Animales de granja Flashcards
What is the Spanish word for ‘cow’?
What do you call a male sheep?
What is the Spanish word for ‘chicken’?
True or False: A horse is called ‘caballo’ in Spanish.
What is the Spanish term for ‘pig’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘goat’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish word for ‘duck’?
True or False: ‘Oveja’ means ‘sheep’ in Spanish.
What is the Spanish term for ‘turkey’?
What do you call a female horse in Spanish?
What is the Spanish word for ‘donkey’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘rooster’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish term for ‘rabbit’?
True or False: ‘Gallina’ means ‘hen’ in Spanish.
What do you call a baby sheep in Spanish?
What is the Spanish word for ‘goose’?
What is the Spanish term for ‘calf’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘lamb’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish word for ‘sheepdog’?
perro pastor
True or False: ‘Búfalo’ means ‘buffalo’ in Spanish.
What do you call a female pig in Spanish?
What is the Spanish term for ‘stallion’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘poultry’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘foal’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish term for ‘henhouse’?
True or False: ‘Cabra’ means ‘sheep’ in Spanish.
What do you call a young goat in Spanish?
What is the Spanish word for ‘farm’?
What is the Spanish term for ‘livestock’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘sow’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish word for ‘hay’?
True or False: ‘Trigo’ means ‘corn’ in Spanish.
What do you call a male goat in Spanish?
macho cabrío
What is the Spanish term for ‘pasture’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘manure’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘barn’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish term for ‘fence’?
True or False: ‘Cosecha’ means ‘harvest’ in Spanish.
What do you call a female turkey in Spanish?
What is the Spanish word for ‘shepherd’?
What is the Spanish term for ‘cattle’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘chick’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the Spanish word for ‘milk’?
True or False: ‘Cerdos’ means ‘pigs’ in Spanish.
What do you call a farm worker in Spanish?
What is the Spanish term for ‘egg’?
What is the Spanish word for ‘wool’?
Fill in the blank: A ‘plough’ in Spanish is called a _____
What is the indefinite article for ‘cow’ in Spanish?
una vaca
What is the indefinite article for ‘sheep’ in Spanish?
una oveja
What is the indefinite article for ‘pig’ in Spanish?
un cerdo
What is the indefinite article for ‘horse’ in Spanish?
un caballo
What is the indefinite article for ‘chicken’ in Spanish?
una gallina
What is the indefinite article for ‘duck’ in Spanish?
un pato
What is the indefinite article for ‘goat’ in Spanish?
una cabra
What is the indefinite article for ‘turkey’ in Spanish?
un pavo
What is the indefinite article for ‘rooster’ in Spanish?
un gallo
What is the indefinite article for ‘donkey’ in Spanish?
un burro
What is the indefinite article for ‘rabbit’ in Spanish?
un conejo
What is the indefinite article for ‘goose’ in Spanish?
una ganso
What is the indefinite article for ‘cat’ in Spanish?
un gato
What is the indefinite article for ‘dog’ in Spanish?
un perro
What is the indefinite article for ‘farm’ in Spanish?
una granja
What is the indefinite article for ‘barn’ in Spanish?
un granero
What is the indefinite article for ‘field’ in Spanish?
un campo
What is the indefinite article for ‘fence’ in Spanish?
una cerca
What is the indefinite article for ‘hay’ in Spanish?
una paja
What is the indefinite article for ‘feed’ in Spanish?
un alimento
What is the indefinite article for ‘tractor’ in Spanish?
un tractor
What is the indefinite article for ‘plow’ in Spanish?
un arado
What is the indefinite article for ‘crop’ in Spanish?
una cosecha
What is the indefinite article for ‘egg’ in Spanish?
un huevo
What is the indefinite article for ‘milk’ in Spanish?
una leche
What is the indefinite article for ‘cheese’ in Spanish?
un queso
What is the indefinite article for ‘butter’ in Spanish?
una mantequilla
What is the indefinite article for ‘wool’ in Spanish?
una lana
What is the indefinite article for ‘feather’ in Spanish?
una pluma
What is the indefinite article for ‘manure’ in Spanish?
un estiércol
What is the indefinite article for ‘stable’ in Spanish?
un establo
What is the indefinite article for ‘pasture’ in Spanish?
un pasto
What is the indefinite article for ‘vet’ in Spanish?
un veterinario
What is the indefinite article for ‘chick’ in Spanish?
un pollito
What is the indefinite article for ‘lamb’ in Spanish?
un cordero
What is the indefinite article for ‘calf’ in Spanish?
un ternero
What is the indefinite article for ‘kitten’ in Spanish?
un gatito
What is the indefinite article for ‘puppy’ in Spanish?
un perrito
What is the indefinite article for ‘sow’ in Spanish?
una cerda
What is the indefinite article for ‘billy goat’ in Spanish?
un macho cabrío
What is the indefinite article for ‘hen’ in Spanish?
una gallina
What is the indefinite article for ‘mule’ in Spanish?
una mula
What is the indefinite article for ‘ox’ in Spanish?
un buey
What is the indefinite article for ‘poultry’ in Spanish?
una aves de corral
What is the indefinite article for ‘butterfly’ in Spanish?
una mariposa
What is the indefinite article for ‘rabbit hutch’ in Spanish?
una conejera
What is the indefinite article for ‘fence post’ in Spanish?
un poste de cerca
What is the indefinite article for ‘grain’ in Spanish?
un grano
What is the indefinite article for ‘silo’ in Spanish?
un silo
What is the indefinite article for ‘tractor tire’ in Spanish?
una llanta de tractor
What is the indefinite article for ‘farming tool’ in Spanish?
una herramienta de granja
What is the indefinite article for ‘field mouse’ in Spanish?
un ratón de campo
What is the indefinite article for ‘fence gate’ in Spanish?
una puerta de cerca
What is the indefinite article for ‘barn cat’ in Spanish?
un gato de granero
What is the indefinite article for ‘farmhouse’ in Spanish?
una casa de campo
What is the indefinite article for ‘poultry house’ in Spanish?
una casa de aves
What is the indefinite article for ‘feed trough’ in Spanish?
una comedero
What is the indefinite article for ‘water trough’ in Spanish?
una abrevadero
What is the indefinite article for ‘shearing’ in Spanish?
una esquila
What is the indefinite article for ‘milk cow’ in Spanish?
una vaca lechera
What is the indefinite article for ‘draft horse’ in Spanish?
un caballo de tiro
What is the indefinite article for ‘egg-laying hen’ in Spanish?
una gallina ponedora
What is the indefinite article for ‘poultry farmer’ in Spanish?
un avicultor