Nationalism / National Identity / Language Flashcards
What revived interest in nationalism?
The revival of nationalism in the Western World (e.g. Ulster, Basques, Quebec)
How should we categorise nationalism according to Andersen?
As belonging with kinship, religion etc. Not fascism. No big thinkers of its own
How does Gellner view nationalism?
As “primarily a political principle, which holds that the political and national unit should be cogent”
If the state is the ‘shell’…
Nation is the substance
How does Cobban define a nation?
“Any territorial community, the members of which are conscious of themselves as members of a community”
The people are politically and culturally ‘what’?
The body of citizens, and the Volk (defined by language/race)
How does nation differ from other forms of kinship?
Due to the centrality of the territory
How does the nation differ from other territorial societies?
Uniform culture; provides stability and continuity over time
How has Hobsbawm described the nation?
As a macro-family, a pseudo-religion, a team
How important is ‘territory’?
Nation requires an extensive, bounded territory, or the image of such a territory
What is an example of a nation without a state?
How has Seton-Watson viewed the attempt to define the nation?
There is no scientific definition, but the phenomena exists and existed
What widely accepted idea is challenged by Hobsbawm?
Not defined by members’ consciousness; suggests that all that is needed is the will to be a nation
How does Hobsbawm define a nation?
As “any sufficiently large body of people whose members regard themselves as a member of a nation”
How did Stalin define a nation in 1912?
As a historically evolved, stable community of language, territory, economic life, and psychological make up manifested in a community of culture
What is a quote from Andersen about what is a nation?
A nation is an imagined political community; and imagined as inherently limited and sovereign
Why does Anderson view the nation as sovereign?
Because it is born after the age when legitimacy of divinely ordained, dynastic realms had been destroyed
Why does Anderson view the nation as a community?
Because the nation is conceived as a deep, horizontal comradeship.
How can we define nationalism?
As a set of beliefs about the nation
How has Hobsbawm defined nationalism?
As the concept of the nation, rather than the reality it represents. The principle which holds political and national unit together
What historians have viewed nationalism as an identity, a means of categorising oneself and others, fulfilling the fundamental human need for labelling?
McCrone, Penrose, Hopkins
Who have seen nationalism as an ideological system of morally charged beliefs about the world?
Kedourie, Smith, Greenfield
How does Anderson view nationality and nation-ness?
As cultural artefacts
What is Hastings’ definition of nationalism?
The political theory that each nation should have its own state and the belief that one’s own ethnic/national tradition is especially valuable and needs to be defended at almost any cost. Nationalism the movement that seeks to provide a state for a given nation
When does Hastings see nationalism as arising?
When an ethnicity/nation feels threatened in regard to its proper character, extent or importance.
How does Kristeva see nationalism?
As the sense of belonging to a mother country - psychological
What four things made nationalism happen in the modern age?
Democracy, social mobility, education, technological advancement
Who first used nationalisme in a pejorative sense?
Barruel 1798
Name two primordialists?
Scales and Zimmer (criticise concept of “pre-modern”)
What three things enabled it to be possible to ‘imagine’ the nation?
When religion, monarchy lost ground, and conception of temporality
Who argues that felt history is more important than factual?
What what does Gellner argue nationalism came into existence?
What gives nationalism its power?
Natural appearance (“Nationalism creates nations where they did not previously exist”)
What does nationalism presuppose?
Organised movement and explicitly ideological programme
What modern thing does Andersen stress was crucial?
Print capitalism
Name a primordialist who takes the long-duree approach (ethnic resurgence and decline)
Who argues that nationalism is populist?
Nairn (induces masses into politics)
What was count 1 against Louis XVI?
Attacked sovereignty of the people
What did Robespierre say about Louis XVI?
“Louis must die, because la patrie must live”
What does Strachan argue the French Revolution established a link between?
Political rights and civic responsibilities
What percentage of the National Guard was artisans/shopkeepers?
What was the desertion rate in the French army in 1793?
Who saw nationalism as a malign force?
How can national wars be seen?
Test of collective fitness
Who argues that facism is a perversion of nationalism?
Best q
Who argues that the nation is self-defining?
At what point does an ethnic group become a nation?
When it is aware of its uniqueness
What do memories provide, according to Anderson? What do myths provide?
An identity. Collective purpose.
Who do both Gellner and Hosbbawm stress?
Social engineering behind nations
How many Arab states are there?
What is Zionism without the tie to Eretz Israel?
just a religious community
What does Avineri argue is the most distinctive feature of Jewish self-identity?
Attachment to Israel
What is a good definition of Zionism?
The re-imagining of an ancient religious community as a nation
What is a key difference between religious and secular Zionists?
Religious preoccupied with future, secular with past
What has Zionism used selectively to attract and give legitimacy?
traditional Jewish motifs and symbols
What by definition come in contrastive sets?
Ethnic groups
How can we define ethnies?
Members united by shared memories and traditions, solidarity
What is the nation an imagined extension of?
Bonds of blood relationship
What do primordialists and modernists stress differently?
Ideological and emotional dimensions of nationalism
Who argues that roots of modern nationalism are in ethnic communities?
What is a nation united by?
Shared customs and laws
How does Smith see nationhood?
Specialised development of ethnicity. Nation territorialised and politicised
What does racism have its origins in?
Ideologies of class - within national boundaries
Who sees nationalism as a modern secular substitute of religion or its closest ally?
Who sees nationalism’s historic roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition?
Name a city state with its own Godly guardian
What lessons the conflict between religion and nationalism?
When religion is territorialised as ‘god of land’
What 4 things does Smith argue religions and nations share?
Community, territory, history, destiny
What did Michelet say in 1831?
“You must take the place of the God who escapes us”
Who has argued language is key for membership and social communication?
Herodotus quote, 5th century
“We are one in blood and one in language”
What percentage of France spoke no French?
What percentage of France spoke it correctly?
What percentage of Italians spoke Italian before reunification?
2 1/2 %
How are France and German differently defined?
Ethnocentrically vs. territorially
Who argued that French was key to defining a French heart?
Abbe Henri Baptiste Gregoire
What was the name of the movement to transform the Hebrew language?
What is the word for pan-Arab and state-specific?
Qaumi, qutri
Who argues that anti-semitism wasn’t a key cause of emergence of Zionism?
Avineri - “a specifically modern dilemma of identity”
What 3 things was Zionism seeking?
Self-determination, identity, liberation
Who argues there was political antisemitism since the 1870s?
How did the Jewish people aim to free themselves?
Where did Zionism have its origins?
Pale of Settlement
Who criticised assimilation?
When was the Odessa pogrom?
Who wrote a nationalist manifesto in 1879?
Who resisted Zionism?
Alliance Israelite Universelle
Who argues that the pogroms radicalised and politicised attitudes?
When was the first Zionist congress?
1897 “A nation, one nation”
Who said “there is something unnatural about a people without a territory”?
Pinkser in Autoemancipation
What did the Basel Program declare to be the aim of Zionism?
“To create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law”
Who has identified 7 Israeli cultures and counter-cultures?
Who has seen Zionism as a social revolution or radical reform movement?
How can Zionism be seen in Israel?
As a civil religion
How many have moved to Israel since 1948?
2.9 million
What did Rabaut say during the French Revolution?
“We must make of the French a new people”
What was a consequence of the expulsion of nobles/foreigners?
involved a writing back of communal identity to mythical origins in which they had not participated (Wahnich)
What did the National Guard begin asking people?
Etes vous de la nation?
Who argued that the constitution of a new order was divisive?
How many Muslims were in the French army?
180 000
What percentage of the National Budget was spent on the war?
By when had insurgency spread across Algeria?
Who argues that the FLN’s victory stimulates and sustains post-Independence violence?
How many died in the 1990s civil war?
120-150 000
Who was there a standoff between?
Tlemcen and Tizi Ouzou
Who refused to recognise the Tlemcen’s authority?
Wilayas 3 and 4
Who worked to have Algerian question on UN Assembly’s table?
When did the General Assembly vote in favour of Algeria’s right to independence?
December 1960
Where did France bomb in Tunisia?
Who did Berbers support?
Socialist Forces Front
What was issued in 1964?
Algiers Charter
Since 1900 how many nations have achieved independence by force?
Fanon: Violence is man…
Recreating himself (Cesaire)
Who argues that violence is too ‘clean’ a word for what happened in Algeria?
When was the Cuban Revolution?
When did Abbas go over to the FLN?
January 1956
Who was the hardline republican front minister?
How many prisoners disappeared in the Battle of Algiers?
When was the Battle of Algiers?
Late 56-7
Who said that it was the supreme paradox that France won the military war and lost the diplomatic?
What document did the FLN create relating to the cold war?
“Our foreign policy and the cold war”
When was Algerian emigration to France restricted?
What did General Allard say?
“Destruction and construction, these two terms are inseparable. To build without first destroying would be an illusion”
When were women given the vote?
Which woman was Joan of Arc-esque?
Djamila Bouhired
When were Algerians considered full citizens?
What reform plan intended to boost the socio-economic development of Algeria?
Plan de Constantine
When was their a coup against de Gaulle? (2)
1958, January 1960, April 1961
Who argues that the post-war period suggests it was more of a war than a revolution?
Who did Ben Bella ally with?
Trade unions especially - personal ties only. Today’s heroes = tomorrow’s traitors
Who was the Algerian Manifesto addressed to?
Algerian people and militants of the national cause
How did the FLN first describe themselves?
“Young and conscientious leaders and militants”
“in confirming with revolutionary principles…
our action is directed uniquely against colonialism, the only enemy
“True the struggle will be long…
But the outcome is certain
“The FLN is your front…
Its victory is yours
“Tahia El Djazair!” Vive l”algeria
What did women sing?
“I give you everything I love, I give you my life, o my country
“Tragic times in Tragic kabylia”
How does Fanon justify the use of terror?
To prevent the people themselves being gripped by terror
Who allows death to enter his soul and is not ‘sacrificed’, but has a rendezvous with the life of the revolution?
The fidai
“The colonized man finds…
His freedom in and through violence
“The peasants alone are revolutionary…
For they have nothing to lose and everything to gain