native vs web applications Flashcards


native vs web applications (5 char + eg, not all hv eg)


- better performance (more impt for games, calc heavy apps, optimised for specific OS)
- wider set of capabilities like access to file system to modify files (while web hv narrower set of capabilities)
- improved user experience (OS system libraries usually provide visual themes that allow app to blend harmoniously w other system apps)
- offline installation (users can chk info on app when they dh internet for productivity & utility apps), apps store their code directly on the device, enabling them to run while device is offline (although access to services may be affected

- cross-platform compatibility (for platforms like e-commerce, social media apps) , accessed through web server w a single codebase (while native installed on target device)
expected to work across multiple web browsers (usually at the cost of performance) with a single codebase
- no installation req, run in web browser wo req installation of files in user’s file system
- lower devt cost (for small business & startup apps), multiple platforms can run the same application w the same codebase
while its high cost for native bc apps need to be created specially for multiple diff OS compared to one single codebase for a webapp
- easier deployment, dn to go thru app store review processes which can take days or weeks
- synchronised updates , users run the same code frm the server so that any changes to the code are immediately available to all users without requiring updates ; clients always get the latest version (while native req updating thru app store)
better control over software & services provided bc when company fixes critical vulnerabilities/bugs, can ensure that all users will receive the fixed ver (while for native, company cnt force users to stay updated to the latest version)

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