Animales de zoológico Flashcards
What is the Spanish word for ‘lion’?
el león
What is the Spanish word for ‘tiger’?
el tigre
What is the Spanish word for ‘elephant’?
el elefante
What is the Spanish word for ‘giraffe’?
la jirafa
What is the Spanish word for ‘zebra’?
la cebra
What is the Spanish word for ‘bear’?
el oso
What is the Spanish word for ‘kangaroo’?
el canguro
What is the Spanish word for ‘monkey’?
el mono
What is the Spanish word for ‘panda’?
el panda
What is the Spanish word for ‘hippopotamus’?
el hipopótamo
What is the Spanish word for ‘rhinoceros’?
el rinoceronte
What is the Spanish word for ‘flamingo’?
el flamenco
What is the Spanish word for ‘crocodile’?
el cocodrilo
What is the Spanish word for ‘snake’?
la serpiente
What is the Spanish word for ‘parrot’?
el loro
What is the Spanish word for ‘seal’?
la foca
What is the Spanish word for ‘otter’?
la nutria
What is the Spanish word for ‘ostrich’?
el avestruz
What is the Spanish word for ‘bison’?
el bisonte
What is the Spanish word for ‘wolf’?
el lobo
What is the Spanish word for ‘deer’?
el ciervo
What is the Spanish word for ‘tortoise’?
la tortuga
What is the Spanish word for ‘peacock’?
el pavo real
What is the Spanish word for ‘antelope’?
la antílope
What is the Spanish word for ‘lemur’?
el lémur
What is the Spanish word for ‘hyena’?
la hiena
What is the Spanish word for ‘tapir’?
el tapiro
What is the Spanish word for ‘porcupine’?
el puercoespín
What is the Spanish word for ‘armadillo’?
el armadillo
What is the Spanish word for ‘jaguar’?
el jaguar
What is the Spanish word for ‘sloth’?
el perezoso
What is the Spanish word for ‘koala’?
el koala
What is the Spanish word for ‘chinchilla’?
la chinchilla
What is the Spanish word for ‘squirrel’?
la ardilla
What is the Spanish word for ‘meerkat’?
el suricata
What is the Spanish word for ‘capybara’?
el capibara
What is the Spanish word for ‘puma’?
el puma
What is the Spanish word for ‘bald eagle’?
el águila calva
What is the Spanish word for ‘vulture’?
el buitre
What is the Spanish word for ‘warthog’?
el jabalí
What is the Spanish word for ‘tapir’?
el tapir
What is the Spanish word for ‘quokka’?
el quokka
What is the Spanish word for ‘narwhal’?
el narval
What is the Spanish word for ‘sea lion’?
el león marino