Nazi culture Flashcards
what was Gleichschaltung, how did this influence Nazi views on culture?
coordination, wanted tight control over culture
what did Nazis do to unacceptable culture, why did they tell Germans they did this?
censored and banned
Germans culture bearers, this unacceptable culture led them astray
when was the mass book burning of ‘unsound’ books, how many books were burned?
10th May 1933, 25,000 books
what type of books were burned at mass book burnings?
foreign authors, Jewish authors, black authors, communists etc etc
what types of art, music and theatre were censored?
those by unacceptable people, those with an unacceptable style and those that were intellectual
when was the Reich Chamber of Culture (RKK) set up?
22nd Sept 1933
what did the RKK do?
controlled all creative arts, bring right sort of nationalistic, realistic and traditional art to all people, promote right sort of message
what did Nazi culture idealise?
the simple, rural life and the simple healthy farmer
how were Strength through joy trips used to show acceptable culture?
trips to theatre, opera, museums etc, showed people acceptable art, educated people on art they should despise, degenerate art exhibitions
why was sport encouraged?
produce healthy nation, strong, physically perfect Aryans
how were the 1936 Olympics used?
used to show of German sporting abilities, won 89 medals
how was the calendar of festivals and holidays rearranged?
rearranged around important dates in Nazi history, speeches and rallies brought people together
why were huge building projects created?
created work and gave impression Third Reich powerful and established
how did culture link with race and Nazi history?
believed Aryan people were culture bearers and creators, it was their mission to create profound and wonderful culture
how did Hitler’s Berlin masterplan, architectural plan represent the new Germany?
Reichstag symbolised german people
new Fuhrer palace would symbolise Hitlers rule
new military high command building represent importance of armed forces
central roads widened to allow military parades
how did the Nuremberg Congress hall reflect classical architecture?
inspired by Roman colosseum, granite exterior, massive scale symbolised power and strength
what decree did Frick minister of interior issue regarding art?
any art that did not reflect German values and themes would not be displayed in official galleries and could be destroyed
what were the key themes in Nazi art?
muscular men, largely or wholly naked engaging in intense physical activities
how did the Nazis use film?
as propaganda, promoted Nazi ideology or showed Nazi successes/history
who was Leni Riefenstahl and what did she do?
film maker, created series of documentaries for Nazis,
Olympia - about olympics, represented Germany as rebirth of ancient Greek and roman civilisation
The triumph of the will - film about 1934 Nazi party congress, groundbreaking techniques to present Hitler as god-like saviour
how did Goebbels approach film?
used dramatic stories that contained a subtle Nazi message, used them as propaganda sneakily
what was Nazi culture fundamentally based on?
whilst culture was generally accepted and people conformed, what kinds of groups opposed Nazi culture?
youth groups
Swing Youth- opposed censorship of music, listened to jazz
Edelweiss pirates- long hair, American clothes, anti-Nazi slogans, long hikes