NASM Free ch. 6 Assessments of Muscle Imbalance Flashcards
What is the STARTING POSITION for the SQUAT assessment?
- Feet shoulder width apart
- Pointed straight ahead
- Knees in line with toes
- Low back in a neutral position
What MOVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS should be given for the SQUAT assessment?
- Warm up with light resistance that can be easily performed for 8-10 reps
- 1 minute rest
- Add 30 to 40 lbs (10-20% of initial load) and perform 3-5 reps
- 2 minute rest
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until client fails
- Use the one-rep maximum estimation chart in the appendix to calculate one-repetition max.
What is the BENCH PRESS Assessment designed to assess?
What is it used to determine?
The one-rep maximum overall, upper body strength of the pressing musculature.
Use to determine training intensities for the bench press.
What 3 short/tight muscles can cause the knees to bow outwards?
- Piriformis
- Biceps Femoris (lateral hamstring attaches from ichial tuberosity which is medial, to the outer knee which is lateral, causing ext. rot)
- TFL (when not acting as stabilizers, can become synergistically dominant for glute med and pull the knee out)
What is the starting position for the SHARK SKILL TEST?
- Client stands on one leg
- With hands on hips
- In the center box of a 9 squared, square grid.
What does the Shark Skill Test assess for?
Agility and neuromuscular control of the lower extremity
What does the Davies Test assess for?
Measures agility and stabilization of the upper extremities
What does the push up test assess for?
Muscular endurance of the upper body especially pushing muscles.
Overhead squat test and Single leg squat assessment are good for testing what?
Lower extremity movement patterns
KNOCKED KNEES during the OVERHEAD SQUAT TEST is influenced by weakness in which 2 muscle groups?
Tightness in which muscle group?
Restriction in which joint?
- Hip abductors
- Hip external rotators
-Hip adductors
RESTRICTION_-Ankle dorsi flexion
What 3 short/tight muscles can cause the knees to bow outwards?
- Piriformis
- Biceps Femoris (lateral ham attaches from ichial tuberosity which is medial to the outer knee which is lateral, causing ext rot.
- TFL (when not acting as stabilizers, can become synergistically dominant for glute med and pull the knee out)
What is the starting position for the SHARK SKILL TEST?
- Client stands on one leg
- With hands on hips
- In the center of a box of 9 squared, square grid
What movements should be instructed for a SHARK SKILL TEST?
How many times?
How should the time be calculated?
- Hop to each box in a designated pattern, always returning to the center box. (Be consistent with the pattern).
- Have one practice run through for each foot.
- Perform the test twice for each foot
- Record time adding .1 second for each fault:
- Non hopping leg touches the ground
- Hands come off hips
- Foot goes in the wrong square
- Foot doesn’t return to center square
What does the Shark Skill Test assess for?
Agility and neuromuscular control of the lower extremity
Which clients should not perform the shark skill test?
Clients who had difficulty with the single leg squat test.
- Place two pieces of tape 3 ft. apart on the floor
2. Have client assume the push-up position with one hand on each piece of tape.
What MOVEMENTS should be instructed for the DAVEIS TEST?
How long?
1, Quickly move one hand to touch the other alternating each side
- Continue for 15 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
What is the starting position for the pushing and pulling assessment?
Stand in a split stance with toes pointing forward. Draw the abdomen inward
What is the starting position for the pushing and pulling assessment?
Stand in a split stance with toes pointing forward. Draw the abdomen inward
What movement instructions should be given for the pushing and pulling assessment?
How many repititions?
Press handles forward and return to starting position.
Pull handles toward the body and return to starting position.
20 reps
What 3 things should be looked for when the client performs the pushing or pulling assessment?
- Does the low back arch?
- Do the shoulders elevate?
- Does the head migrate forward?