Intertextuality and intermediality Flashcards
Jacques Derrida
Deconstruction of key binary terms:
- Reason/passion. Masculinity/feminity
- Critism: human thinks that behind every problem is a clear sulution. - wanting simplicity
Deconstruction of equality:
Assertion: equality always better then inequality
Pont: some of the best human systems we know are not examples of equality (e.g., pupils and teachers)
· Meaning itself is highly instable · There are multiple meanings beyond binary oppositions and essentialisms
privileged speech
What: western philosophers (since Socrates) have a priviviligded speech - seen as authentic communication over wiritng as a mere transsript over what people might say. - lacking interaction and truuthfulness.
And soo it goes on in: reconce privilged over passion, men over women. Words over pictures.
Argument: this privilege makes it impossible to see the value of the so called less privileged things. Deconstruction of key binary terms: - Reason/passion. Masculinity/feminity - Critism: human thinks that behind every problem is a clear sulution. - wanting simplicity
Modes of writing:
- Modes of writing include:
Parody: imitation that mocks the original
Pastiche: imitation that appreciates the original
Metafiction: fiction that self-reflexivity highlights its status as fiction
why is the postmodern way of deconstructing going against essentialisme
· Meaning itself is highly instable
There are multiple meanings beyond binary oppositions and essentialisms
Creating totally new word does not have to be created from exsisting word.
Examples include’coach potato,’ ‘meme,’ and ‘wiener dog.’Once the word is no longer novel, it is formally accepted as part of the vernacular language and appears in dictionaries.
Gerad Gentte:
Main category:
* Transtextualitet
Main category:
* Transtextualitet - det forhold, at et eller flere elementer (i bredeste forstand) flyttes fra en tekst til en anden.
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Sub Categories
* Intertextualitet
Intertekstualitet betegner det forhold, at et værk eller en ytring direkte eller indirekte refererer til et andet. Intertekstualitet eller intertekstuel reference skal både forstås som de tekster et værk er skrevet over, refererer til, går i dialog med eller på anden måde står i relation til.
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Sub Categories
Para-’ betyder ‘ved siden af’ og paratekster handler om relationen mellem en hovedtekst og de teksttyper som ligger ved siden af denne
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Sub Categories
wenn ein Text einen anderen reflektiert, kritisiert oder kommentiert.Oft kritiscger Verwis eines Text auf einen Praetext.
Metatextuality is the explicit or implicit critical commentary of one text on another text.
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Sub Categories
Relationer der forbinder en tekst (hyperteksten) med med en tidligere tekst (hypoteksten), så hyperteksten bliver en tekst på et andet niveau i kraft af dette.
Imitation, Adadtion, Parodie, Fortstzung.
Gerad Gentte:
Sub Categories
- Architextualitet
isthe designation of a text as a part of a genre or genres.
Most basic definition of intertextuality:
The relationship between texts
There are Pretexts
Note: There is a reference to generic conventions of style and plot that are not always intertextuality as they don’t refer to specific text
Pfister qualitative criteria of intertextuality:
Note: probaly don’t have to know all of the - put maybe list two to underline the point you are making
* Referentiality * Communication * Auto-reflexivity (aka Self-reflexivity) * Structure * Selection * Dialogicity
- Referentiality
Are previous text just used or is there refered to them* Communication Are the intertextuality in the text used with intention * Auto-reflexivity (aka Self-reflexivity) A term applied to literary works that openly reflect upon their own processes of artful composition. metakommunikation. * Structure Do the quotes and references create a pattern * Selection toa group of literary pieces (e.g., articles, poems, and plays) that are curated for a specific purpose * Dialogicity Does the text give way to textual differences and reflection of the Norm-systems Another example of dialogic communication could bea classroom setting. Instead of a teacher or a professor lecturing for an entire class, they might ask open-ended questions and provide time for their students to discuss those questions as a group
Erasure Poetry
- a special kind of intertextuality.
- Also known as blackout poetry
- Form of poetry: the poet takes existing text and erases parts of it creating a new text.
May be used as a means of collaboration (a dialogue between a old and a new text) or a means of confrontation between the two text when it challenges the pre-existing text.