Narcissistic Personality Disorder Flashcards
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - descriptions
- Rank s-> earliest description ‘the being in love with oneself’
- Freud - > developmental issues where self-love/primary narcissism in infants fails to be outward directed to others
DSM -5:
- 3 main symptoms:
- Grandiose sense of self -importance -> overestimate abilities
- Excessive need for admiration entitlement , self-esteem very fragile
-Lack of empathy
selfie Beh
- Singh et al->
- Narcissism corresponds well with social networking beh where grandiosity correlated most strongly
-excessive need for admiration + grandiosity
Depressive tendencies
- Watson -> various depression measures pos correlated with NPD severity
- more severe NPD more likely to more show depression
Lack of empathy
- unwilling to recognise others feelings + needs
- emotional coldness +lack of reciprocal interest
- recognise needs but see them as weaknesses + vulnerability
- low emotional + cog empathy
Antisocial personality disorder
-APD lack empathy + are callus, cynical of feelings + suffering g others
-Willemsen et al-> psychopathy ratings increase as likelihood of depression decreases
NPD + empathy - Neurobiological differences
-Schulze et al ->
-ppts with NPD had smaller regions associated with empathy (medial prefrontal cortex, anterior insula etc)
NPD + lack of awareness
-Cooper et al-> more narcissistic ppts, less aware of their narcissm
NPD treament
- very few successful controlled studies
- main treatment is psychotherapy
NPD prevalence
-High prevalence with substance abusers (6.2%)
- more common clinical populations than in community (2 %) -> snows NPD can be help -seeking
-Ronningstam -> more likely to divorced + unemployed
- declines with age
NPD is biopsychosocial
-Heritable component accounnting for 40% of variance
- Narcissistic traits are increasing over time
- cohort effect -> sociocultural changes in parenting practices influence narcissism levels it increase depends on permissiveness + over indulgence
modernity + Narcissism
-characteristics of modern soc promote greater focus on self
- may support expressive individualism
-individualistic values can shade into narcissism
-Lasch-> modern soc encourages indivs to focus on the self + loosen ties with community, amplifying narcissistic traits + producing fragile self-concepts
Narcissism + psychotherapy
- Cushman-> criticises psychotherapy for promoting individualistic values
- Those who are grandiose + seeking attention may find talking therapy becomes part of the problem
Problematic personality + NPD
-Rutter + Smith -> indies with problematic personality are at greater risk of dev mental disorders
- costed + widiger-> patients with personality disorders have low agreeableness , low consciousness + high neuroticism
- Remit with highly structured therapies that are designed to deaI with emotion dysregulation + impulsivity
NPD + self esteem
-rely excessively upon others for self-esteem + emotional regulation
- characterised by fragile self-esteem
- low implicit (automatic) self esteem + high explicit (reflected) self- esteem
NPD + shame
- Horowitz + Runningstam -> indies with narcissism try to avoid shame + engage in strategies (aggression, perfectionism)
-Ritter et al-> explicit State shame + proneness sig higher in NPD