Name the Test, NMS 1 Flashcards
Patient Stands, looking forward
Feet together
Patient closes their eyes
Patient hops on one leg with eyes closed and open
Hopping on one foot
Patient Squats on one foot
Eyes closed and open
Squatting on one foot
Patient has arms out to their side, and attempt to bring finger to nose
Eyes open and closed
Finger to nose test
Patient has arms out at their side, Bring fingers together
Eyes open and closed
Finger to finger
Patient attempts to touch DR finger and their nose as fast as they can
Finger to nose to finger
Patient runs their heel down their shin
eyes open and closed
Heel to shin
Patient pats their knees rapidly while supinating and pronating
Test for Dysdiadochockinesia
Patient contract flexors of their arms against resistance. DR lets go and patient attempts to keep arm in place
Holmes Rebound Phenomenon
Patient walks in a straight line, heel to toe.
Eyes open and closed
Tandem gait
Patient has their eyes closed. DR holds a digit, and moves it up and down. Patient says which direction it went
Joint position Test
Pinch the Achilles looking for a deep pain responce
Abadie sign
Pinch the Testicles looking for deep pain
Pitres sign
Pinch/strike the ulnar nerve looking for deep pain
Biernacki sign
Patient eyes closed
Place and object in each had and get patient to identify it
Patient closes eyes. Place and object in each hand. Patient which one is heavier
Patient closes eyes. Touch the patient and have them point to where it is
Patient closes eyes, Doctor determines distance in which the patient can discern two points
2-point descrimination
DR places their arm beside patients arm. Patient points to which arm is theirs
A tuning fork that is 128hz or 256hz can be used for this test
Touch the back of patients tongue or throat
Gag reflex
Touch cornea with a wisp of cotton
Corneal blink test
Stimulate from sternum to umbilicus
Stimulate upper abs down and out, out to in
Upper abdominal reflex
Stimulate skin at the level of the umbilicus from out to in and vertical
Middle abdominal
Simulate the skin of the lower abs from out to in
Lower abdominal
Stroke inner thigh
Stroke skin over gluteus max
Stoke the plantar surface of the foot from heel to metatarsal to the big toe
Stroke the perianal area
Forcibly flick the patients middle finger
Hoffmann sign
Tap the volar surface of the middle finger
Trommner sign
Tap the ball of the foot
Rossolimo sign
Stroke the plantar surface of the foot from heel to big toe
Babinski sign
Stroke the lateral malleolus from heel to tow
Chaddock sign
Stroke the anterior tibial surface from superior to inferior
Oppenheim sign
Squeeze the calf
Gordon sign
Squeeze the achilles looking to see what the toes do
Schaefer sign
Shine light into one eye and watch for constriction of both eyes
Pupillary light reflex
Patient looks at finger, BR brings finger to their face, the pulls it away. Watch for pupils to converge then diverge and dilitate
Accommodation reflex
Pinch the SCM and watch pupils
Ciliospinal reflex
Put pressure on the patients Eyes
Oculocardiac reflex
Put pressure on the carotid sinus
Carotid sinus reflex
Stroke, pinch the dorsum of the glans of the penis
Bulbocavernosus reflex
Patient grasps their head with both hands
Rust sign
DR presses on the patients mastoid and gauges their pain tolerance
Libmans sign
Patient places their hand on their head
Bakody sign
Patient abducts shoulder 90 deg and then the elbow is put into full extension, then the wrist is put into extension
Bikele sign
Patient places hands on the back of their head. Dr pulls back on their elbows
Brachial plexus tension test
Dr asks patient if they have any pain during coughing, sneezing, straining
Dejerines sign
Patient takes a deep breath and bares down
Patient is given water and is asked to swallow
Swallowing test
Dr occludes the external jugular veins for 10 sec and asks patient to cough
Naffzigers test
Patient rotates head from side to side
Barr’e-lie’ou test
Dr auscultates both the carotid and subclavian with bell and diaphragm, then patient rotates, extends and counts down from 20
Vertebrobasilar artery functional maneuver
Patient lies supine, Rotates, and extends head. Count down from 20
Dekleyns test
Dr lifts the patients head to remove weight of the skull
Distraction test
Patient rotates their head from side to side. Dr then applies pressure on the top of the head
Foraminal compression test
Patient lateraly bends their head and Dr applies downward pressure
Jacksons Compression test
Patient actively rotates their head, extends and laterally bends it
Maximal cervical compression test
Patient actively rotates their head, extends and laterally bends it. Dr then applies pressure to the top of the head. After testing both sides the Dr “thumps” patient on the head
Sprulings test
Patient Drops their chin to their chest, then Dr passivly flexes the patients head
Lhermitte’s test
Patients cervical spine is activley moved though active and passive ROM then resisted motion
O’Donoghues maneuver
Patient is supine, Dr flexes patients hip and knee together
Kerning sign
Patient is supine, Dr passivly flexes their head
Dr presses down on Pt shoulder and flexes their head to opposite side
Shoulder depression test
Patient is supine, Dr places one hand on the sternum, and Pt flexes their head
Soto-hall test
Patient flexes eblows, Dr occludes radial and ulnar arteries while patient squeezes hand. Dr brings hand down and releases either the ulnar or radial nerve and watch for blood to return
Allen’s test
Dr feels for radial pulse. Pt rotates towards tested side, extends head and takes a deep breath
Adsons test
Dr feels for radial pulse. Pt rotates head away from tested side, extends neck, and takes a deep breath
Modified adsons test
Dr palpates radial pulse, and pulls down on arm. Pt rotates away from tested side, Extends head and takes a deep breath
Halsteads test
Dr palpates radial pulse flexes pt elbow and externally rotates arm. Patient looks away and extends head and takes a deep breath
Allen’s Maneuver
Pt elevates arms to 90 degrees elbows flexed at 90, shoulder externally rotated. Patient opens and closes their first for 3 min to reproduce their symptoms
Roo’s Test
Hands up test
Hostage test
Dr palpates radial pulse and raises arm 180 degrees and feels for a diminish in pulse compare side to side
Wright’s test
Hyperabduction test
Dr palpates radial pulse, Pt brings shoulders back and down, and flexes head
Costoclavicular test
Eden’s test
Pt reaches to touch their back as far down and up as they can. Dr compares distance side to side
Apley’s test
Scratch test
Dr passively abducts and externally rotates the patients shoulder.
Apprehension test
Dr passively raises Pt arm and then lets go. Pt attempts to keep arm level
Codman’s sign
Drop arm test
Dr deeply palpates Pt shoulder/ Dr passively raises shoulder
Dawbarns sign
Pt places hand on shoulder. Dr presses on elbow against chest
Dugas test
Pt arm is moved fully though flexion in front by Dr.
Impingement sign
Dr provides resistance to flexion of the shoulder by the Pt
Speeds test
Pt brings arm to 90 degrees, thumb pointing down. Dr applies pressure
Supraspinatus press test
Pt resists Dr attempt to extend and pronate Pts arm. Dr is also palpating the front of the shoulder
Yergason’s test
Dr stabilizes the scapula and grasps the humeral head loads the joint (up, down, forward, backward)
Load and Shift
Pt places the dorsum of the hand on their lumbarsacral region and attempts to push backwards with their hand (like pushing off a wall)
Lift off test