Names Flashcards
William Wundt
-“founding father” of psychology
-Leipzig, Germany in 1879
-Experiment on the “atoms of the mind”
-he would drop a metal ball and ask a subject to hit a lever as a reaction time response
-hit the lever when you know the ball hit the ground
-used scientific techniques to measure a thought
William James
- “father of American Psychology”
- taught and studied at Harvard university
- first person to teach psychology courses
John Watson
- behaviorist
- applied Pavlov’s classical conditioning to humans
- did a study with a baby Albert by associating a loud sound with rabbits to see if the baby would be scared of rabbits
B.F. Skinner
- developed operant conditioning
Phineas Gage
-survived having a tamping rod go through the brain
-common case study
Elizabeth Loftus
- Did a lot of research on memory and discovered the misinformation effect
- “How fast were the cars going when they hit each other”
- “How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other”
-altering memory retrieval
Miller’s Law
-Miller did a lot of research on memory
The typical person can hold 7 (give or take) items in their short term memory
Tversky & Khaneman
-studied cognitive biases
Discovered the anchoring heuristic, a heuristic that influences how to assess probabilities; the person starts with an implicitly suggested reference point as the first guess, and then adjusts from there to arrive at the final estimate.
They also discovered the representative heuristic and availability heuristic
Four stages of cognitive development (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational)
Harry Harlow
Harlow monkey studies
- the importance of comfort
- babies also need bonding and security
Mary Ainsworth
- researched impact that parents have on the type of attachment that children develop
-strange situation
-proposed 4 types of attachment (secure, avoidant, resistant, disorganized)
Albert Bandura
- experiment involving toy doll (Bobo Doll)
-introduced observational learning
-outcome suggests that children observe and mimic other’s behaviors
-Led to a broader view of behavior, beyond classical and operant conditioning - social cognitive theory (a large part of what you are is a result of what you observe)
-proposed the concept of reciprocal determinism (it isn’t just the environment that determines how you respond to a situation)(how you think impacts how you behave, how you behave impacts how you think, and the environment impacts how you behave and how you think)
-self efficacy (confidence in how you handle a task)
-observational learning
Noam Chomsky understanding of language
According to Noam Chomsky, noted linguist, language is also acquired by our brain’s ability to pick up on patterns (grammar) and then apply them; he coined the term “language acquisition device” in our brain
Case of Genie
-girl found in a home trapped in her bedroom
-she had no exposure to language until 13
-she missed the critical periods for language acquisition
B.F. Skinner’s understanding of language
-According to B.F. Skinner, language is “learned” via rules of reinforcement
-based on sounds and words we hear in our household environment
Julian Rotter
Introduced locus of control
- belief of about where we feel our control comes from
- internal locus of control (I am in control of outcomes)
-external locus of control (outcomes are beyond my control)
Walter Mischel
- student of rotter
- The marshmallow test
-explored self regulation - those with more self control were found to fair better in high school
- those with poor self control were not as successful
Sigmund Freud
- he was a physician
- Was the first to actually look at the unconscious
- personality (Id, Ego, Superego)
- States of consciousness (Unconscious, preconscious, conscious)
-psychosexual stages of development (Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital state) - introduced Defense Mechanisms (ways for people to do decrease anxiety)
- the presence of an unconscious
- Reaction formation
Students of Freud (Neo-Freudian)
- Alfred Adler (humans motivated by desire for superiority)
- Carl Jung (focused on the unconscious)
-Karen Horney (childhood shaped who we are)
Obedience–Stanley Milgram
- One confederate and one subject
-Researcher with Yale lab coat
-people are told to give shocks
- he had people turning knobs
- confederate of the research was paid to tell people how interesting an experiment was ($1 or $20)
- the person who was given $20 felt the lie was justified
-the person given $1 felt guilty for lying for $1
Case of Kitty Genovese
Was attacked by a man, and people around her didn’t step in to help
- bystander effect
Carl Rogers
client centered therapy