Nagy's favorites Flashcards
Definition of
After the 20th gestational week
Preeclampsia: BP > 140/90 mmHg
Proteinuria > 300mg/24 hours
Eclampsia: Tonic-clonic seizures
Gestational diabetes
screen at 24-28w
Fasting glucose < 5.3 mM, healthy
Fasting glucose 5.6-7.0mmol/l, Do OGTT
Fasting glucose > 7.0mmol/l on two separate measurements = DM
OGTT- 75g of glucose (fasting)
At 0 min < 7.0 mM
At 0 min 5.6-6.9 mM, Impaired fasting glucose
At 120 mins < 7.8 mM
At 120 min Impaired glucose tolerance 7.8-11.1 mM
If > 11.1 mM, DM.
Prophylactic Indications for C-section
Prophylactic: Maternal - prior C-section or myomectomy, pelvic contractions fibroids or tumor herpes late primiparity >30 yrs
Fetal -
fetal scalp pH 7.21-6.25, threatened asphyxia
placental dysfunction or hypoxia
mother received infertility treatment
Maternal/Fetal - poor history of prior deliveries / poor gestational history dystocia/prolonged labor fetopelvic disproprotion / twins malpresentation
Vital Indications for C-section
Maternal -
Congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema
Severe bleeding or DIC
Fetal - fetal scalp pH < 7.20, asphyxia cord prolapse. persistent transverse lie ascending infection
Maternal/Fetal - Ecclampsia Uterine rupture Placental previa Placental abruption
US in pregnancy
Zero: (6-7w) = Confirm pregnancy (gestational sac, HR)
Location and number of fetuses: Intra-/extrauterine
One: (11-13w) = Establish correct gestational age and check for chromosomal abnormalities.
Nuchal translucency (Down’s)
Neural tube defects, ductus venosus flow - heart
Two: (18-20w) = Congenital malformations and placentation.
GI defects, duodenal atresia, omphalocele, airway malformations
Locate the placental site and check fetal position
Three: (30-31w) = Fetal size, amniotic fluid, and late onset malformations
check growth pattern for IUGR or SGA
Late congenital malformations, agenesis of corpus callosum
Check AFI
Four: (36-38w) = Fetal presentation
Fetal weight, size, and position
To identify high-risk deliveries.
Diagnosing Placenta abruptio / placenta previa
Use hands to palpate the uterus
Abruptio: Painful, hard uterus, if rock hard –> emergency C-section
Previa: Painless, CTG normal
Causes of post-partum haemorrhage
Tissue: Retained placenta
Trauma: Vaginal lacerations
Thrombin: Coagulopathy (DIC)
Tone: Uterine atony (exclude other causes)
Stages of birth
- Onset of labor:
a. Latent (3cm), ~8hours/5hours, regular contractions
increasing in intensity and duration
b. Active (3-10cm) ~5-7/2-4hours
- active contractions are every 3 minutes, last 45s - Delivering fetus: 30min/3hours/5-30min
a. Propulsive phase (full dilation, descend to pelvic floor)
b. Expulsion phase (ends with delivery of baby) - Placenta: 5-30mins,
a. Expulsion of placenta
b. Expulsion of membranes - Recovery: 2-6hours after expulsion of placenta
a. Increased risk of bleeding
b. Repair lacerations
c. give RhoGAM to negative mothers with positive babies
Techniques of C-section incisions
Abdominal wall:
Transverse (Pfannenstiel) or Vertical (Midline)
Lower segment incision (Transverse) or Classical (Vertical)
Pearl index of different contraceptives
No. of pregnancies in 100 females/year with chosen contraceptive.
OCP: 0.1 - 2.5
Post-coital pill: 0.5 - 2.5
IUD: 0.5 - 5
Condom: 3 - 28
Surgical Sterilization: 0.3 - 6
Withdrawal: 4-22
Diaphragm: 6-12
Routine exams
Bimanual exam
Breast exam
Cytology -
- between age 21 - 29 have a Pap test every 3 years. HPV testing should not be used in this age group unless it’s needed after an abnormal Pap test result.
- 30 - 65 have Pap plus HPV co-testing every 5 years.
- Over 65 years with no abnormal test results in the last 20 years should discontinue testing.
Breast exam -
- over age 40 may begin screening mammograms if they wish
- 45 thru 54 years annual mammorgrams
- 55 and older, mammograms every 2 years, or yearly if they wish
Risks and benefits of Long-term OCP use
Benefits: decreases all of the following Ovarian/endometrial cancer Bone loss Dysmenorrhea Acne Risk of trisomies in advanced maternal age Improves cycle regularity
Bad: increases these DVT/stroke Blood pressure Weight gain Depression
Endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity.
Dx: Gold standard = Laparoscopic visualization
Tx: Definitive is Surgery Drugs, 1st NSAIDS, combination OCPs or progestin only OCPs, 'pseudopregnancy' then, GnRH, leuprolide to suppress. GnRH analog side effects: - Pseudomenopause - osteoperosis - decreased HDL and increased cardiovascular disease - vaginal atrophy
Urinary incontinence types (5)
Infection/Cystitis/tumor/urinary stone/foreign body,
frequency, urgency, and dysuria, but NO nocturia.
Hypertonic, hyperactive detrusor muscle, also can be from cystitis, tumor, stones.
Associated with a sudden, strong, urgent desire to void and leak of urine with contractions.
Does have nocturia
Tx: Anticholinergics, botox injections to the detrusor every 6/9 months.
Loss of bladder support, atrophy, birth. Coughing/increased pressure
Overflow incontinence, neurogenic bladder:
Hypotonic detrusor. No feelings of urge to void, with urine dribbling throughout day and night.
Tx: Cholinergics, intermittent self catherterization, indwelling catheter.
Main vaginal infections
Bacterial vaginosis - foul smell smell, no pain or itch. pH > 4.5. white discharge
Trichomonas - foul smell, itchy and inflamed, ph >4.5 green/yellow discharge. strawberry cervix
Mycosis (Candida) - no smell, itchy and inflamed. pH normal. thick white discharge.
Condyloma. HPV 6, 11.
Spontaneous abortion
Hx: Pain + bleeding, before 20th week.
Dx: Cervix, US, hCG