Nazi Germany Flashcards
Terms of the treaty of Versailles
Allied troops occupied the Rheinland
The German army was not allowed within 50km of the Rhineland. The army was cut to 100,000 soldiers
Germany was not allowed top Allie with Austria.
Germany was accused of starting the war, and so had to pay reparations to the allies-6.6 billion pounds.
The army was not allowed to have tanks, The navy was not allowed submarines and the air force was scrapped.
Why did the Germans hate the treaty of Versailles
Too harsh
Felt that the allies had forced it upon them
They felt that they had not lost in the war.
What is the KApp Putsch
5,000 of the free corps marched into Berlin, to try and overthrow the government by stabbing the German population in the back. The government fled and Doctor Kapp named himself the new leader of the new government. Kapps’ aim was to recover the land taken from them through the treaty of Versailles. Kapp was later defeated by Workers in the city who organised a strike meaning no water gas or electricity and Kapp had to leave.
What was the Red rising in the Ruhr
In the Ruhr industrial area, workers organised a communist revolution, The free corps were sent to sort it out.
Why did France occupy the Ruhr
Germany declared they could not afford to pay any more reparations, so France invaded the Ruhr and took what they were owed by force.
What is passive resistance
Refusing all demands of the French soldiers, not complying with orders.
How did the French deal with passive resistance
Expelling around 150,000 people from the region when they refused to take orders.
What was the cause of hyperinflation in Germany
Germany told the workers in the Ruhr to not work for the French, they had to pay the workers wages that they lost. The German government were paying out trillions and had to import coal from elsewhere. The only way the government could raise such large sums of money was to print off huge numbers of banknotes. This led to inflation, as the value of money went down the prices went up.
who were the hardest hit by hyperinflation
People on fixed incomes. unlike workers who could ask for a rise.
Who was Hitler’s first leader of
German Workers party.
What did Hitler change the name of the party to
National socialist German workers party. and issued a 25 point programme describing its aims. It was nicknamed the Nazi party.
Why was the Nazi party so successful in its early days
The large public meetings, were often held in beer halls where large audiences could listen to Hitler’s speeches.
What were the effects of the Munich putsch
16 Nazis were shot dead, Hitler was arrested and sent to prison. The party was banned.
Why did Hitler attempt a Putsch
Germany were in a crisis due to the French, faced with ruin the government ended passive resistance campaign, but this was an unpopular move. Many Germans wanted the campaign to continue. Hitler planned to overthrow the government.
How many people marched in the Munich putsch
2,000 stormtroopers
What was the situation between Kahr and Hitler
Kar wanted Bavaria to become an independent country, he tried to persuade Hitler to join him, instead of marching into Berlin. Hitler could not afford to change his plans. However, Hitler still needed Kahrs’s support. Kahr held a meeting in a large beer hall in Munich when Hitler burst into the hall and announced a national revolution had begun. He held the gun to Karhs head and forced him to tell the audience that he would support the revolution. Then General Ludendorff also announced that he supported Hitler. Kahr went back on his promise but Hitler still marched into Berlin and failed.
Pros of Hitlers trial
Received huge amounts of publicity and was on the front page news.
What did Hitler do in prison
He wrote Mein Kampf.
Why was it called the golden 20s
Because Germany had recovered from the crisis
Why was it that the Nazis were able to take power in 1933
Because in the at the end of the golden twenties there was mass unemployment, poverty and hunger in the thirties In elections, the people voted for extremist politicians who claimed they knew how to overcome these problems.
How did Germany overcome the crisis of 1923
A new government was set up. First, it called of the passive resistance campaign against the French in the Ruhr. Then it replaced the worthless mark with a new currency called the Retenmark. As a result of these two measures, France agreed to leave the Ruhr and hyperinflation stopped.
What was the Dawes plan
Stressemen the foreign minister, persuaded the French, British and the Americans to accept lower reparations payments. By the Dawes plan, Germany agreed to as much as it could afford each year. USA gave Germany 800 million marks to get started.
What were the Locarno treaties
By these treaties, Germany promised never to attack France and Belgium, and to settle peacefully any disputes that might arise with countries to the east., this allowed for Germany’s reputation to improve.
What was the young plan
Reduced Germany’s bill further.
When was Germany allowed to join the league of nations
What led to Germanys depression in 1929
As a result of the wall street crash, American banks demanded repayment of the loans they had given to Germany, many German companies thus went bankrupt. This led to unemployment
Why did the government struggle to help
There was such a wide spread of seats that no party had a majority, and no party could ever form a government.
What was article 48
The president was allowed in an emergency, to make laws without consulting the Reichstag.
Why were people angered by Brunings government
He governed Germany by making decrees, he was very unpopular and his policies failed to end the depression.
Why did Papens government not succeed
Papen only hasd 68 supporters and so held an election hoping to get more and in result the Nazis were now the biggest party in the Reichstag, therefore Papen could pass no laws and Hitler demanded to become chancellor.