Navigation Flashcards
Air Navigation
The art and science of efficiently directing an aircraft from one place to another and determining the aircrafts position.
Essential problem of navigation
Where are we?
Where are we going?
How will we get there?
When will we get there?
Shape of the earth?
Oblate spheroid
Shape of the earth for Nav purposes
Perfect sphere
True Poles
Extremities of the diamater about which the earth rotates
Magnetic Poles
Extremeties of the diameter indicated by a north seeking compass
Great Circle
Line on the earths surface with the same radius and centre as the earth
Small Circle
Line on the earths surface with a radius and centre different to that of the earth
A great circle which is perpendicular to the axis of rotation and equidistant of both poles.
Semi-great circles that join the poles
Parallels of Latitude
Small circles parallel to the equator
Rhumb lines
A regularly curved line that cuts all meridians at a constant angle
Problem of a flat map
Properties of an ideal map
Constant scale
Equal area
Great circles are straight lines
Rhumb lines are straight lines
Adjacent maps fit together
Geographic position easily fixed
Properties of conformality
Scale expanision/contraction is independant of azimuth/direction
Shape on chart conforms with area being portrayed
Meridians and parallels cut at right angles
Mercator Projection Properties
Great circle is curved convex to pole
Scale is constant only at the standard parallel
Bearings are correct
Rhumb lines are straight
Equator and meridians are only great circles with straight lines
Mercator Limitations
Cant depict poles
Must apply conversion angle to great circle tracks
Distortion of large shapes
Large distances are difficult to measure
Limited to 70N-70S
Rhumb lines are straight
Great circles are convex
Lamberts Conformal Properties
Great circles are straight lines
Rhumb lines are curved to nearest pole
2 standard parallels
Constant scale
Maps fit E-W if same parallels
What must you be careful of when plotting on a lamberts conformal projection?
Lines of latitude convergence
Methods of scale
Fraction (1:100 000)
Words (One inch to one mile)
Major properties of aviation charts
Latitude/longitude grid
Elevation in feet
Mercator/lambers projection
Centrally controlled
High level instrument charts
Low level visual charts
One grid of LAT/LONG chart
Two grid on chart
Three expressions of location in air navigation
Place name, bearing & distance, latitude/longitude
Window Velocity is symbolised by?
Arrow with 3 heads
Heading is symbolised by?
Arrow with 1 head
Track is symbolised by?
Arrow with 2 heads
Elements of triangle of velocities
Ground speed
Wind direction
Wind speed
Why are safety height calculations necessary?
Because of operations off designated airways
Safety heights are determined…
Outside of 25nm of airfield with MSA
Safety altitude area is determiend by…
50nm plus 5nm buffer
Lowest LSALT
How much do you add to a safety height from max elevation figures
How much do you add to 500ft obstacle
Calculate the safety height for an obstacle at 2340ft AMSL
2340 + 1000 + round up nearest 100
Calculate the safety heigh for terrain at 5435ft AMSL
5435 + 1360 + round up nearest 100
UTC is represented by?
Z Time
LMT at 0 degrees longitude
Nowra Winter Timezone is represented by?
K Time
UTC + 10hrs