Names Flashcards
Pondered truth, beauty and justice; derived principles by logic
Abstract, unsystematic philosophy; derived principles by logic
Student of Socrates
Student of Plato
Loved data and observations; believed knowledge is not preexisting, that it grows from experience and memories
“I think, therefore I am.” Truth is found through reason and deduction; studied how mind and body communicate
Rene Descartes
One of the founders of modern science; fascinated by the human mind and its failings
Francis Bacon
Believed upon entering the world, humans’ minds are a blank slate; knowledge is not innate
John Locke
Believed science could be formed to explain people
Thomas Hobbes
In contrast to Locke, believed our minds are active, not passive
Immanuel Kant
Founder of psychology; set up first psychological lab at the University of Leipzig; set up first psychological journal; attempted to study and analyze consciousness
Wilhelm Wundt
Studied time lapse between hearing a sound and pressing a button
Wilhelm Wundt
Founder of structuralism (using introspection to explore the elemental structure of the human mind)
Edward Titchener
Founder of functionalism (focused on how mental and behavioral processes function - how they enable the organism to adapt, survive and flourish)
William James
First female president of APA; researched memory
Mary Calkins
First female psychology PhD; 2nd female APA president; researched animal behavior
Margaret Floy Washburn
Believed healing ailments came from manipulating body fluids; came up with mesmerism (hypnotism)
Anton Mesmer
Believed in phrenology (nature of a person could be known by studying a skull)
Franz Joseph Gall
Continued Gall’s work
J. Spurzheim
Made evolution a scientifically sound principle
Charles Darwin
Created the correlation coefficient; wrote Hereditary Genius
Sir Francis Galton
Promoted eugenics (plan for selective human breeding in order to strengthen the species)
Sir Francis Galton
Founded experimental psychology (before him, people thought the mind could not be studied empirically)
Gustav Fechner
Believed in the existence of specific nerve energies; teacher of Wilhelm Wundt
Johannes Mueller
Studied sensation; provided foundation for modern perception research
Hermann von Helmholtz
Father of psychology of adaptation; founder of sociology
Herbert Spencer
Father of experimental psychology (Wundt of the US)
William James
Founded APA (1892) and the American Journal of Psychology (1887)
Stanley Hall
Year APA was founded
Coined the term “adolescence”
Stanley Hall
Famous for reflex arc; foundation for functionalism
John Dewey
Opened psychology labs at Penn and Columbia; thought psych should be more scientific than Wundt
James Cattell
Researched better care for the mentally ill through hospitalization
Dorothea Dix
Famous for classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
Founded school of behavioralism (psychology is about observing and studying behaviors as people respond to different situations)
John B. Watson
Operant conditioning; Skinner Box
B. F. Skinner
Law of Effect (precursor of operant conditioning)
Edward Thorndike
Founders of the school of Gestalt psychology (in perception, whole is greater than the sum of its parts)
Max Wertheimer
Wolfgang Kohler
Kurt Koffka
Psychoanalysis; 3-part structure of mind (id, ego, and super ego); unconscious motivations
Sigmund Freud
4-Type Theory of Personality (also known as Individual Theory of Personality)
Alfred Adler
Analytic psychology - collective unconscious and archetypes
Carl Gustav Jung
Cognitive development in children
Jean Piaget
Performance = Drive x Habit
Clark Hull
Modified theories of Clark Hull
Kenneth Spence
Cognitive maps; Expectancy-Value Theory (Performance = Expectation x Value)
Edward Tolman
Founder of ethology; imprinting in ducklings
Konrad Lorenz
Client-centered therapy; Humanistic school of thought (emphasized the growth potential of healthy people; used personalized methods to study personality in hopes of fostering personal growth)
Carl Rogers
Leader of humanistic psychology; hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow
8 Stage of Psychosocial Development; coined the term “identity crisis”
Erik Erikson
Existential psychology; devised logotherapy
Victor Frankl
Cognitive therapeutic techniques; Beck Depression Inventory
Aaron Beck