Name that Disease Flashcards
• ↑↓→
18 yo pt presents w/ ↑ PTT, normal PT and easy bruising. They are F9 deficient.
Hemophiliac B
Pt is an alcoholic who presents w/ ↑ PTT & PT.
Vitamin K Deficiency
Pt is Shaun White who presents to clinic after falling on the half pipe during the Olympics. He is jaundiced and bleeding w/ ↑ PTT & PT, ↑ D-dimer, ↓ platelets and schistocytes on smear. What is the dx and tx?
DIC, tx w/Heparin
Pt presents with unilateral lower leg swelling and redness. What test do you want to perform and what is the dx?
Venous doppler, DVT
This side effect to a certain anticoagulant can be fatal
Pt presents w/normal PTT & PT, ↑ bleeding time and schistocytes on smear.
Pt presents w/mild mucosal bleeding, ↑ bleeding time & PTT.
von Willebrand Disease
Pt is a 5 year old presenting w/ renal failure, thrombocytopenia & microangiopathic anemia.
Pt is HIV+ 40 yo male presenting w/petechiae, epistaxis & bruising. Labs show ↓ platelets, normal PTT & PT.
Pt presents w/massive splenomegaly and TRAP+.
Hairy cell leukemia
Pt is 65 yo male presenting w/a gum lesion, ↓ platelets, PTT & PT. Smear shows Auer rods & genetic testing shows t15:17 mutation. What is dx & tx?
AML, tx is ATRA
Pt is 15 yo presenting w/a thymic mass and CD7+.
Pt is 22 yo male w/hx of EBV presenting to clinic w/fatigue, weight loss, fever, night sweats. Smear shows Reed-Sternberg cells.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Pt is 40 yo presenting w/exquisite LUQ tenderness, ↓ RBCs, ↑ platelets & WBCs. Genetic testing shows t9:22 positive.
Pt is 12 yo African American male presenting w/bone pain, fatigue & petechiae. Labs show ↓ neutrophils & platelets, TdT+ and genetic testing shows 9:22+. What is the dx and prognosis?
B-ALL, bad prognosis