Animales del campo Flashcards
What is the Spanish word for ‘the fox’?
la zorra
What is the Spanish word for ‘the deer’?
el ciervo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the rabbit’?
el conejo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the badger’?
el tejón
What is the Spanish word for ‘the hare’?
la liebre
What is the Spanish word for ‘the wild boar’?
el jabalí
What is the Spanish word for ‘the squirrel’?
la ardilla
What is the Spanish word for ‘the otter’?
la nutria
What is the Spanish word for ‘the eagle’?
el águila
What is the Spanish word for ‘the crow’?
el cuervo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the owl’?
la lechuza
What is the Spanish word for ‘the wolf’?
el lobo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the bear’?
el oso
What is the Spanish word for ‘the lynx’?
el lince
What is the Spanish word for ‘the coyote’?
el coyote
What is the Spanish word for ‘the weasel’?
la comadreja
What is the Spanish word for ‘the falcon’?
el halcón
What is the Spanish word for ‘the vulture’?
el buitre
What is the Spanish word for ‘the heron’?
la garza
What is the Spanish word for ‘the snake’?
la serpiente
What is the Spanish word for ‘the toad’?
el sapo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the lizard’?
la lagartija
What is the Spanish word for ‘the hedgehog’?
el erizo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the antelope’?
la antílope
What is the Spanish word for ‘the moose’?
el alce
What is the Spanish word for ‘the porcupine’?
el puercoespín
What is the Spanish word for ‘the bison’?
el bisonte
What is the Spanish word for ‘the raccoon’?
el mapache
What is the Spanish word for ‘the skunk’?
el zorrillo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the ferret’?
el hurón
What is the Spanish word for ‘the chipmunk’?
la ardilla listada
What is the Spanish word for ‘the gazelle’?
la gacela
What is the Spanish word for ‘the peacock’?
el pavo real
What is the Spanish word for ‘the flamingo’?
el flamenco
What is the Spanish word for ‘the swan’?
el cisne
What is the Spanish word for ‘the stallion’?
el semental
What is the Spanish word for ‘the mule’?
la mula
What is the Spanish word for ‘the goat’?
la cabra
What is the Spanish word for ‘the sheep’?
la oveja
What is the Spanish word for ‘the donkey’?
el burro
What is the Spanish word for ‘the cow’?
la vaca
What is the Spanish word for ‘the bull’?
el toro
What is the Spanish word for ‘the chicken’?
el pollo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the turkey’?
el pavo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the duck’?
el pato
What is the Spanish word for ‘the goose’?
la oca
What is the Spanish word for ‘the quail’?
la codorniz
What is the Spanish word for ‘the partridge’?
la perdiz
What is the Spanish word for ‘the finch’?
el pinzón
What is the Spanish word for ‘the sparrow’?
el gorrión
What is the Spanish word for ‘the magpie’?
la urraca
What is the Spanish word for ‘the parrot’?
el loro
What is the Spanish word for ‘the canary’?
el canario
What is the Spanish word for ‘the goldfinch’?
el jilguero
What is the Spanish word for ‘the thrush’?
la zorzal
What is the Spanish word for ‘the woodpecker’?
el pájaro carpintero
What is the Spanish word for ‘the nightingale’?
el ruiseñor
What is the Spanish word for ‘the titmouse’?
el carbonero
What is the Spanish word for ‘the wren’?
el reyezuelo
What is the Spanish word for ‘the starling’?
el estornino