Nacionalidades Flashcards
What is the country and nationality of Spain?
España, español/a
What is the country and nationality of France?
Francia, francés/francesa
What is the country and nationality of Germany?
Alemania, alemán/alemana
What is the country and nationality of Italy?
Italia, italiano/a
What is the country and nationality of Portugal?
Portugal, portugués/portuguesa
What is the country and nationality of the United Kingdom?
Reino Unido, británico/a
What is the country and nationality of the Netherlands?
Países Bajos, neerlandés/neerlandesa
What is the country and nationality of Belgium?
Bélgica, belga
What is the country and nationality of Greece?
Grecia, griego/a
What is the country and nationality of Sweden?
Suecia, sueco/a
What is the country and nationality of Norway?
Noruega, noruego/a
What is the country and nationality of Finland?
Finlandia, finlandés/finlandesa
What is the country and nationality of Denmark?
Dinamarca, danés/danesa
What is the country and nationality of Austria?
Austria, austriaco/a
What is the country and nationality of Switzerland?
Suiza, suizo/a
What is the country and nationality of Ireland?
Irlanda, irlandés/irlandesa
What is the country and nationality of Hungary?
Hungría, húngaro/a
What is the country and nationality of Poland?
Polonia, polaco/a
What is the country and nationality of Czech Republic?
República Checa, checo/a
What is the country and nationality of Slovakia?
Eslovaquia, eslovaco/a
What is the country and nationality of Romania?
Rumanía, rumano/a
What is the country and nationality of Bulgaria?
Bulgaria, búlgaro/a
What is the country and nationality of Croatia?
Croacia, croata
What is the country and nationality of Serbia?
Serbia, serbio/a
What is the country and nationality of Slovenia?
Eslovenia, esloveno/a
What is the country and nationality of Estonia?
Estonia, estonio/a
What is the country and nationality of Latvia?
Letonia, letón/letona
What is the country and nationality of Lithuania?
Lituania, lituano/a
What is the country and nationality of Iceland?
Islandia, islandés/islandesa
What is the country and nationality of Malta?
Malta, maltés/maltesa
What is the country and nationality of Luxembourg?
Luxemburgo, luxemburgués/luxemburguesa
What is the country and nationality of Monaco?
Mónaco, monegasco/a
What is the country and nationality of San Marino?
San Marino, samarinense
What is the country and nationality of Vatican City?
Ciudad del Vaticano, vaticano/a
What is the country and nationality of Andorra?
Andorra, andorrano/a
What is the country and nationality of Liechtenstein?
Liechtenstein, liechtensteiniano/a
What is the country and nationality of Kosovo?
Kosovo, kosovar
What is the country and nationality of Albania?
Albania, albanés/albanesa
What is the country and nationality of North Macedonia?
Macedonia del Norte, macedonio/a
What is the country and nationality of Montenegro?
Montenegro, montenegrino/a
What is the country and nationality of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Bosnia y Herzegovina, bosnio/a
What is the country and nationality of Moldova?
Moldavia, moldavo/a
What is the country and nationality of Ukraine?
Ucrania, ucraniano/a
What is the country and nationality of Belarus?
Bielorrusia, bielorruso/a
What is the country and nationality of Russia?
Rusia, ruso/a
What is the country and nationality of Kazakhstan?
Kazajistán, kazajo/a
What is the country and nationality of Georgia?
Georgia, georgiano/a
What is the country and nationality of Armenia?
Armenia, armenio/a
What is the country and nationality of Azerbaijan?
Azerbaiyán, azerbaiyano/a
What is the country and nationality of Turkey?
Turquía, turco/a
What is the country and nationality of Cyprus?
Chipre, chipriota
What is the country and nationality of Israel?
Israel, israelí
What is the country and nationality of Lebanon?
Líbano, libanés/libanesa
What is the country and nationality of Syria?
Siria, sirio/a
What is the country and nationality of Jordan?
Jordania, jordano/a
What is the country and nationality of Saudi Arabia?
Arabia Saudita, saudí
What is the country and nationality of Iraq?
Irak, iraquí
What is the country and nationality of Iran?
Irán, iraní
What is the country and nationality of Afghanistan?
Afganistán, afgano/a
What is the country and nationality of Pakistan?
Pakistán, paquistaní
What is the country and nationality of India?
India, indio/a
What is the country and nationality of Nepal?
Nepal, nepalí
What is the country and nationality of Bangladesh?
Bangladés, bangladesí
What is the country and nationality of Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka, cingalés/cingalesa
What is the country and nationality of Myanmar?
Birmania, birmano/a
What is the country and nationality of Thailand?
Tailandia, tailandés/tailandesa
What is the country and nationality of Vietnam?
Vietnam, vietnamita
What is the country and nationality of Malaysia?
Malasia, malayo/a
What is the country and nationality of Singapore?
Singapur, singapurense
What is the country and nationality of Indonesia?
Indonesia, indonesio/a
What is the country and nationality of Philippines?
Filipinas, filipino/a
What is the country and nationality of China?
China, chino/a
What is the country and nationality of Japan?
Japón, japonés/japonesa
What is the country and nationality of South Korea?
Corea del Sur, surcoreano/a
What is the country and nationality of North Korea?
Corea del Norte, norcoreano/a
What is the country and nationality of Mongolia?
Mongolia, mongol
What is the country and nationality of Uzbekistan?
Uzbekistán, uzbeko/a
What is the country and nationality of Turkmenistan?
Turkmenistán, turcomano/a
What is the country and nationality of Kyrgyzstan?
Kirguistán, kirguís
What is the country and nationality of Tajikistan?
Tayikistán, tayiko/a
What is the country and nationality of Yemen?
Yemen, yemení
What is the country and nationality of Oman?
Omán, omaní
What is the country and nationality of United Arab Emirates?
Emiratos Árabes Unidos, emiratí
What is the country and nationality of Qatar?
Catar, catarí
What is the country and nationality of Bahrain?
Baréin, bareiní
What is the country and nationality of Kuwait?
Kuwait, kuwaití
What is the country and nationality of Maldives?
Maldivas, maldivo/a
What is the country and nationality of Bhutan?
Bután, butanés/butanesa
What is the country and nationality of Taiwan?
Taiwán, taiwanés/taiwanesa
What is the country and nationality of the Philippines?
Filipinas, filipino/a
What is the country and nationality of Australia?
Australia, australiano/a
What is the country and nationality of New Zealand?
Nueva Zelanda, neozelandés/neozelandesa
What is the country and nationality of Papua New Guinea?
Papúa Nueva Guinea, papuano/a
What is the country and nationality of Solomon Islands?
Islas Salomón, salomonense
What is the country and nationality of Vanuatu?
Vanuatu, vanuatuense
What is the country and nationality of Fiji?
Fiyi, fijiano/a
What is the country and nationality of Samoa?
Samoa, samoano/a
What is the country and nationality of Tonga?
Tonga, tongano/a
What is the country and nationality of Micronesia?
Micronesia, micronesio/a
What is the country and nationality of Palau?
Palaos, palauense
What is the country and nationality of Marshall Islands?
Islas Marshall, marshallense
What is the country and nationality of Nauru?
Nauru, naurano/a
What is the country and nationality of Tuvalu?
Tuvalu, tuvaluano/a
What is the country and nationality of Kiribati?
Kiribati, kiribatiano/a
What is the country and nationality of the United States?
Estados Unidos, estadounidense
What is the country and nationality of Canada?
Canadá, canadiense
What is the country and nationality of Mexico?
México, mexicano/a
What is the country and nationality of Guatemala?
Guatemala, guatemalteco/a
What is the country and nationality of Honduras?
Honduras, hondureño/a
What is the country and nationality of El Salvador?
El Salvador, salvadoreño/a
What is the country and nationality of Nicaragua?
Nicaragua, nicaragüense
What is the country and nationality of Costa Rica?
Costa Rica, costarricense
What is the country and nationality of Panama?
Panamá, panameño/a
What is the country and nationality of Cuba?
Cuba, cubano/a
What is the country and nationality of Dominican Republic?
República Dominicana, dominicano/a
What is the country and nationality of Puerto Rico?
Puerto Rico, puertorriqueño/a
What is the country and nationality of Jamaica?
Jamaica, jamaiquino/a
What is the country and nationality of Barbados?
Barbados, barbado/a
What is the country and nationality of Trinidad and Tobago?
Trinidad y Tobago, trinitense
What is the country and nationality of Bahamas?
Bahamas, bahameño/a
What is the country and nationality of Haiti?
Haití, haitiano/a
What is the country and nationality of Saint Lucia?
Santa Lucía, lucense
What is the country and nationality of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?
San Vicente y las Granadinas, sanvicentino/a
What is the country and nationality of Grenada?
Granada, granadino/a
What is the country and nationality of Antigua and Barbuda?
Antigua y Barbuda, antigueño/a
What is the country and nationality of Dominica?
Dominica, dominicano/a
What is the country and nationality of Saint Kitts and Nevis?
San Cristóbal y Nieves, cristobalense
What is the country and nationality of Aruba?
Aruba, arubeño/a
What is the country and nationality of Curacao?
Curazao, curazoleño/a
What is the country and nationality of Sint Maarten?
Sint Maarten, sintmaartenense