than wages and did military drills as well as work.
How did Hitler expand his army
From 1935 onwards, all 18-25-year-olds had to do military service for two years. The armed forces grew from 100,000 to 1,400,000
What was the road building programme
A programme involving the creation of a network of motorways, which gave work to over 80,000 men over the next five years.
What happened in the attack on the jews
SA organised a boycott of all Jewish-owned shops and beat up anyone who tried to enter. Hitler ordered sacking of anyone not of Aryan descent. Thousands of Jewish people lost their jobs. Placards appeared outside public places stating that Jews were not welcome. Jews were victims of organised hate.
What were the Nuremberg laws
They barred Jews from being German citize4ns andf took awa some of theirt most basic human rights
What caused the night of broken glass
A jew shot dead a senior Nazi official and in retaliation, the SA carried out a campaign of terror against the Jewish population.
What happened on the night of broken glass
10,000 Jewish shopkeepers had their windows smashed and the contents stolen. 91 Jews were murdered and 20,000 were sent to concentration camps. Nearly 200 synagogues were burnt down.
What did Hitler do to jews names
He made a law stating that men must have the name Israel and women must have the name sara.
How did Hitler spread his antisemitic views into classrooms
School textbooks and teaching materials were controlled by the government and therefore were able to publish anti-Semitic material.
What were the methods to keep control of the populations
Each block would have a leader who would report people to his party boss.
How did Hitler rearm
He ordered an increase in the armed forces, the navy was to build submarines and battleships and an air force was created, even though it was forbidden by the treaty of Versailles. So the armed forces expanded secretly.
What was the four-year plan
Rearmament was very expensive and Germany had not yet recovered from its recent depression. So Hitler introduced a four-year plan to develop the Germans economy. Its main aim was to make Germany self-sufficient in food and raw materials.