Narratology Flashcards
what is narrotology
Methodological tool of analysis
What is narrotology about
Mediacy = principle quality of being mediated
Franz K. Stanzels typology model:
2 modes:
the therree narative situations
Stanzels typology model:
2 modes:
Narrator mode:
Explicit narration by a narrator
Presentation trough consciousness of protagonist
Identity or non identity of narrator and protagonist part of the narated world
Are they the same: narator and protoganis or not
Internal or external perspective
Internal perspective (inside of the story) means that the narrative focuses on thoughts and emotions while external perspektive (outside his story) focuses solely on characters’ actions, behavior, the setting
Is the perception located outside or inside of the story.
First person narrator: - main things that sets it apparat from the figural:
* Narrative and experiencing eye = both narrates and experiences * Can be protagonist or simply a vidness (but the perspektive Is always internal)
* Godlike - panoramic view
* Knows past, present, and future
Figural narrative situation
* 3 pers, reflector mode, internal,
* Complete absence - meaning no narrative voice
* It creates an illusion of immediacy (direct access to the character and story) - there cant even be non identity because there is no narrator - so no mediation institution if you will, just reflectormode.
draw and explain stanzels model
First person narrator: - main things that sets it apparat from the figural:
* Narrative and experiencing eye = both narrates and experiences * Can be protagonist or simply a vidness (but the perspektive Is always internal)
* Godlike - panoramic view
* Knows past, present, and future
Figural narrative situation
* 3 pers, reflector mode, internal,
* Complete absence - meaning no narrative voice
* It creates an illusion of immediacy (direct access to the character and story) - there cant even be non identity because there is no narrator - so no mediation institution if you will, just reflectormode.
all knowing
Frame Narrative:
A story within a story, within sometimes yet another story
Telling vs. Showing
- Simple: Does the narrator show or tell us
Thoughts and speech diegetic (telling) or given directly (mimetic/shown)
2 Speech representation:
Free indirect discourse
Interior Monologue
- Free indirect discourse
Mixes character and narrators voices- Interior Monologue
- Quoted without any mediating instance. Extensive use of first-person singular
A stream o f conciousness
who or what is the focalizer
- Presence of a reflector-character
main function is to reflect, i.e., to mirror in his.consciousness what is going on in the world outside or inside himself. A. reflector-character never narrates in the sense of verbalizing his perceptions, thoughts and feelings
Focaliser = the question of who is seeing, is also acsess to focalisers feelings, expressions, though.
However there is still also a narrator.
It’s a bit like the reflector - they are our emotional, physical, cognative anker.
For eksampe the narrator is not part of the world, but we still have 3 person acess to a characters feelings meaning that character is the focalizer.
Heterodiegetic, Homodiegetic, Autodiegetic
Heterodiegetic - outside the story
Homodiegtic - inside the story
autodiegetic - telling their own story
The extradiegetic narrator is the narrator of the first degree of the story. They are external to the diegesis. The extradiegetic narrator (outside) is therefore telling the intradiegetic narrative (inside the story).
A character within the diegesis can be/become an intradiegetic narrator when they tell a story. As you pointed out, this happens in the case of an embedded narrative. In this case, the character becomes an intradiegetic narrator telling the hypodiegetic narrative. The diegesis always refers to the first level of the story world, the second level would be the hypodiegetic level. If a character on the hypodiegetic level begins telling a story, they become the hypodiegetic narrator of a story taking place on the hypo-hypodiegetic level, and so on.
an intradiegetic narrator is any narrator that is positioned within the diegesis. The website
what do we call a story within a story
Embedded narative
The internal focaliser can be one of three things?
Fixed focalization: same perspective(restricted to one character) (so maybe fixed internal focalisation)
Variable: Different scenes = different focalizers, think sifi novels,
Multible: Same event several perspectives (or focalizers)
Perceptibility can be?
Overt: intrusive, obvious, we feel the narrators presence
Covert: Minimal Narratorial presence: mostly reporting not cognitive. Citation, if characters are talking a lot. Even if they are talking about there feelings then you are closer to the character.
A first person narrator can also be overt.
what do we call it when the narator participates or does not participate in the world
Hetero or homo diegetic
(auto diegtic)
Name the three types of focalization
Internal Focalization
Zero focalization (or degrees or the above)
Internal Focalization
Zero focalization (or degrees or the above)
· Internal focalization narrators knowledge equals the narrators knowledge
- Then you have a character focalizer
- Fixed focalization - restricted to one and the same perspectives
- Variable focalization: different scenes are presented trough different perspektives
- Multible focalization:
· External focalization (narrator focalization) narrators knows more than characters - always narrator focalizer who can only describe observable behavior showing - Iformation abut the characters External behavoiur without presenting feelings or thoughts · Zero focalisation - Closer to authorial perspektive snatzel, birds eye view - Its different from internal because it its not multible perspektives in just one scene but several scenes several perspektives
what kind of focalization when
- Narator knows as much as the characters
- Narator knows less then characters
- Narator knows more than characters
- Internal
- external
- zero
Name Roman Keenans three degrees of focalization
Perceptual facet
- Sight hearing smell
- Spacial undertsanding (birds eye view from outside, or limited observer from inside)
- Time or tempoarality
Psychological facet
- Refers to mind and motion
- Cognitive component: knowlegde, belief, memory
(restricted internal focaliser vs. unrestricted external focalizer)
- Emotive component: objective (uninvolved) vs Subjective (involved)
Ideological facet
- Whose norms are narated
Mixes character and narrators voices
- Stream of thought
No quotation
Free indirect discourse
- Includes: free indirect thought and speech - In Austens novel MP, she tells us who knows what at what point and time, so there si variable nternal Focalization. Sometimes the narrator will explain to us what the people are thinking. The heterodiegetic narration shifts perceptions (different persons)
- Quoted without any mediating instance
- Extensive use of first-person singular
A stream o f conciousness
- Extensive use of first-person singular
Interior Monologue
- The reporting verb is always present: Mary wondered
- The conjunction that is optional
Mary wondered what on earth she should do now (more mimetic of reality - to a degree)
Mixes character and narrators voices
Idirect content pharaphrase:
The narrator pharaphrases what the character says.
Indirect discourse
Mary said “what should I Do now”
- Quoted without any mediating instance
- Extensive use of first-person singular
- A stream o f conciousness
- Reporting verb present or implied
- Conjunction that is absent
- We are closer to the character because we hear it clear from their month
direct discourse